The moment the Masters sensed a second breakthrough in the Master Realm, they knew that there was no hope that they would be able to kill the Void Prince.
The mission was a failure in every sense of the word.
They had failed to attack Kandria.
They had failed to defend their honor, suffering losses and casualties to a bunch of Martial Seniors.
They had failed to kill the Dawnbringer.
Now, they could only grit their teeth and run away a second time.
"Retreat!" The interim leader bellowed to his fellow Masters as he glanced at the kneeling Kane with fear. "Get out of here while his attention is still away from us!"
The Sekigaharan Masters grew grim as they clenched with rage and frustration.
Yet, what choice did they have?
They could not fight a proper Master in their current state.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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