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29.41% Another Form of Power / Chapter 5: Foundation

Capítulo 5: Foundation

Even with the extra members of the League around, it's been quieter in the bar without Izuku… Imoku as he's known now. As expected, Sensei had made sure he had the appropriate papers and had told his contacts to set Imoku Kakurete up in the system. Imoku just walked into his directorships as if he owned the companies… Which on paper, he did. After that, we didn't see him much. He only dropped in when he could afford to get away. A man who runs those businesses has no right to be in a bar like mine. I like my bar but I can admit that.

Imoku was the one to suggest another way of keeping contact. In the aftermath of Stain the League gained new members. Izuku, despite his previous quirkless status was always interested in quirks. He knew what their abilities were. Himiko Toga can change her form when she ingests someone's blood. Imoku suggested that she be set up as his wife.

Sensei didn't like that idea but the concept was good. Toga won't be Izuku's wife. It has too much exposure and she is… flighty is probably the best way of saying it. Instead Toga will be his mother, and Imoku, being the good boy that he is, will have dinner with her once a week. That way he can keep in communication with us, and we can keep comms up with him. And it reinforces his image.

Toga likes the idea but she has always had something of a soft spot for Izuku even though she's only met him a couple of times, even though he was much older than her. I think it was because he never let her get away with shit. Or maybe she just likes older men?

The small unit has already been purchased and Mrs Kakurete already exists in the system. According to the records, Imoku bought his mother the apartment several years ago.

I wonder sometimes if he misses his real mother. He has never mentioned her. He is fourteen, maybe fifteen now despite how old his body looks and despite the information Sensei has put in his head. I think he must but… Sensei said it best. Izuku's dedication is admirable. It is worthy of respect. Maybe that's how Izuku already learned the lessons Tomura is still learning.

I only hope Tomura learns them in time. I get the feeling there is something coming.

But, that could just be my pessimism. Still, you don't get a long career without listening to your feelings.


"You've done what?" The voice echoed around the room, catching the attention of almost everyone there. The only one who didn't look to the speaker was the boy tied in the middle of the bar. He was still unconscious. One thing the outraged question made clear was that one of the lessons Sensei had had Izuku learn was oration. He had put an impressive amount of emotion into his voice. That was a good thing. He was talking to crowds in a bid to be elected.

"He'll join us," Tomura was certain. He gestured his his hand towards the boy who was tied in the chair. The boy was in his hero suit, though the large gauntlets he had previously worn had been removed.

"No. He won't." Izuku was certain. "He's not even a poor replacement for Muscular! How did he get taken out anyway?"

There was silence from the bar.

"The Rescue Heroes," Kurogiri told Izuku. "Though we got Ragdoll."

He seemed to think about it for a moment, working out what the battle would have been like in his mind before he nodded. Muscular was strong but the Wild Wild Pussycats had experience and teamwork. "I still can't believe this is why you cancelled dinner with Toga this week," he huffed.

"Oh, baby-boy! You do care!" Toga purred, licking at one of her knives.

No one commented on that. The rest of the League just watched. They weren't certain who this man was. Most of them had never seen him. Looking at him, Izuku was far too well dressed to be here but he was. His obvious familiarity with Tomura and Kurogiri was throwing them off guard.

"He'll join us. And then the world will see what a hero really is." Tomura said again.

Izuku took a deep breath. He turned his eyes from Tomura, glaring at the unconscious boy tied to the chair.

Kurogiri recognised the kid. He was the First Year winner of UA's Sport's Festival. Katsuki Bakugou. The one Izuku had history with. Though Kurogiri still didn't know what history. There had never been an opportunity to ask. Izuku took the few steps to the chair before he leant over and shoved his face into Katsuki's. The angles were odd but the glare was unmistakable.

"He won't." This time Izuku's voice was soft. "This kid is arrogant and self-centred but the one thing he's always wanted is to be a hero," Izuku explained. "He doesn't see the power of the alternatives."

