The rest of Chris's day felt like a slow descent into a pit of unease. He tried to read, to distract himself, but the words swam before his eyes. He tried to nap, but his dreams were filled with Sky's disappointed face. It was as if his whole being was a tuning fork, vibrating with the low hum of impending doom.
He was beginning to hate himself for being this pathetic. He had reminded himself several times that he was Christopher Owen. But the more he seemed to remind himself, the more those words felt like a mockery. He felt like a mockery.
Then, the phone rang, jarring him from his restless doze. It was Rachel, her voice laced with concern.
"Chris, you okay?"
He assumed she already knew the plans got cancelled. How though? He sighed, "Peachy."
"I was..." She paused and sighed before she continued in a quiet voice. "I spoke with Noel. Found out they are at Sato's place for a get-together with family and friends."
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