The Master Council did not convene lightly.
After all, the hundred-and-eleven Martial Masters of the Martial Union represented a titanic amount of Martial power. This was enough Martial capital to wipe out countless nation-states from existence and wreak havoc across human civilization.
Even when they weren't completing operations or missions at the behest of the Martial Union, their very presence was an asset.
A deterrence.
They were needed to deter the many potential enemies and hostile predators that Kandria had made simply by virtue of being one of the powerhouses of East Panama.
If not for them, Kandria would experience war and invasions.
Without them, the other three Sage-level powerhouses of East Panama would smell blood in the water and tear down the upstart powerhouse.
That was why the hundred-and-eleven Martial Masters of the Martial Union rarely concentrated in a single place.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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