"Like you?" Tomura spat.

Izuku looked up at him, giving him an odd smile. "Like me," he confirmed. "Though really, I have to thank Kacc- Katsuki for his part in opening my eyes."

"Well, you can thank him when he's one of us."

There was a snort from Izuku and he muttered something in English. To Kurogiri, it sounded suspiciously like 'when pigs fly'.

Izuku took a deep breath. "Anyway, the routine report is on the bar, and the money has been transferred," he told Tomura before he looked to the blank TV on the bar. "I should have my first elected position soon," he said to Sensei.

Kurogiri was glad his form was expressionless. The looks from the others were interesting, especially given that Sensei didn't answer.

Izuku turned his eyes away from Sensei's TV. "It's time for me to go," he added with a nod towards the warp villain.

"Same time next week, baby-boy!" Toga crowed.

The bartender returned the nod and the gate opened. Izuku stepped through, going back to his supposed mother's apartment.

Tomura huffed as the gate vanished. He scratched at his neck.

"So who was that…?"

The question came from more than one of the League. Kurogiri noticed the way Dabi was staring at the place Izuku had stood. His eyes were particularly piercing before he blinked and looked away. What did he know?

"He's my-"

Toga was cut off. "Not anyone you need to worry about, suffice to say he is loyal to the League."

Tomura wasn't the only one to stare at the small TV. It wasn't often that Sensei spoke when everyone was present. "Question this Bakugou now, Tomura," Sensei continued.

"You think the brat's right?" Kurogiri could see the way Tomura's eyes widened slightly. It was an improvement. He was thinking.

"I suspect Imoku is more informed about this particular UA student than most," Sensei replied in that way he did. He didn't often contradict Tomura. He seemed content to guide the younger man.

Kurogiri resisted the urge to rub at his eyes. The situation was just getting more complex all the time and he suspected they didn't have the time to muck around.


You would think after so long I would have learned to trust my instincts. I could feel something was going to go wrong. I just didn't expect that wrong thing to be All Might coming through the wall.

Of course, in hindsight it is obvious. The League attacked UA, wounding one of their students to the point where he had to pull out from school entirely as a cripple. Stain killed one of their precious students and now the League kidnapped another. UA would be desperate to get the brat back, to prove to the public the strength of heroes.

I don't remember much of anything. From what the others have told me, the attack wasn't long after Imoku left and we were saved by Sensei. I have seen the footage of the fight, and the reveal of the true from of All Might. But it doesn't change the fact that we are now on the run. Tomura is the head of the League.

Toga is out now, for her weekly meeting with Izuku. She's been told if there is any doubt of his loyalty to kill him. She'll be back. And Imoku will still be alive. Tomura has yet to learn that Izuku is loyal. He will, when the resources keep coming, though some will be consumed setting up a new base and recovering our losses.

Some of the scientists used to create the Noumu's were also saved. They can make Noumu's without Sensei though it will be more difficult. Tomura was happy to hear that at least, though I suspect he focused on the can make part without hearing the difficult. No matter, he will learn.

I feel like crap. It's been a week but I still hurt. Not that I resent Sensei. I am thankful the man has a quirk that could forcefully activate other quirks, or it would all be over. But forcible activation hurts and I need to rest. I'm not sure I'm going to get that rest but I'll do what I can.




To any watching, it was a touching sight. As it was meant to be. Imoku moved and gave his mother a hug. Patting her lightly on the back. "Is everyone okay?" he whispered the question.

"Yes," Toga whispered back, her usual jovial nature subdued. They parted quickly and Imoku moved further into the apartment, taking off his shoes as the door closed.

"Good to hear," Izuku said as they moved together. "Do you need anything specific?"

The question was vague enough, and was one a good son might ask his mother. "The apartment's secure," Toga told him. "I've been here for hours!"

Izuku nodded. "Something to do," he murmured.

"Yes! I checked everywhere. Besides, who would be interested in you?"

