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62.5% My Sheldon Cooper-TBBT (The Big Bang Theory) / Chapter 5: 5) The Dumpling Paradox (S1)

Capítulo 5: 5) The Dumpling Paradox (S1)

A/N: Just taking the names of episode's so you can watch the original, they don't all follow the same problems though. Yes it is a PennyXSheldon, I just want to build it and not just got straight to them together, that is how real life works.


Sheldon walked into Pasadena General Hospital holding a bag lunch for Anna, she was taking her break in a moment and it was just enough time for them to talk. This was actually his first day here, since they met at the Halloween party they had started seeing each other, not dating but they have been hanging out with a lot of flirting and stuff.

Although they haven't slept together the tension could be cut with a knife between the two of them, it helped that they talked every day since they met too. They just kind of clicked, although they kept from talking about their jobs to much, they weren't related at all so they couldn't really connect on that.

The only thing they had in common was them actually having long boring hours, that was something they connected on.

"Sheldon." Anna said walking over with a smile, there was another girl with her who was walking with a wide smile while looking between the two of them.

"Hey Anna, just brought you some lunch." He said while holding out the bag, he knew it was her break but she didn't know that he was going to bring some food when he came. It was just really suppose to be them spending some time together since they haven't seen much of each other since that night.

Her smile grew if that was even possible as her friend next to her spoke, "Well I don't want to be the third wheel, so I think that I will be taking off here and leaving the two of you love birds alone. Nice to meet you Sheldon, I am her friend Sarah by the way."

Sheldon nodded, his eyes hadn't left Anna though who was starting to blush under all the attention that she was getting from him, he only smirked some more seeing that. Not saying anything she took his hand and led him through the hospital, she took him past some rooms which made him frown before she brought him to the cafeteria.

Honestly he was trying not to freak out at the moment seeing as he was in a hospital cafeteria, sure it wasn't a room but he could still see some people in hospital gowns around. He did not want to be there one bit, Anna didn't seem to notice though as she kept talking about something funny her friend Sarah had done earlier that day.

All he did was nod along, though he almost lost it when he saw someone sneeze one table away, he was gagging on the inside, "So do you want a tour of the hospital, I can show you the new MRI machine that we just got in last week." she said with some excitement as she was bouncing in her seat.

He shook his head fast while trying not to frown at her, "No thanks, I was really only coming to hang while you ate your lunch. I need to get back to the university anyway, my lunch break is almost over." He timed it with her own so that he could come over.

She pouted but nodded her head anyway, "Alright well I will text you later and call you tonight then alright, if I can't call tonight then I will first thing in the morning." she said knowing he had to go, she also would be working late so she might be to tired to actually call him tonight.

He nodded while getting up, all he wanted to do at that moment was go and take a shower, she knew he had Mysophobia yet she was acting like she didn't know. Yes he did agree to meet her here, that didn't mean that he was suddenly into hanging out in a hospital where people constantly were sick, he got a doctor to come to him when he needed check ups.

Shivering he avoided the kiss when she went in for one as they made their way out to the parking lot, she frowned a moment before smiling again, "I will talk to you later then okay?"

"Yeah, I will be waiting." He said with a smile while climbing into his car, thankfully her pager went off and she was going inside so she didn't see him wipe his face the moment she disappeared.

Shuddering he took off back to Caltech, when he got there he ran into the guys who were on their way back to their own labs, "How was lunch with Anna?" Leonard asked, he was a lot more happy seeing as Sheldon was almost dating Anna rather then hugged up with Penny.

Sheldon shuddered making them all frown, "It wasn't that bad but she decided to eat the lunch I brought her in the cafeteria and someone who was a table over sneezed right before she took a bite. It was hell."

They all winced knowing that he was going to act that way, it was obvious and he told everyone about his mysophobia, it was something everyone prepared for. Which is why this was the first time something like this has happened, "Are you alright Sheldon?" Raj asked looking at him.

"No, not at all. I will be using the showers to change my clothes, I hate to even think about what attached to me before I left that place." He said again before moving past them and taking his bag with him, he was going to use the showers here.

That's how they could tell it was bad, he never used the showers here at all since they were communal but this time he was risking it, even though he had his shower flip-flops with him.

Sheldon came out the shower feeling much better then before, he saw that he had three messages two from Anna, and one from Penny, he answered both before going back to his office. For the next three hours he went into statue mode as he looked at the board, he had to use eye drops at the end so he could heal his eyes.

