Of course, Rui didn't mind. Frankly, he would have been skeptical in their shoes as well. It was unrealistic to expect much from a presentation from a Martial Senior.
His attention turned back to Master Ceeran.
He was still having trouble parsing the fact that Master Ceeran had broken through to the Master Realm, becoming Martial Master.
"I do look forward to speaking with you later, Master Ceeran," Rui reiterated, breaking out of his reverie.
"Indeed, we will have the opportunity to do just that later." Ceeran smiled warmly at Rui's words. "But for now, it would do you good to not get distracted, Rui. We will be taking our seats for now. I'm sure there are others who would like to have a word with you."
He was right.
Another Martial Master had just entered the lecture hall, one that Rui didn't recognize. She too was accompanied by two scholars, walking over to Rui.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!