His father's attempt to leverage his breakthrough ability to rally allies and the Martial Union's desire not to anger the many powers and forces across humanity pressuring them revealed just how valuable the ability to trigger breakthroughs artificially was.
Of course, he had always known that it was revolutionary.
However, now that he was tangibly able to get a taste of just how valuable it was, it reaffirmed how difficult it was to execute.
He bet that the Panamic Martial Federation deeply regretted ever trying to charge him with anything for the damages he had done. Compared to the value of the ability to trigger breakthroughs at will, the losses his Sun technique had caused them were microscopic.
In his Flowing Void Style, he had the ability to revolutionize Martial Art forever. He could ensure that human civilization eventually grew to be qualitatively superior by orders of magnitude than it would be otherwise without his intervention.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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