He didn't reply. She knew who would be interested. "Just be thankful I don't have a bodyguard. Do you need any specific supplies?"

Toga shook her head as she moved into the kitchen. She had ordered in dinner earlier and was keeping it warm. "Misty is still hurting but he will heal. The worst of it is that we've been stuck in some dingy room all week!"

"You'll probably have to stay there a little longer," he murmured sympathetically but was equally thankful to hear that Kurogiri was fine. He liked the warp villain. "Though once the heat has died down a bit, I'm sure Tomura will have planned something."

"Heh," she giggled. "He's still crying for his Sensei."

Izuku's eyes flashed. "Sensei is a great man," he said firmly.

Toga took the hint. The other members of the League would be surprised but they didn't know Imoku like she did. The weekly dinners had given her a chance to get to know Izuku. He wasn't known for his physical fighting ability but he was good at it. She had sparred with him a few times. Nothing serious, just scuffles really. She'd never won. He always said something that made her stop. Himiko also knew his tone of voice. When he used that one, there was no arguing with him. And truthfully, Toga wasn't sure what to think of the man who had gone toe to toe with All Might, despite the injuries he was bearing.

"I got you lots of food," she changed the subject.

Izuku was silent for a moment longer before he nodded. "Thank you."

"You always eat so much!" She complained, laying out some of the food on the table. "If I ate that much I'd be fat."

"Even with your quirk?" Izuku asked.

"Change of shape doesn't take much," Toga shrugged. It looked odd coming from the body of an old woman.

"The residue?" Izuku pressed. When she changed forms she almost melted, and that had to be generated from somewhere.

"Okay, okay! I can eat a bit more," she relented. "But not as much as you," Himiko growled, gesturing with her chopsticks to the mounds of food in front of Izuku. It was far more than her portion. Politely put it was a generous serve for a healthy young man. More accurately put, it would comfortably feed a family of four adults.

"Let's just say my quirk uses more," he murmured digging into the food.

"What doe-" She stopped.

Izuku gave her a lopsided smile and a trail of sparks showered over them. She knew better than to ask that question.

"Sensei has been incarcerated in Tartarus, so tell Tomura there's no point in attacking that. He won't want to hear it but he has to."

Toga gave him a brief nod. She knew that all too well about their leader. "He's looking for allies."

Izuku chuckled. "Allies?"

She didn't reply. That's all she really needed to say. Izuku continued to eat.

"Katsudon?" he asked, reaching for a new dish. "You got me katsudon?"

Himiko looked to the side. It was odd to admit it. "It was to celebrate," she conceded. There wasn't much to celebrate this week but Izuku had won his election. The results had been lost in the revelation about All Might's true form and the speculation about who Sensei was and what his ability was. The heroes were keeping that quiet. They didn't want the truth to be known.

"Thank you," Izuku said as he started on it. He had won an almost impossible election, coming from literally nowhere to win the hearts and minds of his constituents.

Part of his study of politics had been to understand how it had changed since Quirks evolved. The old Diet of Japan had been revamped. It was different though at the heart of it there was still representation of the people but it was still somewhat corrupt. As the American's liked to say, money talks. And Izuku, Imoku Kakurete had a lot of words.

"Is there anything else we need to know?"

Izuku shook his head. "It's too early for me to get that information. I have to be confirmed in the House first, then I can start requesting official documents. Don't worry, I will as soon as I can but I can't do something stupid like request to visit Sensei. Acting scared about that big bad villain who took out All Might and asking what will happen to him is acceptable, anything more will raise suspicion." He said some in the perfect voice for acting scared.

Toga grinned. She knew what Izuku meant and while she didn't know the long term plan, having someone loyal to them elected in the House of Parliament, that was big. It meant the League was really going to change the world.


Tomura is still mourning the loss of Sensei but the regular shipment of cash and information from Izuku at least assured him of the ... I'm not sure what to call him, boy or a man. Whatever it should be, Tomura is not worrying about Izuku's loyalty. Which is good, because he is figuring out what Sensei wanted him to do, what Sensei wanted him to become.

