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57.14% Son of Asgard / Chapter 12: Wrath of Asgard 2

Capítulo 12: Wrath of Asgard 2

Drüin and Odin walked through the palace halls through the night, both in their armor and silent for the most part. The two Asgardians were headed down to the vault of artifacts that Odin would hoard and keep safe from others. As they stepped down, passing by a few items that made Drüin glance to for a few seconds. They arrived at the location of the Destroyer's cage. Both stopped and watched as the Allfather tapped Gungnir down onto the floor. The caged barrier that concealed the Destroyer began to disappear. The tall 20 foot tall Destroyer stepped forth, it's metallic footsteps sounding off with a loud thud. It wouldn't be long before the Destroyer armor stepped to the side, allowing Drüin and Odin entry to the chamber inside. Both Asgardians walked forward, with the God of Might glancing at the Motherbox empowered weapon as he walked past it.

The chamber behind the Destroyer was hueing with bright white light, Drüin raised a hand to cover his eyes. White fog surrounded the father and sun duo as they walked, but a tap from Odin's spear caused the light to die down. "Forgive me, it is a precaution for those who wish to retrieve the sword", Odin apologized, "Only those of royal blood are able to wield the blade. Though I cannot say that anyone else would not try to steal it and siphon it's powers."

Drüin nodded and realized that they stood within a large chamber. It was black, sleek, and fine marbled to the point that the God of Might could see his own reflection on the floor and walls. When Drüin looked forward, he found a grounded golden pedestal, at the center of it was the hilt of a greatsword. It looked golden as well but he could sense the power emanating from it. It was vast, immeasurable, possibly even beyond anything that he could have imagined. Odin had already walked without the God of Might, leaving the young Asgardian to gawk at the blade. The Sword of Asgard was right before him, he wouldn't call it the Odinsword. Especially when the Allfather had claimed it to he for Asgard rather than himself. Eventually Drüin calmed himself and stepped forward, each step that he took seemed like the pressure that he was feeling from the blade was getting stronger.

It was as if the Sword of Asgard itself was alive, a living entity. When Drüin stood beside Odin, the Allfather said nothing for a moment. The father and son duo simply stared at the sheathed sword for a time, watching it. It wouldn't be long before a deep breathe began to leave Odin's nose. "This blade has not been drawn for more than a thousand years, it was once the primordial energies that ensured our existence", Odin began to explain, "The very power that formed the first Aesir Asgardians to exist in the first place. My father and your Grandfather was the first Asgardian to contain said energy and build Asgard with it's power. Then I was the first to forge that very energy into a weapon. When I first took up this sword...I was nigh invincible. I could defeat whatever stood in my way, but I soon realized that there was a cost to this sword..."

Drüin looked to Odin expectantly, and saw a somber look come over the Allfather's face. Then the Allfather continued to speak, his tone becoming sorrowful. "The energies within this blade were never to be used in this way. We Asgardians had once had a longer lifespan. When my father had contained it, he intended to use it as a means to build Asgard and expand it's size from time to time. I failed to follow in his example, and in my young ambition...I forged the universe's most powerful weapon. As well as doomed our people to a short life. Now we only have embers of what once flowed through all of Asgard. I only came to know my mistake after noticing how many of our people grew weak. Only our family has the primordial energies flowing through us fully, but even then we do not have the full might of it."

The God of Might began to realize what Odin was telling him, what exactly the Allfather had done to make the Asgardians so much weaker than they should be. "You damned us all because of your greed for power...and now it is inside of an nigh indestructible sword." Drüin uttered, and found his father nodding to this.

'That explains....ALOT', The God of Might thought, 'So the MCU Asgardians were weak because of Odin's ass. Had he not made the Sword of Asgard, then I can only imagine how much more powerful that the Asgardians would have been. I already know that the older they are, the more powerful they are. Unfortunately this is just another nail in the coffin for this old man...he unwittingly nerfed us!'

"I never did take up this sword unless I needed to, when Asgard was in it's darkest hour." Odin stated.

"We are not in our darkest hour.." Drüin replied.

"I am sending my son to a world where the enemy will outnumber him greatly...that is MY darkest hour."

