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50% RWBY - Job System [for now dropped] / Chapter 14: Chapter 14 - Big Grimm and trying out the third weapon

Capítulo 14: Chapter 14 - Big Grimm and trying out the third weapon

"When is this going to end!" Yelled Yang as she blasted away another Ursa. She and her team have been fighting for over 2 hours.

At first there were just small swaths of Grimm but soon more and more appeared. They came in waves and the waves gradually became longer and longer.

Thankfully they had professor Oobleck that would sometimes take their place and easily replaced the four of them with just himself and his speed.

"Professional huntsmen are something else..." Said Ruby as she stared at the profe- doctor casually handling a wave of Grimm.

"Are you young ladies done resting?" Oobleck inquired as the girls nodded and replaced him once again.

They had created a certain rhythm where the girls would be fighting with the professor giving them advice and them resting as they were covered by the professor.

After they finally fought off another wave of Grimm, Oobleck said.

"Ladies the mission is now considered successful and everyone is to retreat a murderer is on the loose. We'll group up with nearby teams before heading North. First on the list is team Brimstone."

They nodded and headed out...


'So far so good.' Thought Nephrite as he was looking at the map. Only one team in the southern part has requested support and they were back to green not long after.

They were currently only few kilometres away from team Brimstone when they requested backup.

Seeing this Nephrite and others sped up. By the time they got there the team RWBY arrived as well. There was no time for greetings as a group of griffons and Nevermores were bombarding team Brimstone.

On ground huge pair of king taijitu their backs sported huge spear like bones.

Oobleck and another professor were engaging the king taijitu, team Brimstone and RWBY were fighting the griffons and Nevermores but they didn't have enough firepower to kill Nevermores consistently.

"Pyrrha, Ren try to kill the griffons, Nora let's kill some Nevermores!" They nodded and used their speed to launch a surprise attack. Pyrrha used her shield to knock one Griffon down before ending it with her gun.

She knew that it wasn't time to hold back and used her Semblance to quickly summon her shield back.

She threw it back at another Griffon and using her Semblance she spun the shield at an incredible speed. It basically sawed the griffon in half before it continued for a while.

Ren was like an invisible shadow to the Grimm and quietly took out any Grimm that landed on the ground or any that he could reach.

Nora on the other hand used her loud methods. She shot few grenades at the Nevermore before using a nearby rock to propel herself to the Nevermore. As she landed on it's head she grinned and supercharged herself before bringing the Nevermore to the ground.

Nephrite on the other hand used Griffons as footholds to get higher and higher. Shortly after he landed on a Nevermore, he used his Aura manipulation to coat his blade in his potent Aura.

Huge wound gashes appeared and the Nevermore dissipated into particles mid air. Nephrite then jumped on another Nevermore before repeating this process.

On the ground Blizzard was using her little Timmy as means of protection and had her turret out.

Fade was doing Fade things as she kept smashing every Griffon that came her way. She was like a beast that never got tired, at least that was what a spectator that didn't know much would think.

Using her almost full strength in each swing was seriously exhausting and yet her stamina was still fine for now.

Neo was using her parasol to block feathers that would hit anyone and Griffons that even came near soon turned into particles.

Onyx and Yang were like lightshows with the fire and explosions happening around them.

Weiss was mainly boosting her teammates and immobilizing anything dangerous. Blake used her gun ribbon to kill Griffons before using it to swing herself forward before it would dissipate.

With three teams taking care of the Grimm their numbers quickly dwindled, Blizzard commanded her little Timmy to aid the professors.

It ran up to the black half and tried to hold it down for few seconds to give the Professors some breathing space but it was blown away instantly.

"Timmy!" Yelled Blizzard as a huge chunk of Aura had left her. Her Semblance was closely tied to her creations and Timmy was the creation that had unlocked it.

Fade snorted when she saw Timmy being blasted away and decided to confront it as well.

Using her club she violently smashed the black half. It was like she smashed the toughest metal and her hands vibrated and she had to retreat.

The three teams were greatly surprised when even Fade couldn't leave a dent in it. But the professors knew very well what this thing was capable of.

Oobleck bombarded the white half with fire balls whilst the other professor used his chakrams to slash it's body dozens of times per second. As if the chakrams were slicing into steels only few millimetre gashes appeared with each slash.

With the combined precision and speed larger wounds started to appear. When the black half tried to aid the white half Oobleck took action and smashed it with his weapons everywhere he could.

As the white side wasn't supressed by Oobleck's bombardment the other professor retreated.


[Name: Nephrite Antaeus]

[Current Job: Huntsman Student LVL: 17/30]

[EXP: 1352/2890]

[Body: Healthy]

[Physique: 20]

[Vitality: 18.6]

[Aura Strength: 20]

[Aura Pool: 40]

[Status Points left: 0]

[Skill Points left: 8]


[Aura Manipulation LVL: 5/40]

[EXP: 45/2500]

'Invest all skill points.'