It is interesting to compare the two, Tomura and Izuku. Tomura has never doubted what he wants but he has stumbled upon the way to getting it. Izuku was pointed in the right direction and started running. But they must both work together to change the world.

Tomura will create the atmosphere. Izuku will capitalise on it. Japan's Government, the Diet as it used to be called, is no longer multi-layered. That took too long to make decisions. There is now a single House of Representatives. There are still political parties but with the emergence of Quirks two hundred years ago, many things changed. There are a lot more independents as well, and they can put forth bills that then become legislation.

It's early days yet, Izuku has just been sworn in, but I think even Tomura knows it's just a matter of time. His video games were good for something. Sometimes, you just have to wait. For now he needs to cement the deal with the Eight Precepts of Death. If we can control their drug, or at least be perceived to control their drug, then that gives us the upper hand.

It's all about reputation, expectation and perception.

Tomura is learning.


"That's it exactly!"

There were a lot of traditions with being elected, Imoku knew nothing about. Fortunately, there were helpers, public servants who acted to guide him around to this event, and then that event. Like the one now. Apparently it was traditional for all the newly elected Representatives to gather for drinks. Just the first termers as they were called, no matter what party affiliation they had.

Which was annoying but wasn't so bad. It saved him from having to speak with them one to one. So, best to look at the silver lining and all that.

"The heroes have taken a battering in public opinion polls lately," Hideaki Akiyama said.

"What? You don't credit those calling for them to be disbanded?" Shichiro Fukui was aghast at the suggestion, even if he made it.

"Of course not!" Hideaki chuckled dismissively. "Those calls always exist from the nutters." Imoku reminded himself that this was a private event. Hideaki would never speak that way in front of the public. Knowingly at least. "They just sound louder in an echo room."

"Still," Masami Satou interposed softly. She was a smaller woman but being party affiliated, she had already made her maiden speech. "There must be something we can do. The Government pays for Heroes after all and them looking bad, just makes us look bad."

"There is," Imoku said.

"As soon as this supposed League is in custody the calls will- Wait… what did you say, Kakurete?" Hideaki demanded.

"There is a way we can help," Imoku repeated with an endearing smile.

"Oh, this I gotta hear," Hideaki snorted. The others just looked interested but in that polite way that said they would hear the unknown out before dismissing whatever he said.

Imoku's smile didn't change, instead pulled out his phone and tapped it, bringing up an image. "Do you remember this?" he asked, holding up the image for them all to see.

"Err… No, what is that?"

He chuckled. "That was the podium for the First Years at UA's Sport's Festival," Imoku explained. The image clearly displayed a bound and muzzled Katsuki Bakugou staked in first place.

"And what does that have to do with anything?"

"Hideaki is correct. Heroes have taken a battering in public opinion lately. They are almost on a par with us!" The little joke brought a few titters of half hearted laughter. "But it is not just the actions of the Heroes which contribute to that battering. The actions of this League help but in all cases the Heroes have won," Imoku said, hiding the bile in his voice at that. They'd won up until now. "Usually that would be enough to keep public opinion high but it's images like this that make the public doubt," he elaborated. "This is a hero in training, one who wouldn't even graciously accept his victory. We might think it funny, but what does the public see?"

While his audience were all newly elected Representatives, they were all politicians, they knew what drove public opinion. They saw his point.

"You said there is something we can do to help?" Masami reminded everyone that was the point of the conversation before they could go on a tangent.

"There is," Imoku insisted. "We need to show the public that Heroes, even Heroes in training, are true Heroes. And I think we can do it in such a way that benefits the Heroes as well."

"Oh ho! That is a bold claim."

"It's true. I wanted to be a hero once," Imoku gave a depreciating smile. "I think everyone does at one point in their life but when I looked into it, I really didn't like the stats. Do you know there is no mandated health care for them? Their insurances cover it, but you'd think there would be something! And there is no mental health care," he added. "Beyond memorising things for tests, there is no psychological checks for those training to become heroes, and there's definitely nothing for you once you become a hero." He shook his head theatrically.