Drüin stared at Odin for a moment, still trying to get over the fact that the Allfather was showing fatherly love to him. He didn't truly know how to react to it, he was use to being ignored now. Having the Allfather being this...kind...was abnormal.

The God of Might looked to the Sword of Asgard now, the blade's hilt protruding from the pedestal. "So then....what happens now?" The God of Might inquired.

"Now, you take up the sword and show Darkseid the wrath of Asgard." Odin answered.

"It is that simple, just take up the sword?"

"That would depend on if you can wield it."

Drüin looked to Odin, prompting the Allfather to continue. "You must know what you planned to do with the sword. To have a goal as to what you plan to accomplish with it. Otherwise, the blade will only be nothing more than a simple sword that would be swung around like any other weapon."

The God of Might nodded in understanding, then began to take in a deep breathe. He gently handed Aegor over to his father, allowing the Allfather to hold his spear for the moment. Then he stepped forth, getting in reach of the Sword of Asgard's hilt. Drüin stared at the hilt, musing over the goal that he wished to accomplish. Then with a resolute and determined expression coming to his face, he reached forward with both hands. His palms grasped at the sword's hilt, holding it firmly. With his grip on the hilt, Drüin began to pull the sword up. He could feel resistance from this, as if the sword was trying to remain inside of the pedestal. The weight of it grew more and more, but despite that Drüin continued to pull it out. Odin watched with anticipation, his eyes widening as he saw the blade beginning to glow.

Drüin let out a growl of effort, his knuckles popping, his muscles flexing underneath his armor, even sweat coming down his temple. Despite the resistance that he felt before, the God of Might lifted the Sword of Asgard up, releasing the blade from it's rest. The moment that the sword was out of it's pedestal, a wave of energy rushed into Drüin. His body felt as if it had gotten a boost, greater than before. The God of Might let out a gasp, feeling the primordial powers of Asgard pour into him like fresh water being drunk by him. The sword of Asgard was 71 inches long, 39 centimeters wide, and had a blue hue to it. It pulsed with energy as Drüin held it up, eyeing the craftsmanship of the blade. He could see ancient Aesir runes embedded into the flat of the sword, hueing along with the glow.

"How do you feel, Drüin?" Odin suddenly asked, watching his son carefully. The God of Might said nothing for a moment, then when he turned to look at the Allfather, he saw a look of shock come over the older Asgardian's face. Odin could see the energies of the Bifröst and that of the primordial energies of Asgard integrating with Drüin. It looked as if the God of Might had just become something more than an Asgardian, as if he were being blessed by both energies. Drüin's eyes had a faint hue to them, Bifröst energy and that of the primordial energies in unison.

"I feel...godly, even moreso than normal", Drüin eventually replied, "Like I could destroy everything even you if I so wanted to...right at this moment."

Odin frowned, then tightened his hold on Gungnir and Aegor. Drüin however lowered the Sword of Asgard and began to breathe in, then out. "Luckily I do not allow power to go into my head."

Odin mentally sighed a breath of relief, he was hoping that Drüin didn't allow that power to corrupt him like it did himself. "With the sword in hand, I say that you are ready Drüin."

"No....not yet." Drüin stated, then turned and began to march out of the chambers with the sword in hand.

{Asgard Arena}

The people of Asgard had been gathered on short notice, all of it's citizens from Vanaheim to Alfheim were privy to witness what would be said. The Prince of Asgard, Lord Commander, and God of Might had summoned all for an announcement that he had to make. Odin, Hela, and Frigga sat within the royal balcony as Drüin stood at the center of the large arena. It could hold all of the citizens of Asgard, allow them good entertainment. However today, there would be no entertainment. All became silent when Odin stomped his staff into the floor after all were seated. All eyes landed on the Allfather, but Odin didn't say a word. It was a small silence, one that was broken once Drüin began to speak.

"Asgard!", Drüin addressed, his voice echoing across the Arena and to all realms.

"You know who I am, but I will say it once more so that you will never forget me. I am Drüin Odinson, Crowned Prince of Asgard, recently minted Lord Commander over all of our military, and Slayer of Sadurang. I have lead our people through many battles, defended our home to the best of my abilities. I have fought, bled, and slept alongside many of you...I would even call you brother and sister. I stand before you now not as your Lord Commander and Prince, but as Drüin."