Clocking out he went home getting a message from Leonard that he was stopping at the comic book store before coming back to the house, which was fine with him, nothing new has come out.

He made it home in time to see Penny coming back from her job, she looked worn out as she walked into the building, "Yo Penny!" He said calling out to her as he jogged to catch up to her.

She turned hearing her name as they both stepped into the lobby, "Hey Sweetie! How was your day?!" She asked not even asking as she hugged him while smiling brightly as they stood in the lobby.

He chuckled some hugging her back, "It was good. How was yours though, you look really worn out."

They broke apart and moved to get the mail as she nodded her head, "Yeah it was a lousy day with terrible tips, plus I didn't even get a call back for that play I auditioned for. I was sure that I would nail it this time."

He sighed while leaning over and kissing the top of her head, "I am sorry to hear that Penny, I am sure you will get the next one. If you ever need someone to read lines with just call me up, I will help you nail them."

She smiled brightly hugging him tightly, "Thank you Sheldon. I really needed to hear that, this week has been hell on me. How has it been for you?"

"Pretty good, Me and Anna have talked more and gotten closer." He said while looking over his mail as they started to walk up the stairs, he missed her look though since he was looking through it.

"So you and Anna huh?" She asked, she was a good actress he didn't hear the jealousy at all as she spoke.

He nodded looking back up seeing nothing important from the bills, "Yeah we clicked at the party, so we have been talking more. Though it was a disaster today when I took her lunch, she took me to eat in the Cafeteria." he said shuddering at the thought of it.

Penny smiled a little while talking, "Doesn't she know about your mysophobia? She should have taken you to a courtyard or something, it is already a lot that you were even at the hospital."

"Thank you, see I knew you got me Penny." He said with a smile while looking at her, she was the only girl other then family who actually paid attention to this stuff though. Anna knew about it but it was like she wasn't paying attention to it at all.

Penny smiled brightly while looking down shyly as they made it to their floor, "Well of course I understand you Sweetie, that is what best friends are suppose to do. Now I will see you tomorrow, I am going to go in here and cook something and have a large glass of wine to go with it."

Sheldon paused, "How about I cook for you? You are looking really worn out, and you have been on your feet all day, what say you come over in twenty after you take a shower?"

She beamed at him jumping into his arms with an excited squeal as she heard his words, "YES! I will be right over after my shower."

Nodding at her he went inside and put his back down near his desk before going into the kitchen, he was feeling steaks for the night so he decided to make that. Smiling he knew what he was going to make, it was medium rare steaks with sweet potato fries and a Mediterranean chickpea wedge salad on the side, he got the ingredients out as the stove heated up.

Thirty minutes later Penny walked into the apartment with a wide smile, "Oh my gosh it smells so good in here, also please tell me that it is medium rare, that is how I like my steak."

Smiling he moved the plates over to living room table, Penny was already sitting in the middle seat waiting on him, "Well then you are in lucky Penny, cause that it the only way that I eat my steak."

She squealed making him laugh at how childish she was being.

They enjoyed a nice dinner while Penny drunk her wine, Leonard walked in on them eating and got nervous when he saw Penny there, Sheldon only rolled his eyes at that. Penny soon left though as it was getting late, the wine made her more sleepy too as he walked her across to her apartment, he tucked her in before leaving too.

Going back to his own he ignored Leonard who was asking why Penny was over, after showering and brushing his teeth he went to sleep too.


The next day they were all in the living room, Raj and Howard came over to play some Halo, Howard was trying to show the vice function on his phone though, which wasn't really working. "Here, let me try. Call McFlono McFloonyloo. Heh-heh." Leonard said while laughing.

Sheldon could only roll his eyes as he waited for them so they could actually start their game. "Calling Rajesh Koothrappali." the phone said making Sheldon laugh a little at how racist that was.

"Oh, that's very impressive. And a little racist." Raj said agreeing with his thoughts but they all laughed as he said it though.

"Alright let's get this Halo day started!" Howard said pumping his fist in the air as they all moved to take their seats, right when they were going to get started someone knocked on the door.

Leonard paused sitting and went to answer it opening it up to Penny who was wearing a colorful jacket along with some pink sweats and some flip-flops, "Hey Penny, come on in." Leonard said with a smile as she walked right into the room.

"Hey guys." She said with a smile as she walked further into the room.

Howard took that as his moment to walk over to her with a smile, "See a Penny, pick her up, and all the day you'll have good luck." he said flirting with her hard.