[Aura Manipulation LVL: 13/40]

[EXP: 45/16900]

Aura felt much more natural all of the sudden and Nephrite felt that he could even pull a piece of his Aura outside of his body for few seconds.

Coating his blade was much more natural as well and he could even coat a bullet that was about to be shot with Aura, though the effect it brings would dissipate after few meters.

His Aura strength stat was beginning to show it's prowess as well. The more refined aura manipulation he has the more Aura he can give to the blade to further sharpen it and upgrade it's durability.

Of course this came at a cost and his previously near inexhaustible aura pool drained at much faster speed when he used Aura manipulation to the maximum.

He coated his blade with Aura as much as he could and tried to confront the black half. The moment he did, reality came crashing back and a near invisible blade mark appeared on it's scales.

'At least everything else is dead and the professors can kill it.' Thought Nephrite as he realised that the three teams couldn't interfere as this was a battle of a different tier.

And he couldn't just squander graphene bullets. Not anymore at least, it seemed that he had a huge supply of them in his inventory at first but as the bullets quietly disappeared throughout the battles he was taught a lesson.

Thankfully he wasn't on a longer mission that would take weeks otherwise there could be complications.

The battle went on for 20 minutes and the professor with his chakrams had already created huge wounds and the Grimm was on it's last 'legs'.


The scales couldn't hold on any longer and a chakrams cleanly split the black half's head vertically.

Not soon after a *thud could be heard as the white half followed. At this point even Oobleck was tired not to mention the other professor that was the most active.

"This thing shouldn't have been anywhere near this place!" Complained the professor with chakrams as he sat down to eat something and recover some energy.

The three teams were actively scouting through nearby surroundings in case something that could turn the tides of battle appeared.

It was quite quiet and the Grimm activity drastically decreased. Only few dozen appeared within the 20 minutes and they didn't know if they should be glad or wary.

"Guys? Do you feel the faint tremble coming from the ground?" Asked Ren as he noticed that the ground trembled, at first it was almost unnoticeable but it gradually increased.

Oobleck heard Ren through the scroll and quickly bolted in his direction. By the time he got next to Ren the trembling was much more noticeable.

"By the frequency it's either a really big Grimm with multiple legs or some group of really large Grimm. Everyone get ready, it's probably a group of really big Grimm." Oobleck reported his findings and they sent out a reinforcement request.

They couldn't just leave as many teams have yet to evacuate and some were not combat ready.

The overall situation was stabilized though and the North was fully cleared. Some teams were already moving their way the moment the reinforcement request was sent out.

Oobleck and the professor were at around 70% of their peak performance. Seeing this Oobleck and the professor discussed where they should relocate to. After bit of talking they have decided on an canyon.

It was one of the many natural walls in this mountain range and it was very likely that the large Grimm would be forced to travel through this place.

The professor with Chakrams took the three teams to the place while Oobleck scouted to confirm the enemy numbers and species.

It didn't take them long to arrive only 5 minutes or so and doctor Oobleck appeared soon as well.

"We have a huge herd of Goliaths. The worst part of this news is that one of the Goliaths had seemingly evolved and is leading the group. Unlike the usual Goliaths the evolved one was bloodthirsty and charged at me right as it saw me."

Oobleck summed up the situation, when he was retreating back to the place they agreed to meet at he also sent few messages explaining the situation.

"Students I believe that it is a ripe time to end your mission and return to the Academy you've done well." Said Oobleck as he sipped on his coffee.

"But professor we can help! We took out those Nevermores and Griffons with ease!" Ruby argued this was their team's first mission and except the weak Grimm they haven't accomplished much.

"Yeah! I haven't smashed enough to my satisfaction yet!" Fade quickly chipped in as if she was afraid of being left out.

"Doctor and while I completely trust your teams and their capabilities you are still first year students. This is something only fourth year students should tackle and even then it's stretching it." Oobleck countered and Ruby lowered her head trying to think of an argument.

"Isn't this what we are in the Academy for? To protect others? Doctor if we let them pass it would endanger other students!" Yang stood up and said.

"Yeah! This is why I became a huntress in training!" Nora chimed in.

Oobleck stood there for few seconds thinking.

"Fine, any students that wish to withdraw? None? Take today as a learning lesson, some of you may die and the chances aren't low. A Goliath could crush you in one stomp and your Aura wouldn't protect you at all. Do you still wish to be here?" Oobleck looked at the students that were filled with false confidence.

"Very well then." Although Oobleck was confident that he could hold off the enemies with his fellow colleague the first years could make this potentially harder but they could help as well.

'I hope the girls will learn after this...' Thought Nephrite, he knew that even if he objected RWBY, BRON and even NNPR was filled with confidence, after all they crushed few hundred Grimm.


The Goliaths could already be seen. The Goliath in the lead was huge easily towering over the trees and most of the trees barely reached his stomach.

Each step created a noticeable hole and brought dust in the air slightly obscuring it's legs.

