"And with that, I have come to an end of my presentation," the Esoterist informed them amicably. "I sincerely hope that my solutions, along with those of my colleague, will be able to aid all of you in dealing with the crises that the Ecologer has enlightened all of us about. Good luck to all of us, and goodbye."
His projection disappeared, leaving the participants of the Human Summit to their own devices. Each of the leaders fell into deep thought at the extraordinary knowledge that they had gained from the summit.
They were indeed very grateful to the Adventurer's Guild for putting together a taskforce that had been of such great utility. Without the Ecologer's warnings of what had already come to pass and of what was yet to come, they would have been operating with a limited scope of awareness.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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