It was an insane thought. Yet it was one that he considered nonetheless.
"How many innocent civilians are there in the Shadow Isles?" Rui asked.
"Hah," The professor snorted. "None. The Shadow Isles has become an infestation for assassins and all activities related to assassinations. There are managers, agents, representatives, bureaucrats, and others who specifically ensure that the commissions for assassinations all reach the assassins quickly and smoothly."
"Hmm..." Rui considered that. He would have been very hesitant if the man had said that there were plenty of peaceful villages and settlements across the entire archipelago. But Rui's moral consideration tended to plummet if the people who would become victims to his plans were not good people.
He wasn't sure if he would go ahead with the plan nonetheless, it was maybe too extreme.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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