The room was small, but in the dark, the size didn't matter, all he knew was that his back was again laying on the cold floor, unable to move because of the unstable piles of rocks around him, that he could no longer see.
He could feel the blood running down the sides of his wrists, knowing how the sharp metal feather had slowly cut into the skin. He was afraid to move, knowing that he would not survive if those cuts ran any deeper.
He could hear the bird-like creatures rummage around in the room on the other side of the door.
'What are they doing here, what even are those… things'.
The feather around his wrist indicated it was at least some sort of metal, it felt hard, but they had had the strength to easily bend and shape it to fit.
His mind did have one thing it kept pressing on.
'Can they seriously fly with those wings?'.
The feathers on the back of the arms had been like wings, but he could not imagine they would be able to fly.
The little golden magic bird came out of its hiding and climbed its way up on Killian's chest where it laid down ruffling its small feathers, that only contained a soft warm feeling, and not cold and hard like those on the other side of the door.
The exhaustion overwhelmed Killian, he had been too anxious to sleep, but the calming effect of the little bird spread and he enjoyed the warmth that had settled on his chest, keeping his heart warm.
Golden light spread and took form as it swept over him embracing him in warm arms. Killian opened his eyes and saw into a more defined shape.
He whispered it out loud, mostly in disbelief, as the golden version of Rayden kissed his forehead spreading warmth through Killian's skin.
The real person was not really there. Killian knew Rayden would have no way to be able to make it there from the capital, but still a small speck of hope was in the back of his mind.
'Maybe the bird takes the shape of someone I wash was here'.
He couldn't tell if that was true or not, and simply accepted the situation, at least this way he didn't feel alone in the dark.
The golden Rayden gently placed his hand on Killian's cheek, making Killian sigh in relief, as more of his tired cold self was getting warm and energized.
This time Killian took the initiative, he was not afraid of doing what he needed to survive, and it was not as if this was the actual person.
Maybe it was all in his head, something like wishful thinking as he leaned up and kissed the golden warm lips of the man laying on him.
It was as if the magic reacted surprised for a split second before it returned the kiss, embracing Killian even more into its warm arms.
Killian felt the strength return to his tired body, even his hunger had been satiated some, and he felt the pressure from a tongue that was greedily pressing at his, making his body react to the stimulating feeling surging through him.
There was no voice returning his vague question, instead, Rayden helped Killian undress, moving the golden naked body onto Killians, keeping him warm til Killian fell asleep again, as he had done the previous time Killian slept.
Again the golden body was gone when he woke up replaced by the small bird on his chest instead.
'Was it really Rayden?'. The bird was his magic, and it had definitely looked like him.
He had too many questions but knew it didn't matter, right now all he needed to do was get out of this place.
His body had regained some energy, and he tried to stand. He did not know how long he had slept, minutes or hours, but he heard the scrapes of the metal wings against the rocky floor in the adjacent room, and the sound seemed to be getting further away.
'Did they both leave?'
He leaned against the wooden door, trying to peek through the cracks.
Killian pressed his body against the door, but it didn't budge.
He needed to get away from this place. Those creatures had said they would bring him to someone else.
It seemed like they were not even against eating him if he proved to be difficult.
He stepped away from the door, thinking back to a certain event he had had with his brother in the back garden of an event not too long ago.
His brother had been pushed backward, and initially, Killian had thought the cause had been someone else's magic, that had helped him then, but after feeling the strange sensation covering his body after entering the cave, he was now more sure than ever it may have been himself.
He close his eyes thinking back, remembering his desperate feeling of wanting the person who was hurting him to go away, and the strange sensation started to flow through his body like he was sucking in some kind of power from his surroundings.
It was a strange feeling like his veins were being filled.
'What did I do then...'
He stared at the door and in his mind focused on a simple thought
Imagining how the door would get pushed away as his brother had been.
There was a strange itchy feeling behind his eyes, as he stared at the door, and before he could blink an invincible force pushed the door off its hinges, slamming it into the wall in the next room.
He had done no movement, no incantation, and was shocked for just a second before he stumbled out of the small room he was in.
The noise had been loud, and he heard a loud screech in the distance.
