Deep in his Mind Palace, a replica of a portion of the Great Jrava Mountain Range was overwhelmed with information.
Information regarding vectors. This was comprised of packets of information that contained two values each: direction and magnitude. A seemingly endless storm of such packets of information converged at the center of Great Jrava Mountain Range in the Mind Palace.
Where Rui meditated.
"Rgh!" Rui gritted his teeth as he struggled to process the endless ocean of information.
It swallowed him whole.
Washed away in currents that were too strong for him.
Yet he weathered.
Drop by drop.
Pail by pail.
He gritted his teeth, painstakingly putting a puzzle together.
The puzzle of the past.
He waved a tapestry of the past, little by little.
The currents of the river were determined to impede him.
The currents of the river of time.
After all, this was the river he was wading against.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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