The boys are arguing about their football team. Again. It started as we were about to enter the cafeteria. Ben’s team must have lost because he’s the most aggravated. We have our trays in front of us but they are still arguing. The girls look bored as hell, myself included. Liam’s girlfriend yawns for the third time.
“You okay, babe?” Liam asks her.
Lies. We are bored. We keep sharing glances each time the boys start on about a player from their team. I’m starting to think joining Ben at his table is a horrible idea. We always eat at my table. Since Maria is gone, it’s just us. I like it. But I don’t want to be the girlfriend who keeps her boyfriend from his friends.
Ben pecks me. “You are not eating.” A hand cups my face, my cheeks grow warm as his friends stare. I shift on his lap, his free hand slips to my waist. He smirks, fully aware of his effect on me. “Babe.”