"We give Heroes all these rights - the right to use their Quirk, the right to use deadly force - and there is no psyche check on them? Can you imagine what that does to them?"

"All right, Imoku, we aren't your constituents," Masami chuckled lightly. "Your point is made." A glance at the others indicated she was right. They nodded.

Shichiro looked concerned. "What do you mean there is no psyche check?" He demanded.

"I mean there is no psyche check. We don't know why any hero is being a hero beyond the fact that they are qualified. And that's how we can help heroes regain public trust. One, we look at how to get more mental health care to our existing heroes, but for those in training, we look at putting in some psyche checks and testing, to ensure those training to be heroes, are doing it for the right reasons. Otherwise, all we could be training is highly paid, government sanctioned killers." Imoku held up the image of Katsuki again. While he'd been speaking he had zoomed it in on Bakugo's face to show his wild eyes and the way he was straining. It made his point nicely.

Masami nodded. While they might be new to the House of Representatives, they knew politics. They knew the polite facade that covered some heroes. "I'll talk to the higher ups," she indicated.

Imoku nodded, while Hideaki looked outraged. He was no doubt appalled that Imoku would just let her walk away with his suggestion. "I'll give you some proposals," Imoku said.

Hideaki nodded his understanding, and Imoku could see how he was being reevaluated. He wasn't a complete fool. He wasn't going to let an established party take full credit for what would be seen as a good investment in the future, but he did recognise that as an independent he needed to work with the parties to get what he wanted through. Holding them hostage was not the way to go, it was better to suggest policies that made them look good, yet still achieved his aim.

Masami gave him a soft smile. She knew what they were thinking. It was obvious but sounding out the new independents was one of the things the higher ups had expected her to do this meeting and she knew what she was going to report. Imoku could be worked with and seemed sensible. Hideaki was still hanging on to his ideals as an independent. He'd be too standoffish to truly work with and Shichiro… She wasn't sure about Shichiro yet.

"I look forward to working with you all," Imoku said to cover the small silence that had grown between them.

The responses were as expected.


Dabi has been looking at us oddly lately. The boy isn't anywhere near as powerful as he thinks he is but he is intelligent. It's not the same intelligence as Sensei or Tomura, rather it is a sly intelligence. I don't think Tomura has noticed the looks. Dabi is thinking about something, he's trying to make a decision without all the information. I know what that looks like. It won't come to a head yet but it's something to be wary of.

I don't believe he will betray us given he is the leader of Vanguard Action Squad but being cautious is the norm.

The Eight Precepts are being problematic. They want more time. They want more money. They want more support. They just want. They seem to be treating us as if the League is no longer relevant. Respectful, yes, because we were lead by Sensei, and any man who can stand against All Might has the respect of the underworld. But they believe themselves our equal. Tomura is letting it be for the moment but it will come to a head soon.

I have faith that we will be victorious in the long run, but the current situation is precarious even if we have found a new headquarters. Again it is a bar, and the familiarity is nice. It's been set up differently this time. There are more doors, and it's more hostile to outsiders but it is comforting to everyone. Tomura usually sits in one of the darkened corners, scratching or chewing on one nail. Leadership is maturing him and that's good for the League.


"This is an interesting proposal," Nedzu murmured.

"With due respect, Principal Nedzu, it is not a proposal," Representative Imoku said with a soft smile. While it was not usual, as the instigator of the HMBH (Heroes Must Be Heroes) Bill, he had asked to be one of the people present when it came to briefing the Principals of the Hero Schools of Japan. "This is an important step to ensure the mental stability of our Heroes, now and in the future."

"We do have checks," Hitomi Kawaguchi, the Principal of Seiai Academy said.

