Master Sera took a passive role in the battle as she seemed content focusing on evading the attacks of her opponent.
"Buzzing around like a little insect," Master Satva's aged voice remarked with a hint of derision. "No matter, you'll get caught sooner or later."
He stepped hard on the land, causing an enormous amount of land to displace as it flew up at incredible speeds, threatening to crash into her.
Master Sera didn't even bother trying to waste her energy with destroying the land that was flung her way. After all, there was too much. There was no way that she could deal with everything with brute force.
She would run out of energy far sooner than he did if she chose to go that route.
Instead, she maneuvered through the air, employing the entirety of her speed and agility to evade the attacks that flew in her direction.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!