Vix slid back down the little incline to join Mirra. Caine came bumping down in a dusty cloud a moment later. He looked down at himself and sighed. “I knew I should have brought clothes for all this rough travel,” he said. He patted himself down, emitting a fine misting of dirt that drifted to the ground.
“Focus, Caine.” Vix turned her attention to Mirra. “Now, remember our agreement. You have one last thing to help us with.”
Mirra nodded, looking nervous. “So long as you remember that you promised I’d go free after I do my part.”
“I do.” Vix hesitated, glancing at Caine. “Someone should stay with Mirra, here, and make certain that she doesn’t try anything after I’m gone.”
Caine stopped trying to dust himself off. “Yes, they should,” he said shortly. “It’s just a shame that there’s only me.” He fixed her with a steady stare. “And I’m coming with you.”
Vix shrugged. “It was worth one last try. Fine. Then we take her with us.”