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Ch 26: Unexpected Reunion!

After Hajime rented a room. Chloe came downstairs a little embarrassed. Hajime bankrupted her where Rimuru and Sakura had gone as requested by Rimuru.

Hajime was about to order something to eat when Rimuru returned.

"Hajime-kun, wait! Don't order anything!"


"I found a restaurant that serves Japanese-like food!"


Hajime had never eaten anything like the food of Japan since he came to this world. So upon hearing Rimuru's words he was left with much anticipation.

"Here look, you can go ahead. I want to get an ice cream first."

Rimuru showed in the map he had of the city.

It wasn't actually ice cream he was going to get. It was a candy called 'bellel' that was very similar.

Hajime went ahead excitedly, Yue and Shia followed him. Chloe approached Rimuru and spoke.


Chloe called out to him in embarrassment.

"You may speak."

He gave a gentle smile to reassure her.

"Thank you."

She hugged Rimuru's arm with a happy expression.

"Thank you."

He stroked her head and spoke in her ear "cute." She turned red and gave an embarrassed laugh.

"Ehehe, Rimuru-san is very cute too."


He scratched the back of his neck embarrassed.

"In that I agree."

Sakura spoke and gave Rimuru a kiss. When their lips parted he spoke

"Sakura-chan is a beauty too."

Sakura turned at his words and Rimuru spoke...

"Thank you for the compliments. Then shall we have ice cream?"

"I've never tasted it, but it must be good."

"Let's go."

The 3 of them left the inn.


Hajime was very excited about the Japanese food. He asked a few people on the way about what the food was like and they all replied that it was Differentiated and delicious. This cheered him up even more.

Shia and Yue also wanted to try the food after seeing Hajime's reaction.

They were talking and arrived at the restaurant(Which was also an inn)


"-Suspire- No clues from Shimizu-kun today either. Where did you go..."

"Aiko don't worry, we know he's safe."

"That's right. Shimizu-lin's room had no signs of a struggle and Shimizu-kun is a black mage. He's certainly fine."

Knight Commander David and his student Yuka tried to cheer her up. One of Aiko's students had disappeared 1 week ago and showed no sign of showing up. Just as Yuka said there was no sign of a struggle in his room. So they knew he went of his own accord, but Aiko cared a lot about her students and couldn't help but worry.

Currently they were eating at the water fairy restaurant/guesthouse. This name came from the legend that a fairy couple lived on the lake in this town. The food and rooms here were very luxurious and Aiko and the students found it too much, but they gave in when people said "It's nothing compared to the greatness of the apostles" or "It's the least we could offer to the goddess of the good harvest."

'The goddess of good harvest' is what people called Aiko because of her powers to manipulate harvest. She hated that nickname.

"I'm sorry for troubling you. It's no use dwelling on it. Shimizu-kun is certainly fine. Now let's eat!"

They placed their orders and after a while received their food. They were praising the delicious food that was similar to Japanese when the door opened. The owner of the restaurant who was also a chef came to talk to them.

"What did you think of the meal? If you want anything, say so unceremoniously."

"No, everything is delicious today too. That cheers us up every day."

"Thank you for the compliment, but I'm sorry. I will only be able to serve those dishes today."

"Eh!? You mean we won't be able to eat Nilshirer(this world's version of Curry) anymore?"

Yuka asked shocked.

"Yes. We are out of ingredients because of an upheaval in the Cordillera. Since that's where most of the ingredients are collected we don't have any more."

"Hmmm... what do you mean by unrest?"

"A powerful group of adventurers has disappeared in the Cordillera. There seems to be some powerful magical beast there."

The knights at the next tables were listening intently. They were all in a private room so the other customers did not hear.

"That's worrying..."

Everyone got depressed expressions. Then Foss the owner said something to reassure them.

"Don't worry. This will soon be taken care of. The director of the Adventurers Guild Branch has personally sent a group to sort it out. I heard from some people that they're coming here today."

"The branch director? They must be powerful."

The captain of the knights spoke curiously and in awe. The other knights seemed curious as well.

At this moment voices could be heard from outside the room.

"Speak of the devil. It's them, gentlemen knights, if you want to talk to them hurry up. They will be leaving tomorrow."

They could hear people talking.

"I already said I want to sleep in the same room, Hajime-san!"

"You'll only get in the way, Yue and I need privacy so stay in another room."

