All three options had their allure.
He had yearned for the capabilities of the abyssfeeder the second he learned about them. Their ability to adapt themselves to basically everything was truly impressive and extremely relevant to him.
Of course, he was aware that he would never be able to fully replicate the abilities of the abyssfeeder, but that was fine. Anything he could get was something he would welcome greatly.
The second option was also a pretty good idea, but it was a little bit more controversial. He didn't know if it was a good idea entirely to shape the development of his Martial Art over the next few years around a single person. Of course, there was the point that he was generally improving techniques that would be useful in many other circumstances.
He just needed to make sure that he didn't get too one-track-minded in the development of his Martial Art.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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