Seeing this huge beast made Nephrite almost curse. Even though the Leviathan that he'd seen in the show could probably crush this Goliath it was a difference of being behind the screen and seeing it in person.

It had a huge bone like structure covering it's whole body. Like an impenetrable fortress it marched forth.

Even a faint imposing presence could be felt radiating from it like it was a ruler ready to conquer.

'I guess today I'll be trying out my big girl.' Nephrite thought even the professors wouldn't be able to damage it without proper equipment.

"Well then students this is what you stayed behind for. Anyone that's injured or is out of Aura is to immediately retreat with their team. This time there is no room for negotiations." Oobleck said with a commanding tone. He had a different aura around him as if he was a born leader.

They nodded and understood that what they had signed up for wasn't something so simple ...

They started to bombard the Goliaths with their long ranged weapons. Numerous bullets, shotgun shells and glyphs had showered them causing the weaker ones to roar in pain.

Nephrite summoned his Pillar before taking out a certain part out of it before summoning both into his inventory.

'Let's first see it's toughness.' Thought Nephrite, he took out one of his few Graphene bullet magazines and loaded his gun.

He emptied the magazine and watched as the bullets descended upon the Goliath he decided to call Giga Goliath for now...

Alas it was almost futile. Altough it had created small dents the bullets barely travelled through it's armour before exploding.

The explosions themselves did no visible damage and the Giga Goliath just looked in their way before charging over like a mad bull.

It didn't even care that they were on a vantage point that it couldn't access and just rammed into it from below.


The ground shook madly before parts of it started to fall apart. They retreated into the canyon where the Giga Goliath could barely fit in.

Using the walls at footholds the teams and professors easily dodged the Giga Goliath's attacks.


It roared so loudly that some parts of the canyon had crumbled.

If not for their Aura their ears would rupture. Even now a huge amount of Aura was lost from the students.

Even the professors lost some but they used some unknown method to withstand it better.

"Students retreat now!" Yelled the other professor. If the Giga Goliath couldn't hurt them from distance they were still willing to let them stay in a relatively far away place but this was something else.

Except Onyx, Neo and Nephrite almost everyone else was unwilling to leave just like this and the powerlessness and shock at what just happened had enveloped them in shame and shattered their pride.

'Just a simple roar could do so much what would happen if I confronted it?' Most of them thought and almost everyone retreated.

"Professor I have a powerful weapon that could inflict some damage." Nephrite stayed behind, Neo wanted to too but she understood that she was of no use and retreated too.

"Young man I will give you a single shot and if it doesn't do anything you retreat as well!" Yelled the other professor.

Nephrite nodded and jumped to the highest vantage point that had enough space he could see and took out his weapon.

It was a 2 meter long Rail Gun made out of various strong metals, alloys. It used gravity, wind and lightning dust to power it's shots and without the wind dust acting like a shell it would burn through the sheer energy released.

When he tested this thing it broke after just 3 consecutive shots and could at most withstand 10 shots with a cooldown.

He had to use special bipod that would impale itself in the ground to have even a chance of not being blown away.

He took out a special ear mufflers and readied his Rail Gun. "Professors please retreat!"

The professors quickly retreated after using their firepower to slow it down for a second.


Nephrite pressed his gun and waited for a second. Like a lightning bolt a streak of light connected Nephrite and the Giga Goliath.

The next second a bright flash appeared and massive recoil of the weapon had took out a chunk of his Aura and almost the entire cliff he laid on.

A clean hole had appeared on the Giga Goliath's body, from one end to another and it didn't end there as it penetrated multiple Goliaths that stood behind it before gradually losing speed and it's shape.

"Fuck it sure does work." He cursed as he looked at the aftermath. The professors and the teams looked in disbelief. Some students and huntsmen were close to a Rail Gun but because it broke easily they couldn't use it as their main weapon and had either reduced it's power massively or they had just abandoned it.

Though Atlas were apparently researching reusable Rail Guns but so far there wasn't much success.

Although the Giga Goliath was still alive as Nephrite didn't hit it's head it was still severely injured.

"You've done well young man you can retreat now we can easily stall it." Said Oobleck, Nephrite agreed with them and left.

Even if it was seriously injured it wasn't something he could fight if he wasn't completely confident in either his strength or speed.

The professors had to only stall it for 10 or so minutes before Apollo and other professors appeared.

Seeing so many new humans the Giga Goliath had a flash of rationality and commanded other Goliaths to run.

Soon as if a huge fire was below black smoke and particles were coming out of the canyon clearly seen from few kilometres away.

'I hope this won't happen every single mission...' Nephrite thought as their team had boarded the Bullhead and headed back to the Academy.

In total 3 professors died and no student had died. The third professor sacrificed his life when his students were cornered and the rescue was too far away...

The very next week missions were postponed and most professors and huntsmen from the surroundings combed around Vale and had eliminated any groups of Grimm they came across.

(A/N: Big chapter to make up for yesterday xP. Also any stoners out there with sum stones, stones are my sustenance...)

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