Hisaki left the female attendants with more things weighing on her mind. She wanted to stay longer but, the departure time to go back to their town was nearly approaching. She shouldn't let anyone wait for her.
At the same time, Hisaki thought back to what the attendants told her before she left. It was just some short details related to Mrs. Fujimori. The two young ladies were generous to tell her more about the old lady.
"Mrs. Fujimori has been here for nearly two decades. She's in her 90s right now."
"We actually don't know much about her. The welfare council put Mrs. Fujimori here. Her record states that she doesn't have any family members."
"Her health starts to decline a few years ago. Before that, Mrs. Fujimori loved to spend her time in the backyard. She's not an active talker though."
What do you feel about this and the previous chapters? I've always intended to introduce Mrs. Fujimori's character (although her appearance was so minimal, like, you could deduce because of her age and the hints in the chapters). But, I'm still worried if you guys think this is too sudden. What do you think?