"Uh, No---" She started to say but let out a squeal as Sheldon walked over and picked her up making her giggle some.

"Well Howard that is the smartest thing you have ever said, now maybe I will have good luck today. What do you say Penny? I carry you like this all day and see if I can have good luck." He said while smiling down at her as she laughed in his arms as he carried her princess style.

"Haha, Well I don't know, you think you could hold me like this all day?" She asked with a smile as he walked over to the couch sitting her on his lap.

"This will do." He said as he picked back up his controller, everyone in the room just watched the two as they sat on the couch, "So what's up Penny?"

"Ugh, don't even ask, do you guys mind if I hang out here?" She said looking at the rest of them.

"Sure, what's wrong?" Leonard asked trying to get her attention back to him, smiling a little when she turned her head to look right at him.

"Well, there's this girl I know from back in Nebraska, Christie, well anyway she called me up and she's like "Hey, how's California," and I'm like "Awesome" 'cos, you know, it's not Nebraska, and the next thing I know she's invited herself out here to stay with me," She said sighing while rubbing her head, "Anyway, she got here today, and she's just been in my apartment, yakkety-yakking about every guy she's slept with in Omaha, which is basically every guy in Omaha, and washing the sluttiest collection of underwear you have ever seen in my bathroom sink."

"Well, is she doing it one thong at a time, or---" Howard started but Sheldon cut him off.

"I swear to whoever you believe in Howard that if you finish that sentence I will murder you." Sheldon said as he was uncomfortable, plus he could see the disgusted look that was starting to appear on Penny's face as he started to speak.

That shut the man up real quick, this led to a discussion about her friend though that lasted a little while, Sheldon was the only one to notice Howard leave when it was mentioned she was a Whore. Shaking his head he stood along with everyone else as they walked over to the door, ten minutes later music was playing in Penny's apartment.

"I can't believe she let Howard into my apartment." Penny said on a shudder, no telling what images were going through her head at the moment.

Sheldon shook his head while holding her shoulders, "Well who cares, you said she was a whore and Howard is a wanna be whore so you should have expected this some. You can take his place though and be Leonard's partner in Halo."

Leonard's expression lit up as he heard that, Penny thought about it for a moment before she finally agreed to play with them, she couldn't go back to her place after all. Finally starting the game they played three full games where Raj and Leonard learned that Penny kicked ass at the game.

Sheldon kind of knew but he was going based off the show, he wasn't one hundred percent sure if she would play as well as her counterpart would play. "She must be cheating there is no way she is this good! Raj! Cover me!" Sheldon said as Penny seemed to be able to get the jump on him time and time again.

When Sheldon looked out the window he saw that it was night time, they had spent the whole afternoon playing, he took a moment to respond to some text that Anna sent him. He didn't catch Penny looking over with a frown, even if he did it isn't like he would say anything about it.

From all the time he spent with her he knew that she was more of a flirt then anything, he stopped taking anything she said seriously a long time ago.

"Alright well it is getting late, I think it is time that I went home." Penny said as she set down her controller, Leonard went to flirt with her some but he was flat rejected.

After she walked out Sheldon went to make himself some dinner, that whole time all they did was drink stuff they never actually got anything to eat. Since he felt like wings he made that, he made wet lemon pepper wings with some celery on the side, like he was at a sports bar or something.

As he was putting the sauce on the Penny walked back into the apartment with a frown on her face, "Okay, I have a problem."

"What is it?" Leonard asked looking concern as him and Raj were putting the controllers away.

"Um, well, Howard and Christie are… kind of… hooking up in my bedroom." She said with a nasty look on her face, she also looked really uncomfortable with the thought of them doing that on her bed.

"Are you sure?" Leonard asked.

"Look, I grew up on a farm, okay, from what I heard they're either having sex or Howard's caught in a milking machine. Do you mind if I stay here tonight?" Penny asked pouting at him but he looked over to Sheldon, Leonard never knew she stayed that night after Halloween it was never spoken about.

She caught his look and looked to Sheldon with a pout too, all she got in return was an eye roll as he went to plate his food, and hers since it seemed she would steal some, "Sure thing."

She nodded happily while taking a plate and digging into her food, "So where do you want to sleep? I just got new pillows on my bed if you want to sleep there, I can change the sheets."

Leonard didn't catch the look but Sheldon did as she looked at him real fast before shaking her head, "The couch will do, just give me a blanket and cover and I will sleep here."

