Darkness all around me.
I wondered if I was supposed to feel anything?
In the character creation, I had decided to choose reincarnation instead of a transmigration as my entry method since it would be easier to integrate myself into the world.
I get to be born to a family and then either use their connections to learn more about the world before venturing out on my own or just live with them and take over whatever they're doing to earn my place in life. I even made sure to take the extra option of allowing me to be put in a good family too.
In addition, I also took the route where my skills will come to me over time, just so that I can get used to them as I receive them instead of getting overwhelmed from the very start. I'm the kind of person who likes to lay out the foundations properly first before building my tower, after all.
With that said… How long am I supposed to stay in this darkness? Is something supposed to happen or what?
Hmm… Maybe…
I tried to reach out my hand and surprisingly felt some resistance.
Oh? There's something like a barrier of some sort. Is this like a shield that is keeping my consciousness in or something? Maybe if I push it hard enough I will awaken?
With that determination, I started to push against that barrier with all my might, sometimes even rearing my fist back to punch it.
My efforts were not for naught as soon enough, cracks of light appeared in the darkness and I redoubled my efforts.
Slowly, the cracks started spreading as I pushed even harder until finally, a part of the darkness broke off. I concentrated my efforts on that part and managed to create a big enough hole for me to jump out of the darkness and straight into something soft.
"Ara, ara? Aren't you an energetic little one? Ufufufu~"
The voice prompted me to look up.
There, hugging me in her embrace was a beautiful woman with hair as dark as night, partially covering a side of her face which made only one of her amber eyes visible. Two red horns jutted out from the sides of her head and a pair of black leather wings was furled protectively around us.
She was also wearing a form hugging black dress that showed the top of her shoulders and cleavage, accentuating her charm as a woman. It was the kind of dress you would expect to see a woman wear in a high class function.
Right now, said woman was busy wrapping a towel around me.
"Mama…" The words came unbidden from my lips.
She gasped and I was immediately pulled deeper into the hug, her bosoms big enough to have my head completely sink into the valley between.
"Ahhhhh!! My little darling!! Yes! Yes! I'm your mama! Call me your mama!!"
Uwaaa… This… This is my mother?
I never really had a maternal figure in my previous life but… Is this considered normal?
I turned my head to look behind me, spotting the remnants of a large obsidian egg that had been my 'prison'.
The woman who is supposedly my mother realised what I was looking at and giggled, "Oh deary me, what a bad mother I am. My cute little one is hungry aren't you?"
She sat me down on her lap before picking up pieces of the eggshells, breaking it into smaller chunks before pushing it to my lips.
"There, there~ Eat up now my little darling~"
Err… I know I picked this race that was similar to dragonkins but is this normal for them? I also realised I seem to be pretty big for a baby? Like… I think I could be considered at least a year old in human standards considering my hands looked to be rather formed already.
Oh whatever, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
I opened my little mouth and let her feed me the eggshell.
I was fully expecting it to crackle and taste like a chicken's eggshell but… Oh? This… This texture? It's soft! And… And sweet?! It's like eating a macaron! More!! Me want!
My cries came out something like "Ababa" but she understood, picking up even more of the macaron tasting eggshells to feed me.
Too soon, I had ate up everything and a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over me.
Ugh… Does eating that make me sleepy too?
"Fufufu~ Is my little darling sleepy now? Sleep, mama will protect you my little dearest~"
I wanted to protest, but my eyelids grew heavier and heavier before I finally succumbed to the sweet embrace of sleep.
I woke up slowly, finding myself somewhere warm.
My stirring caught the attention of the woman hugging me to her chest.
"Oh my, oh my, is my little darling awake already? Ufufufu~ How are you feeling?"
"I'm ok… Eh?"
I didn't actually expect words to come out from my mouth and I immediately looked down at myself.
It seems like while I was asleep, my body had grown from a one year old to the equivalent of a two or three year old. Is this… Normal?
I suppose from the fact that the woman hugging me isn't freaking out about it should be a sign that it was.
"Ufufufu~ You're already growing up so fast my little cutie~ Mama is proud of you!"
I'm barely even a day old you know? Is this even something to be proud of?
Oh whatever, this is the start of my new life after all and I plan to make the most out of it! Nothing's going to stop me!
Not noticing my internal monologue, the woman planted a kiss on my forehead before pulling back with a smile.
"My dear little one… You shall be Aster, the conqueror of the stars. My most dearest, cutest child."
Aster? I guess I can shorten it to Ast or something. But what's with that conqueror of the stars thing? Is that a pseudonym? A title? Or an expectation from her? I already said this but I'm not going to do anything grandiose you know?
Once again, I was pulled into her bosoms as she hugged me tight, lifting me up in her arms so that she could stand up from her seat that was a rock.
It was then I finally got a good look at where I was.
I wasn't in a room like I had initially thought but in a cavern of some sorts.
The only opening I could see was the large hole in the ceiling, big enough to offer a clear view of the night sky above us where two moons could be seen hanging amongst the stars.
That drove home the fact that I was no longer in my original world.
