To say that it was a radical suggestion was an understatement.
Rui understood that it was a truly extreme suggestion.
It would have been extreme even if not for a Beast Incursion raging through the nation. The apocalypse meant that no nation in their right mind, not even a Sage-level powerhouse, would even dream of holding something like a Master-level tournament with a prize.
It was ludicrous.
"…Our Masters are not simply endlessly free with all the time in the world," Queen Lianiala narrowed eyes. "They're burdened with many tasks, including manning the defense line and protecting the Solaris Kingdom from the Beast Incursion."
Rui smiled. "I'm sure the Sages can temporarily take over their burden for one shift. As for their other preoccupations. Are you really telling me that they won't put them aside for a chance to win the Blood of Solaris?"
She gazed at him with a sharp gaze.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!