What the fuck?
I had a bitch of a hangover, and the last thing I wanted to do was to go into work today, especially after not doing any work during the weekend. Ed insisted we spend Saturday drinking too, and I spent most of yesterday just trying to sober up. I fell asleep drunk, woke up drunk, and then when I did try and sober up, it was late and the next thing I knew, I was due to come back to work. Ed had one weekend of freedom, and instead of doing something useful with it, it was almost as if he was trying to forget it by always wanting to be drunk. I didn't get the work I needed to get done before the presentation this morning, and now I had a new PA. One Elisa had asked me to hire, and she never asks me for anything. She asked for a favor, and I couldn't help but agree to it. I was saving face by telling her I agreed to it and planned on going back to the penthouse and calling the whole thing off.
But no.
I forgot.