"Do you?" Representative Masami asked, her voice clearly challenging as she picked up a paper. The challenge hid her nerves. She was a first term Representative, like Imoku. She wasn't used to dealing with the Principals of Japan's Hero Schools. Imoku seemed perfectly at ease. He'd even given them a winning smile before settling, as if he did this every day. Of course he had… Not the Principals but other powers in business. Imoku had dealt with them all. In that way he was far more prepared than her to be a Representative. "While Seiai's Academy places a greater emphasis on knowledge that some of the other Hero Schools, you do not test for mental stability of your prospective students. Given that the Government pays heroes, it is not unreasonable for the Government, and the people to know that those serving them are stable."

Susumu Shimizu sighed as she flicked through the pages of the HMBH Legislation. "As a part of the exams delivered to all prospective Hero Course students, each licensed Hero Academy is required to administer a basic, Government issued, psychological assessment. Prospective students who fail the assessment cannot be enrolled in the Heroics Course."

There was silence as Susumu Shimizu finished reading, though no doubt all the Principals had read the Legislation.

"That seems a bit harsh," Susumu said finally.

"On the contrary," Representative Imoku replied, "It is vitally important that those who chose to train to be a hero are those who are suited for the vocation."

"What Imoku is saying, and what the bill addresses," Masami said placatingly, "is to make sure that those who aim to become heroes are suited to it. We have seen some of the problems that come when someone licensed to become a hero is not suited to the job." Masami didn't mention anyone specifically, but these were the Principals of Japan's Hero Academy's, they'd all have particular failures from their schools.

"A student may be re-assessed?" Nedzu asked.

"Of course," Masami replied immediately.

"Ah, good," the rat-human murmured. "I find that our students mature greatly in their years of schooling, and while some may not be suited for hero work when they enroll, by the time they graduate, they are."

"Indeed," Imoku agreed amicably. "The HMBH Bill is not designed to exclude people from becoming Heroes. It's designed to ensure those who become Heroes are doing so for the right reasons. It is there to ensure their future mental stability."

Imoku looked at the gathered Principals. "Right now Japan needs to be able to trust its heroes," he elaborated. "Through no fault of you, that trust has been eroded by the actions of villains." He didn't need to specify what actions, though Imoku kept the smile from his features when many of the Principals sent a glare towards Nedzu.

UA had gotten off relatively lightly after most of the scandals. In the wake of the USJ incident, Principal Nedzu had managed to argue that the League could have invaded any school. The forced retirement of one student, with injuries so bad that no amount of plastic surgery would fix, and the requirement for a respirator for the rest of his life, was something that could have happened to any hero school. It ignored the fact that the League had attacked specifically because of All Might… The public was slightly forgiving then.

But the scandals had continued. The death of one of their first year students while doing Field Experience had been the next incident. UA had avoided most of the blame there, because the investigation had proven that the boy had disobeyed his Hero mentor and thus was at fault for his own death. But in the kidnapping case, which then lead to the destruction of Kamino Ward and the forced retirement of All Might, UA had not fared as well. There was a degree of resentment towards the school, not just from the other Hero Academies but from all of Japan. It was their security that failed to protect their student, which lead to All Might's fight, and while All Might had won, everyone knew that Endeavor was a poor replacement.

"Unfortunately, the Heroes have yet to catch the group responsible, this-" Imoku paused as if he was trying to recall the name- "League of Villains, and with All Might no longer able to be the pillar upon which society rests, other Villains are coming out of the shadows," he continued. The Principals knew what he was talking about. There had been a huge rise in petty crime and some were taking more violent actions. "For Japan to function people must trust their Heroes and knowing that they can trust those in training is just as important as trusting those who are already graduated. The foundation must be strong."

He didn't miss the look the rat Principal gave him. For a moment Imoku felt as if the rodent-human could read his mind but he had gone through worse. Nedzu's gaze had nothing on Sensei and Sensei was missing half his face! He gave UA's Principal a bland look, one that seemed to encourage argument but knew that none would be forthcoming.

"Yes, the foundation must be strong," UA's Principal agreed.

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