While I was distracted by the sight of the moons, there was a rush of wind and I realised the woman carrying me had spread her wings wide open.
The black wings looked as though they were absorbing all the light around them with how dark they were, giving it an ethereal look.
She raised them up and I felt her arms tense around me before we were suddenly catapulted into the sky with a single flap of her wings.
I couldn't help but let out a startled gasp.
We were flying… Up in the night sky… The mountains below us, the stars and moons above us, the air rushing around us and… And the woman just dropped me…
This crazy woman actually opened up her hands in midair and dropped me!!
Did I do something wrong? Did she not like the way I looked? Is this some coming of age ceremony for my race? I'm not even a day old you know?!!!
My skydiving instincts immediately kicked in, prompting me to open up my arms and legs to adopt an arch form.
Questions were going through my mind at a thousand words per second as I tried to find a rational reason for my predicament while also trying to come up with a way to survive at the same time.
Did I have wings? No! I can't feel any wing-like things on my back at all! I'm still too young for my race to gain wings right?! That means she's not throwing me like this to fly, so why?!
Is she really trying to kill me?! But she named me! Does she have some sick fetish of killing the children she names?! What can I--
Right then, the wind stopped for just a slight moment before picking up speed again, this time going in the opposite direction as she had swooped to catch me under her before flying up again.
I didn't even have time to feel relieved that this might have just been some kind of prank when she unceremoniously let go again.
This time, I screamed as I floundered helplessly in the air, watching the ground come closer and closer towards me while the wind rushed past my ears.
Again, before I dropped too far, she had swooped down to catch me before flying up to the sky.
I bit back a curse, what kind of mother would-- She dropped me again!!!
Is she tormenting me?! Why is she doing this?! Is this some kind of joke?!
For the third time, I was picked up again in her arms, she flew for a little longer, making me think that the end.
Of course, the moment those thoughts manifested in my head, her fingers loosened and I found myself falling again.
It was already my fourth time falling so the panic wasn't really as great, the annoyance at being dropped being more prominent than fear.
I began counting the seconds right as I got scooped up into the air again.
The fifth drop and the sixth drop confirmed that she was doing this deliberately and also only letting me fall for exactly three seconds before swooping in to catch me.
She does not allow me to ask any questions though, since the moment I try, I would be dropped.
This continued for quite a while and I began to actually start enjoying it.
There was this thrill in it, now that I knew that she did not intend to kill me with this. I couldn't help but even let out a laugh the next time she dropped me, enjoying the rush of the wind and the scenery of everything below me.
It kind of felt like a rollercoaster ride to be honest and yes, I do quite enjoy them.
I must have let that joy show on my face because the next time I was caught, I heard her giggling above me, "Ufufu~ It feels good to be a ruler of the sky, yes?"
Ah… So this really is some kind of initiation for a newborn dragonkin?
You guys really put a less than one day old newborn through this kind of torture that could mentally scar one for life?
Ugh… But… But… I guess I'll admit… This is… Kind of fun…
I continued to enjoy the feeling of flying through the sky as she brought me to who knows where.
If anything happens, I can say that I was dropped as a baby.
"Welcome to our home, my cute little dearest~"
I looked around in wonder, still snuggled up in the woman's arms.
In the character creation with the god Drebann, I picked the race of the Meslatars, otherwise known as dragonkins for my new life.
What can I say? Dragons are cool, ok?
Anyway, when I picked this race, I wasn't really sure what to expect since there wasn't really much information about how they lived aside from the fact that some "Mahuns", which is their equivalent of humans in this world, decided it would be a great idea to fuck a dragon.
Thus, the race of Meslatars was born as a hybrid between dragons and Mahuns.
But… Did we live in caves? The fact that I was hatched in one gave me the idea that we did. That's why I thought that cavern would have been our home.
Instead, this woman had flown me over some mountains until we reached the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea, revealing a rather homely cottage built near the edge of it just outside a forest.
It even has what looks like a vegetable garden and a chicken pen at the side.
She landed in front of the house, holding me tightly in her arms.
I suppose if we really were living in a cave, she wouldn't be wearing such a dress that looked like it belonged more in a royal ball than anything else.
Then again, it doesn't fit living in a cottage either so I'm not sure what to think now… She's even wearing a pair of high heels you know? Not something you'd expect a woman to be wearing with such living conditions.
With me still cuddled in her arms, she pushed open the door to the cottage, surprising me with how it looked inside.
It was… Err… Normal?
Like precisely what you might expect of a cottage house I guess?
The entrance led to a small parlour that opened up to the living room that doubled as a study on one side with its bookshelves and table, the room also sharing a space with the dining room which was simply a rectangular table with four chairs.
Separated by an open doorway on the left was the kitchen with various different ingredients stored in jars and containers within the shelves nailed to the walls.
A staircase was pushed up against the far wall at the right side of the living room, hidden by a small alcove which led to the second floor where I assume the bedrooms would be.
The thing that stood out was the fact that the furniture were all of exceptional quality, something you might expect to be made by a master craftsman with how detailed they were decorated. Also… almost all of them were decorated in some way with gold.
