As far as Rui could tell, his opponent was the most powerful Martial Squire on the battlefield. At least, that was what his Primordial Instinct told him. The more time he spent in the Squire Realm, and the stronger he got, the better he became at gauging the power levels of Martial Squire with just a glance.
His opponent had already demonstrated some powerful redirection techniques and a remarkable mastery over manipulating the momentum and torque of his opponent.
('A close-range counter-offensive Martial Artist,') Rui immediately deduced. ('He manipulates his opponent's flow of power to cause them to completely destabilize their balance and defenses. He exploits the openings he causes to land clean attacks.')
Rui was not unfamiliar with redirection, he had even mastered a redirection technique in the Apprentice Realm.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed that.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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