He took the only other tunnel exiting the room than where he had been dragged from, and ran with his hands still bound, hoping he would find the exit before the creatures caught up.
He could hear the scraping of metal on rock again and ran all he could.
A cold wind hit his face, and a dim light spread across the cave ahead of him, and he exited the cave finding himself in ankle-deep snow in the night, the area lit up but the reflection of the moon in the white snow around him.
It was a clearing surrounded by trees, with everything covered in snow and he started to run towards the tree line.
Snow fell from a tree when a creature flew down in front of him.
The sight stopped him in his track, as the same kind of metal feather humanoid landed before him, kicking him to the ground with its bird-like feet, its talons digging into Killian's chest to hold him down in the snow.
"Where did you come from?"
The voice was deep and had a clearer ring to it, than the other screechy wannabe birds in the caves.
Killian didn't reply and tried to push himself out of the talons, only succeeding in them ripping along his skin, as they held him fast.
His blue eyes stared up at the creature, feeling the fear creep into his mind, as the slow stinging pain from his wounds was becoming unbearable.
The bird-like creature bent down, bringing his face close to the boys, and the smell came with him, which had been masked by the cold wind at first but was now surrounding Killian in the metallic smell of blood.
A deep whisper came from the human mouth near Killian's face.
"Don't worry, I don't eat fresh meat"
There was an eerie smile spreading on the creature's face like it was amused at seeing the fear in Killian's eyes.
Killian clenched his jaw and tried to focus, if only he could use 'that' again.
The strange force within him gathered again and he stared back up at the creature with his ice-blue eyes, and right before he tried to 'push' at the creature as he had done the wooden door, the face staring at him seemed to realize something and in a swift motion jumped back, circling slowly around Killian, on guard.
The deep-voiced hissed at him
"What is that, that is not magic!"
Killian tried to get on his feet, supporting himself with his cane, his hand firmly holding on to the amber at the top.
"Why, doe sit matter if it is or not"
Killian's voice was shaking but thought it was interesting how the creature had mentioned magic.
Even in the dark, he could tell the creature had a smug face when replying.
"You humans and your magic, thinking you are all so powerful".
It was more of a statement than a reply to Killian.
"But then again, what you have is not magic, I doubt you are even human".
The words were mocking, trying to set off some trigger in Killian.
However he had no idea either what it was he was using, and to him, it didn't matter since he had finally found something useful, something he could do on his own to help him survive.
He thought of Dante and Stella. Were they still looking for him? He was sure they were, there was no doubt in his mind. He did not know why they were so loyal to him, but he would make sure he repaid them.
The sound of the snow being thread on was very subtle, but the surroundings had otherwise become silent in the night, and small snowflakes had started to fall, tickling
Killian's nose.
Killian knew the creature was looking for an opening, it may have been frightened from whatever he had tried to do, but remembering how the creatures in the cave had easily bent metal, they were incredibly strong.
If it lunged at him, he might not be able to react in time.
The creature suddenly straightened up, and with an almost amiable smile spoke again.
"My name is Zeran".
It went silent again and stared at Killian with both confusion and curiosity. Why was the creature almost seeming civilized?
Killian didn't know what it was doing and started to slowly step backward towards the treeline while his eyes were locked on Zeran.
"You are not someone I think I should mess with, you are free to go".
Killian thought the creature was lying, why would it not restrain him or kill him.
"If I kill you, I might do something I will regret, I very much value my own life you see".
The smile was still on its face, a fake one Killian thought, and didn't trust the words.
"Either way you will die from those wounds soon on your own, and in a day or two, that body will be ripe enough for me to feast on, and I will be able to smell you a mile away even if you hide".
there was a small chuckle that made the metal feathers clang at each other.
"I can't be liable for killing you then if you die on your own. That thing cant come for revenge then".
Killian didn't know what Zeran was referring to but continued to step backward til he felt far enough away to turn around and run into the woods.
'Why is it just letting me go?'
Killian looked back, seeing Zeran standing in the clearing looking back at him, without having moved from the spot, and still with the creepy smile across his face.
Zeran the Harpie!! (Spoiler) - He will return!
Hope you enjoy!