I'm assuming that's a dragon thing.
That was when I realised there was something missing.
"Papa?" I asked, the word feeling especially weird even when I uttered it.
The woman simply smiled at me and booped me on the nose, "No papa, just mama my cute little one~"
Single parent life huh? Again, I don't know if this is a Meslatar thing or just my family in particular.
With me still in her arms, the woman carried me up the stairs to the only room above. Just as I had thought, it was the bedroom with what I guess to be an attached bathroom at the side.
Oh damn, there's a giant four poster canopy bed here that has gold trimmings too… All of the furniture in this house looks really expensive…
She unwrapped me from the towel and tucked me into the bed, stepping away to strip herself out of her dress to kick it into the laundry basket at the corner of the room.
Without an ounce of shame, she turned to me in her naked glory, picking me up in her arms before tucking me into bed with her.
"Good night my cute little one~" She whispered, hugging me close to her… Very generous chest before her eyes closed shut.
She sleeps nude… Ok then…
Hmm… Although… I'm not exactly sleepy at the moment… Maybe I can use this time to actually think about what my plans are for this new life? Sounds like a plan.
Main objective!
I'm literally living the isekai life! Use this opportunity to gather real fantasy research materials and write the best story ever!
Second main objective!
Eat all the sweets!!!
Yes! Sweets! Cakes! Candies! Ice cream! All the sweets and desserts in the entire world! I want to eat them all!!
I need to build a life for myself where I can eat them whenever and however I want! Discover all the sweet delicacies of this new world and have the time of my life enjoying them!!
And just because I couldn't do it in the previous world… I'm gonna have someone make the biggest cake in the entire world and let me dive right into it!!!
Yep. Solid plan. Perfect, no regrets. Best second life here.
Heh heh heh heh…
Ok, on to more immediate matters. First thing I have to do is be able to explore this world on my own, that means I need power.
I've read and written enough stories to know the dangers of such worlds so I need to be able to defend myself.
I'll get the boons and banes I've bought with my points at random amounts every year, so I'll have to make sure I make the best out of training and learning about each one I get for each of my birthdays.
In that case, since I also have the fortune of not starting out in the body of a hapless baby who can't do anything themselves, I can use this first year to learn all that I can about this world before I get my first skills.
Thus, my first year shall be dedicated to training my mind, hopefully this is something my mother… Hmm… It feels weird to have someone I can call 'mother' now… But I suppose I'll make do.
I hope she would be open about me wanting to learn. It would be quite troublesome if she says something like me being too young and unable to learn.
I inadvertently looked down.
I hope I don't need to be breastfed… That would be so awkward for me…
Putting that aside… Even if she wasn't willing to teach me… I believe I should be able to learn some things on my own. The books in the study should at least help me learn some stuff, though I certainly hope the language wouldn't be a problem.
So far, I've been able to understand what she was saying and she understood me too. But I don't know if this was some kind of magic at play or we are actually speaking my own native language.
Guess I'll find out in the morning.
So with the first year planned, my next step would have to depend on what boon or bane would be manifested on my first birthday.
That is what happens when choosing the option of "Skill Reincarnation" in the character creation. At least the lewd ones will only come in after I turn eighteen so I don't need to worry about those making my baby years weird.
That is already putting aside the fact that I seem to have already skipped the infant stage anyway…
I have quite a number of boons I've bought that would be quite useful to me so I hope I gain those early, even better if it's one of the magic or skills I had bought so I can train with them even earlier.
I sure hope my luck isn't terrible to the point that I would only gain banes on my first birthday…
Speaking of birthdays… Guess I popped out from an egg huh? Does that mean my children would also come from eggs too? How would cross breeding work?
Err… Hold on, why am I thinking about such things now? I'm not even a day old in this body yet! Nasty thoughts begone!
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my face is currently being squished between two weapons of mass destruction right now.
I know this is a fantasy world and all but is this the normal size?! I think these are at least K cups in size! Then again, she is part dragon so… Err… Does that actually help with back problems? I sure hope it does.
Speaking of which, who is this woman anyway? Aside from obviously being my birth mother of course.
The furniture in the house was by no means cheap, even if the exterior looked like a modest one. No, that was incorrect. Modesty did not seem like it was the main concern for its construction, it looked like practicality played a bigger part in its creation.
This place was effectively self-sufficient and also located in a rather defensible location. The only way to come and go from this place easily was if you could fly or somehow traverse through that thick forest without problems.
And yet, despite the fact that it looked like this place was focused on practicality, the interior was focused on luxury, a direct contradiction to the former.
Coupled with the fact that we encountered no other signs of civilization during our flight here with nothing but the mountain, the sea and forests all around… I have a feeling the nearest town or city is an ocean away.
And then there's the absence of a father too…
Which brings to the question of…
Is my… Mother… A wanted criminal?
Oh well, not like I can do anything about it. Guess I'll just sleep for now.
I sure hope I didn't get swindled by that god! I paid for the option of having a good family!
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