"Have you seen Yue-san? Hajime-san said something cruel. Uuuuuh."

"Hajime bad."

"If you want to blame someone, blame Rimuru and Chloe. They're the ones who aroused jealousy in Yue and made her propose this 'Training'."

Aiko and the students were pale. Several questions were running through their minds. "What name did they speak?" or "Isn't that voice similar to that of..."

It was the name and voice of someone who had died.

None of the students could speak anything. The riders were looking at them worriedly. Aiko broke the silence.


Aiko ran to the door and opened it. She went towards the voices and I will 3 people sitting at a table.



Aiko's eyes were wide with surprise. The boy in front of her had nothing to do with Hajime Nagumo. Surely if they bumped into each other on the street she wouldn't recognize him, yet in the conversation from before, not only did the name 'Hajime' appear, but the name ' 'Rimuru' also appeared. She also confirmed her suspicion with him saying 'Sensei'.

"It's you isn't it? I'm so happy..."

Hajime didn't want to meddle with his colleagues. The only one of his classmates he cared about was Kaori and a little with Shizuku who was his friend. He was cursing himself internally for speaking "Sensei" unintentionally. He was going to try to cover it up, but...

"Eh? Sensei!?"

"Is it Aiko-san?"

Rimuru arrived with an ice cream in his hand and Sakura and Chloe beside him. They were not clinging to him as they were also Eating ice cream. Rimuru and Chloe were surprised.

Chloe introduced herself to all of Rimuru's class. So she knew Aiko. When Chloe introduced herself to the students, several boys fainted from the blood that came out of their noses, but the girls were very nice to her.

After they learned that it was actually her who killed the reaper, the students began to treat her as a beautiful and powerful Goddess. There were some who even bowed when they saw her.

"Rimuru-kun! It's great to see that you guys are okay, but why is Chloe-chan with you? Wait, what actually happened to Nagumo-kun!?"

Aiko seemed to have several questions. Hajime realized that now that his brother was seen there was no way he could pretend to be someone else and spoke

"If you want to talk, why don't you stop yelling first?"

Aiko realized that all the customers were looking at her. And she called everyone into the private room.

Then came the questions...

Rimuru decided that he would not answer questions about Hajime. Because if Hajime wanted to tell, he would tell them himself. Hajime decided to simply ignore the questions and order the Japanese food.

"I'll bring it in a little while."

Foss spoke and left the room. Aiko couldn't understand how Hajime could place an order in this situation and was flabbergasted.

"How can you sit down and order so naturally!? What happened to you? And who are these girls!? Nagumo-kun Rimuru-kun, explain it to me now!"

"Well 'what happened' is a very vague question."

Rimuru was thinking about how to answer, but Hajime spoke first.

"Well I'm hungry. I haven't eaten in a day so let me order. And these are..."



"I'm Hajime(san)'s girlfriend."

They spoke together. Both Aiko and the students were surprised that their classmate came back from the dead with two beautiful girlfriends. Hajime could already feel the shower of envy from the boys.

"Shia-chan is exaggerating."

Rimuru spoke up.

"Yeah she basically lied."

Sakura agreed with Rimuru's words.

"That's right Shia. Don't go naming yourself my girlfriend like that."

"Hajime-san, but you took away my first kiss!"

"I told you that that..."


Hajime heard Aiko's voice calling him.


"Don't tell me you didn't come to meet us because you were gallivanting around? Unforgivable! Sensei is going to give you a scolding!"

Aiko didn't even hear the others talking about it being a lie. Her mind could only picture Hajime with the two girls in his arms and laughing like some third-rate villain.

Hajime just sighed at the irritated Aiko. Rimuru and Chloe explained the misunderstanding and she calmed down.

"Ah. I'm sorry about that. By the way Chloe-chan why are you here? Did something happen in the capital?"

Aiko asked thinking Chloe had come to meet them, but Chloe undid the misunderstanding.

"No, No, Aiko-san I didn't even know you were here. I'm here with Rimuru-san."

"Eh? With Rimuru-kun?"

"That's right. He is my fiancé after all."


Chloe hugged Rimuru's arm as she said that. Aiko and the students couldn't hide their surprise.

"Is it... is it true Rimuru-kun?"

Aiko asked to confirm.

"Yes, that's right."

He spoke and gave Chloe a kiss. When he did that a pressure came down in the room. "How dare you kiss the Goddess!?" the boys seemed to speak with their looks.