Sheldon rolled his eyes as the man did just that, she wouldn't be sleeping there at all, no doubt she would be crawling into his bed later and sleeping with him. He ate his food in silence and noticed that Raj was making his own sandwich over at the counter, he didn't really mind.

The whole time Penny was here the guy was in the background since he didn't talk while Penny was there, he couldn't wait until she gave him his first drink. Hopefully by then he could talk to girls more, though he could do it himself he loved the reaction that everyone gave, so he would hold off on that.

Leonard came back with the pillows and a blanket before going to make himself something to eat, they all watched TV as they ate dinner together. When thirty minutes passed Raj called it a night and went home, Leonard was upset but he let Penny get to sleep telling her good night as he went to his room.

Sheldon washed the dishes before he went to his room, it didn't escape his notice that Penny didn't say goodnight to him, she only shot him a smile before she letting him walk away. After brushing his teeth he went to his room, he talked to Anna for awhile before going to bed.

He didn't know how much time passed before he felt his bed dip and the smell of strawberries assault him, Penny didn't say anything just wrapping her arms around his waist. Moving his body he adjusted to her letting her get into a more comfortable position before falling back asleep.


When Sheldon woke he avoided waking Penny before going to make himself breakfast, he was still tired so he had no clue how he ended up on the couch eating waffles. It wasn't until Leonard walked into the living room that he even noticed that it was getting later in the morning.

"Where's Penny?" He asked looking distraught as he didn't see her sleeping on the couch.

Rolling his eyes he didn't answer but kept eating and watching TV, he would answer a text from Anna every now and then, she wasn't off until Tuesday when they would hang out again. Leonard not getting an answer pouted before making himself breakfast, it wasn't until an hour later that Penny walked into the living room rubbing her head.

"Morning." She yawned while walking over to grab a cup of coffee.

"Morning Penny, where did you sleep last night?" Leonard asked while already looking over to Sheldon who didn't even move a muscle. Leonard wasn't allowed to tell her where she couldn't sleep.

"Sheldon''s room." Penny said while rubbing the sleep out her eyes, "I couldn't sleep and we ended up talking last night, I just kind of fell asleep in there."

The rest of the day was a blur as he saw Howard come in wearing a pink robe, Penny saying something about it being hers before she rushed to her apartment. This set up the rest of the week where her friend Christie ended up staying with Howard at his mothers, though she tried to flirt with him which set Penny off.

He wasn't paying attention though as he was distracted with his own work and Anna, he actually visited her apartment where it was hell. She had no time to clean so the place was always dirty, her roommate not being able to help since she also was always working at the hospital.

For some reason though he looked past all that and tried to be with her, she was fun when it didn't come to them having to do anything that way hygienic, if she did then he avoided it.

A big thing they did end up doing though is that they finally slept together, she beamed and was breathless afterwards but he found it to be lackluster at best, she was to much. Not in the sense where she was doing a lot but that she was putting a lot of moans and yelling into the sex, it really put him off of it, it did not fuel his ego.

It was Friday again and Howard was back with them to play Halo, he was really into the game but he stopped playing when the door was opened, looking over he saw Penny smiling with some of her friends. The other guys were to busy shouting and playing the game to even notice that they were there.

"Hi guys, my friends and I got tired of dancing, so we came over to have sex with you." Penny said with a smile trying to prove a point to her friends about the others not paying attention.

Sheldon stood though walking over to them the guys didn't even seem to notice though, "Well I don't know about them but I am ready to take this hit for the team if you girls think that you can handle me. And I got to say you look really beautiful in that dress Penny." He said with a smile while reaching out and taking a lock of her hair into his hands.

She blushed while her friends giggled, "Shut up Sheldon! I was trying to show my friends here that none of you would pay attention and be to caught up in the game to notice."

"Well you should know better then that Penny, you are always the first thing I notice when I walk in a room or you show up." He said with a smile loving how she blushed some more when he said that, "So are you girls really done dancing?"

"No we are just taking a break switching clubs." He friend in the green dress said as Penny was trying to control the blush that took over her face.

He nodded, "Well you girls look out for my Penny will you, make sure she doesn't get to drunk tonight, and call me if there are any problems." He said while giving each of them his number, his words just proceeded to make Penny blush again not allowing her to talk.

As they were leaving he heard one of them speak out, "Penny you better get him before----" he didn't hear the rest as the door closed behind her.

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