He hadn't exactly cared much about Sky's sexuality since he had been too busy losing himself in his lust for his roommate.
Chris used to think his gaydar was very accurate, but he had failed before, and even right now, he couldn't guess if Sky was into boys or girls since Sky hadn't dropped any hints except how much he flirted with him.
How he always came closer, the way the tone of his voice dropped sometimes, and his intense stares. Not to mention what happened inside the storage room earlier. But then again, he remembered that during that game at the pub the other night, his friends had said Sky would flirt with anything, even animals.
So he could not exactly tell, and that frustrated him. He didn't like how mysterious Sky was. It made him very curious, and he didn't want to be curious about him. Unless it was physical.
"What are you deeply thinking about?" Rachel asked him after he didn't answer her question.
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