The elder Martial Master said hospitality, but it appeared that he had a very different idea of what it was. He simply sky-walked high-up into the icy freezing winds of North Kandria.
Rui followed suit, elevating with the Martial Master.
Both of them had Martial Bodies, of course, they were unaffected by the cold.
He turned to Rui, opening his mouth to address him.
Yet Rui was faster.
"Before you begin, please allow me to inform you; that I have no interest in supporting Prince Randal's hawkish ambitions." Rui raised a palm in a distance gesture.
He had already seen through the truth. The truth regarding the Master's intentions.
Master Krakule's eyes sharpened with a hint of surprise. "…How did you know?"
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!