The fire and poison attacks were not only attacks that bypassed Flux Earther but were also wide in their area of effect, making it impossible to evade.
Yet, their wide area of effect was also their greatest weakness.
Potent Mighty Roar Flash Blasts blasted two holes in the parts of the fire and poison waves that were going to hit Rui, allowing him to evade the attack entirely.
So what if their combined power exceeded his?
All that power meant nothing if they could not control, focus, and direct it with precision and accuracy. Rui was basically a tiny dot compared to them, but that actually worked in his favor because these creatures could not focus all their power against a tiny dot.
However, the reverse was not true.
They could not make their power hit him, but he certainly could hit them with his power.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!