Drüin paused, looking over his people with a stoic look before continuing. "We have been attacked, by two forces who wished to test our might. We have shown them that we are not so easily broken, we have shown them why we are Asgardians. But now we must return the favor, but before that I must apologize to you all..."

This caused quite a few to whisper in confusion before being silenced once Drüin spoke again.

"Asgard, I Drüin Odinson allowed our enemy to reach our home. I allowed us to he attacked and our home to be damaged. For over a thousand years, no one has reached Asgard and done so much damage. For over a thousand years, you have lived safely...and I allowed you to see the horrors of the battles that I have fought. I know that a great many of you tire of the wars that we have been in, the battles that have left so many heartbroken, widowed, and bitter. So as your your brother, allow me to ask of you a simple yet dangerous request."

Drüin had the Sword of Asgard embedded in the Arena's ground, the blade continuing to pulse as he held it there.

"I have planned to cripple both those of New Genesis, and those of Apokolips. Those of New Genesis are simple to defeat, they live atop of a floating city that can be made to fall. However, Apokolips is a very different. The entire world and it's people stands in the way of me and my battle with their king, Darkseid. I will not lie to you, many will die, many will suffer, and many may never return home. This request that I ask of you is something that I will not force upon you, even if I am your prince. Will you follow me?"

Drüin heard silence, no one saying a single word but their expressions became serious, curious, wide eyed surprised, or blank faced.

"Will you follow me into the burning pits of Hel? Will you allow me to lead you into the jaws of death? Will you raise your swords to finally be done with the enemy who came knocking upon our door!? Will you fight by my side, to ensure Asgard's peace?! Will you show those who wish to test us, why it is we are Asgardians?! Will! You! Follow Me!?....One More Time?"

There was utter silence, Drüin's words having been said and his gaze landing on each and every one of them. That was when he saw a smirk on Hela's lips as she stood from her seat. She walked to the edge of the balcony, watching her brother and looked to the large crowd of Asgardians before speaking. "Asgard will follow you even if Ragnarok comes knocking on our door brother", Hela stated plainly, "You have been there for many of us, and I believe that you will continue to do so. So I will say this for myself, I will follow you even if you happen to die."

"So will i", Called Tyr as he stood up from within the crowd, "I have served alongside you for many centuries, i would be honored to continue to do so my prince."

"I am your sword", Came the voice of Brunhilde, "I speak for all my fellow Valkyries, because of you we are the best that Asgard has to offer for our warriors. Because of you we still live today, you have my trust in your ability to lead. We will follow you until the end."

Many more voices began to call out to him, speaking words similar to each other. Each saying that they would follow him, no matter what would come. A proud smile came to the God of Might's lips, watching the many Asgardians rise to their feet and chant "We Will Follow You!".

"Very well..", Drüin said in a raised voice to silence his people, "Let us be rid of the enemy who are at our door, let us show the universe once more why we Asgardians still stand here. Let us be rid of this threat once and for all!"

Drüin raised the Sword of Asgard, moving the blade to be poised up above him. "For Asgard!" The God of Might shouted.

"For Asgard!" The people shouted, they continued to do so, their morale roused by their Prince's words.

The point of the speech was to ensure that the people's trust was with him. Being adored was one thing, but having the people have faith in his ability to lead was another. Now Drüin had the full might of the Nine Realms, excluding Midgard, ready to follow him into Hel and back.

{Bifröst Chambers}

Heimdall stood beside Drüin as the two looked off into space. Both were in their armor, ready for battle. They were silent for a few moments, until Heimdall spoke up. "You will make a good king." The Guardian of the Bifröst stated, causing the God of Might to glance over at him.

"Does your eyes allow you to see the future?" Drüin asked curious.

"No, but they do allow me to see the true worth of people."

"Then what do you see when you look upon me Heimdall?"

Heimdall glanced over at Drüin, eyeing him for but a moment, then looked forward to smirk. "A little shit who did not know to keep their palms to themselves." The Guardian of the Bifröst joked.

This caused a small chuckle to leave Drüin's lips, remembering what Heimdall was referring to. "I was young and not sure why you had such a beautiful sword while I had a knife." Drüin replied.

