The ground shook as land beside the Terrampager erupted.
It erupted to yield a clone of the Terrampager.
"I was going to go easy on you because you have yet to commit any crime."
The Terrampager's eyes bristled with wrath.
"But I have just confirmed that you are attempting to genocide the people of not just the Nest of Terra but of other nations that may also be within the range of your Martial Embodiment."
His eyes glowed with power as both he and his clone took the same charging stance.
"I hope you're ready for the consequences."
The blood-red Suns in Rui's eyes shined with blinding brightness.
A single remark escaped him.
The Terrampager didn't require any more coaxing.
The two projectiles shot themselves at Rui with tremendous speed and power.
And yet, they missed.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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