"Chloe-san were you two already engaged when we met?"

Yuka asked.


Yuka was about to ask why she hadn't told them, but she had a more important matter. Aiko then spoke up.

"And who is she?"

Aiko pointed to the pretty pink-haired girl who was very close to Rimuru.

"Ah. She is..."

"I am Sakura. Also Rimuru-san's fiancée."

Sakura stepped forward. When She spoke the envious looks increased even more on Rimuru. To her fellow boys Rimuru just released some 'Demon-lord Haki' and they sounded cold. At this moment Aiko didn't want to make the same mistake again and asked

"Rimuru-kun! that's not true right!?"

"Huh? Of course it is."

Rimuru stroked Sakura's head as he spoke. Sakura looked happy and embarrassed at the same time. Aiko who realized the truth exploded.

"Rimuru-kun, that's very immoral! You can't marry two girls! That's not right! It's immoral!"

"And who cares about morality?"


Rimuru considered himself someone who did his best, but he did not consider himself a saint. Rimuru had no desire to follow the morality that most people followed. Not least because he had already killed several people for the benefit of his country and this was not something that was considered 'morally right'. So Rimuru didn't care about common morality and just followed his own principles.

In his principles it would be wrong for him to be with another girl because it would hurt Chloe, but Chloe didn't care so it was okay.

Aiko who couldn't understand this asked the girls about their relationship.

"I will never abandon Rimuru-san! No matter how many girls he has!"

Chloe spoke this and hugged herself to Rimuru. The sound of gnashing teeth from the boys was audible. Worst of all for the boys was Chloe's expression. Pure happiness to be with her beloved, without a hint of bitterness or anger, only love.

"I won't abandon him either no matter what happens."

Sakura spoke and kissed Rimuru's cheek with a happy expression. Aiko and the students seeing people so in love didn't know what to say. Then Foss arrived with the food. The group started eating as if nothing had happened. They were really excited about the food.

"Hummm. It's just like Japan."

"Mine hasn't arrived yet."

Chloe seemed happy with the Japanese food. Hajime seemed to feel like she and the others enjoyed food. Rimuru was sad as his food had not arrived yet.

"Here Rimuru-san. Taste some of mine. Say Aaah."

"Thank you Sakura. -Nhoc- it's really great!"


Sakura gave Rimuru some food and Chloe looked jealous that Rimuru was spoiling her so much and poked him embarrassed.

"Ah. Can I taste some of yours, Chloe?"

He did the same to her and she looked happy. She hugged his arm a little embarrassed and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ehehe. Thanks."

Aiko and the students seeing the 3's display of affection couldn't say anything more. Aiko then changed her target to Hajime.

"Nagumo-kun, how did you get out of the Dungeon?"

"I worked hard."

The students were confused by those words. They thought he had been rescued by Rimuru who was super strong. One of the boys then asked.

"So it wasn't Rimuru who rescued you?"

"No I had nothing to do with it. When I found him, he was already on his way out."

Rimuru spoke before Hajime could. Then Aiko and the students had become even more curious.

"Nagumo-kun how did you survive down there?"

"I really worked hard."

Rimuru thought he did the right thing by not talking about Hajime. Hajime seemed not to want to tell about his experiences to his classmates.

"Why did your hair turn white?"

"It was the result of me trying my best."

"Why didn't you come back to us?"

"I had no reason to."

Hajime didn't care about his colleagues. He was thinking of letting Kaori know that he was okay, but now it was no longer necessary. Hajime thought that now that Aiko knows of his survival she will surely warn the others, he might ask her to warn about Hyama. Hajime would only return if his brother wanted to talk to his colleagues.

"Give me some concrete answers!"

Aiko yelled at Hajime as he was eating his curry and giving vague answers without even looking at them. The captain of the knights David(Who was in love with Aiko) couldn't stand to see her being ignored and approached the table.


He punched the table to look intimidating, but it didn't seem to work much. David then spoke up.

"Oioi, you! You are being questioned by Aiko! Answer her seriously!"

"-Sigh- We are eating now. Behave yourself."

David was ignored as Aiko. David saw that Hajime would not give a clear answer and changed his target to Shia.

"I tell you to behave yourself. Having a dirty animal sharing the same table. You are the one who has no manners. At least let me cut off those ugly ears so she looks more human."

Everyone in the group clenched their eyes dangerously close as they heard David's words. Hajime and Yue were already thinking of a way to make this guy suffer.