"You were too curious for your own good."

"And you were just a know it all."

The two Asgardians went into silence as they heard the marching forms of Tyr's and Hela's task force approaching. Drüin turned to Heimdall, giving the man a serious look before holding a hand out to him. "Heimdall, if I do fall today...retrieve the sword."

Heimdall frowned then turned to Drüin, his near golden irises locking onto his prince's eyes. "The sword cannot he wielded-" Heimdall was interrupted by the God of Might before he could finish.

"But it's power can be siphoned out of it, and that type of power in the hands of Darkseid could bring unimaginable destruction."

Heimdall stared at Drüin, unsure if he could truly find it within himself to actually leave the God of Might on Apokolips. The Guardian of the Bifröst inhaled deeply, then exhaled before moving his hand to grab Drüin's forearm. The God of Might did the same, both giving each other's forearm a squeeze. "I will watch over you, and hopefully not see you fall", Heimdall calmly said, "Asgard needs more men like you...."

"Asgard already has men like me." Drüin replied, then looked to see Hela and Tyr arriving. Both Asgardians armored and ready for battle. Their task force had been bolsterd, when it originally was suppose to be small. "I take it that you had...volunteers?"

"Yes, many loved your little speech so much that they want to do their duty." Hela commented, causing Drüin to nod in understanding. Originally, Hela and Tyr were to attack New Genesis with a force of 1,000 Asgardians. Now it seemed that they had nearly 10,000 Asgardians including Hela's Berserkers and Fenris.

"Very well, be on your way." Drüin said, then watched as his twin walked up to him. She stared at him for a moment with an unreadable expression, then suddenly hugged him. The God of Might blinked twice, then looked at his twin. He allowed a smile to come to his lips, then returned the hug with his sister.

"You had better return from are the only man that I tolerate here." Hela whispered, causing a small chuckle to escape Drüin's lips.

"I will try my best." He whispered back, then separated from her.

Hela stared at Drüin for another moment, then looked to the Bifröst and gained a deadly glare. Heimdall was already preparing to open the way. Once he twisted his sword, Honfund, the Bifröst opened. Hela bolted off and was soon followed by Fenris and her Berserkers. After them was Tyr and Asgardian soldiers who jogged forth, leaving Drüin to watch them head into battle. The God of Might watched as the last of the Asgardians soldiers charged into the Bifröst and off to New Genesis. He then turned to look up to find over 5,000 Valkyries on armored Pegasi riding towards him. They landed on the Rainbow Bridge, ready and waiting for their prince. Norik soon came in, decked out in it's own armor. The black Pegasi nodded his head up and down and neighed at Drüin, causing a warm smile to erupt from the God of Might. "Yes, we are jumping from the frying pan...and into the fire old friend." Drüin commented.

The God of Might mounted his Pegasi, his grip on the Sword of Asgard ever tighter than before. The blade continued to pulse with a blue glow while in his grasp. Drüin raised the sword, then pointed it forwards to the Bifröst. Heimdall twisted Honfund again, opening the way for the Valkyries to Apokolips now. Drüin was first, charging in with Brunhilde and Kelda following on either side of him. The Valkyrie second in command had armor similar to her sisters but much different. In her hand was a sword, but in her other hand was a golden icey vapored spear. Drüin didn't know why, but he felt as if he didn't want to be on the receiving end of that blade. As soon as Drüin entered the Bifröst, he mentally prepared himself. He was going to lead the Valkyries until they could hold the line. Once that is done, he would take on Darkseid in single combat.

Drüin could hear the Pegasi neighing and whinnying behind him, showing that they knew exactly what was going to happen. As soon as he existed the Bifröst, the God of Might could feel the humidity of Apokolips hit him. The scorching pits and blazing fires from the large pits coming into view. As well as more than a hundred Parademons headed their way as Drüin and the Valkyries got into formation. "Valkyries!", Drüin called as he raised the Sword of Asgard, "For Asgard!"

Behind the God of Might many more Valkyries repeated the battle cry, though they suddenly shout "For Drüin!" not long after shouting "For Asgard!". The might of Asgard was behind him, now he was about to unleash it upon the New Gods.

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