The evening spent with his friends gave him perspective, reminding him of what normal looked like.
Yet it didn't fix the problems he was facing. Problems that were certainly not normal.
While meeting up with his friends was soothing and relaxing, when he returned home, his thoughts returned to the royal addressal ceremony.
'Only a few more days now,' His eyes narrowed.
He distracted himself with working on the Angel of Laplace during the time, at least trying to make it more combat-applicable, but it wasn't easy.
His revelation that the key to the Master Realm was the Angel of Laplace was true, but it was also true that only the Master Realm could help him use the original Angel of Laplace that could allow him to see the past of the entire world.
Essentially, he was trying to create a Senior-level version and save the original Angel of Laplace for the Master Realm.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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