Shia shivered at the look on David's face. She had been through many cities and seen many discriminating looks, but this was the first time someone had said that to her.

Yue held Shia's hand to calm her down and gave David a cold look. David flinched at that look, but his shame and anger at having flinched in front of a girl overcame his fear.

"What's with those eyes? Even though you are not an Apostle of God you are trying to challenge a Knight Templar!?"

David looked annoyed. Aiko and the students tried to calm him down, but he didn't listen to them. Yue just looked at David who had his pride easily wounded and spoke

"A little man."

"You heathen. I'll send you to hell along with that animal."

David muttered this and tried to pick up the sword at his side. As the chance for carnage appeared. Aiko, the students and the knights were scrambling to stop him. Rimuru did not move as he knew that no one in his group would have a problem facing David. Before David could pick up his sword...


An explosive Sound resounded and David was thrown far away, he hit the wall and fainted.

No one could understand what happened. Everyone was staring at the unconscious David in bewilderment. They then looked in the direction of the noise. There was something there that Aiko and the students knew from movies, but never thought they would see in this world.

Hajime was holding the Donner that had smoke coming out of its barrel. The Knights Templar didn't know exactly what happened, they only understood that Hajime did something. They stood up with their hands on their swords and made it rain murderous intent, but then they felt the storm of murderous intent coming from Hajime and sat down in their chairs sounding cold.

Aiko and the students were also frightened by Hajime's pressure and said nothing. They just stood there perplexed. Hajime, seeing that no one would react, said

"I don't care about you. I don't want a relationship with you.    Besides I'm not going to say anything about what happened to me or what I'm going to do. I'm just here to work, so I'll continue my journey. By the way let's not interfere with each other. If you get in my way like you are now, I will kill you."

None of them refuted Hajime's words. Shia looked discouraged so Hajime spoke to her.

"Shia. No need to be sad. That was just brainwashing from the Church."

"Hmhm. Lion doesn't need to care about the sheep's opinion." Hajime and Yue spoke in that order.

"Eh? Didn't I hear those words somewhere? Well, maybe blond people tend to use that phrase."

Rimuru murmured softly, and Chloe was the only one who understood his words. She and Rimuru had done a Game of Thrones marathon on one of their dates.

"I know, it's just that I didn't know people thought my rabbit ears were gross."

Rimuru gave Hajime a look That said "Say something you idiot!" He actually said that telepathically as well. Hajime realized he had to say something to comfort Shia.

"They're not disgusting in the least. Right Yue?"

"Hmhm. Shia's ears are very cute."

"Thanks. Err... Hajime-san what do you think of my ears?"

Hajime didn't know how to answer. He thought for a while and said

"They are... cute..."

"They really are..."

Shia looked disheartened by the weak compliment, so Yue interrupted.

"Hajime loves them. He was stroking your ears when you slept in the car."


Shia's ears perked up happily.

" Yue! You..."

"Hajime-san! You can stroke my ears anytime you want!"

She hugged Hajime's arm and the murderous atmosphere was no longer in the air. Some of the boys were saying things like "I was afraid of Nagumo, but now I'm just jealous." Or "Pay attention to Rimuru. He has Deu...Chloe-san and another beauty by his side." And things like that.

After that one of the knights tried to convince Hajime to make weapons for humanity, but he denied it. Before they knew it, the group finished eating and were getting up to leave. Aiko then called out to Hajime.

"Nagumo-kun, you're really not coming back?"

She spoke in a low voice.

"No, I don't want to come back with you. After I finish the order I will leave."


"I already told you. Right? I don't care about you guys."

Aiko sulked then changed her target to Rimuru.

"Rimuru-kun and you?"

"Huh? Obviously my brother is more important."

His face and tone seemed to say "why are you asking something so obvious?" Hajime was at a high level of importance to Rimuru. To Rimuru Hajime had the same importance as his close people like Veldora, Benimaru, Shuna, Shion and Shizuku. The only people more important than Hajime to Rimuru were Chloe, Sakura and her Destained One Shizue whom he still haven't found after so many Reincarnations.

So if Hajime didn't want to return to his classmates Rimuru wouldn't return either. Rimuru thought about just letting Shizuku know that he was okay.

The group filed out of the restaurant and a heavy atmosphere reigned. Everyone was thinking about the things Hajime must have gone through to survive.

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