I dropped down from the sky, releasing my [Shadow Wall] and turning myself visible.
Just to make it more dramatic, I've also used one of my new spells in Lumenmancy, [Spotlight], that creates an orb of light in the air.
Battle music that showed off the strength of a thousand men was already playing in the background thanks to my [Heed Thy Call] boon, making me feel much more epic at the moment.
Naturally, I landed in the classic three point landing pose with my wings flared out for dramatic effect.
All eyes were on me as I straightened myself to my full height, cutting a pretty dramatic pose as my [Spotlight] intensified its light rays on me before slowing fading away.
I lifted my chin at the wyvern, "Hey, why don't you take someone your own size?"
The wyvern let out a roar before leaping at me, a move that I was already used to seeing after I fought its counterpart in the dungeons multiple times.
Journal Entry:
Hope Mother doesn't mind me bringing back some new friends for a sleepover while she's away... I can't help it... Her abs look so nice... I wonder if she'll let me touch them?
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