Rui opened his eyes.
A deep sense of comfort saturated every cell of his body. So much so that he felt reluctant to even move.
To even think.
"What…?" He frowned hazily.
His confusion was palpable.
He didn't know where he was.
He didn't know what was happening.
He was unable to connect his current circumstances to his memories.
He didn't even understand what he didn't understand.
On the ceiling above was a picture of Bruce Lee. John had plastered it on his ceiling when he moved in, all so that the last thing he would see before the world went dark was Bruce Lee taking his iconic and classic stance.
A surge of nostalgia erupted within Rui.
Yet, it also felt wrong.
He turned to the side groggily inspecting.
[8:59 AM]
His eyes widened with shock.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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