The Martial Union had dispatched dozens of Martial Apprentices, and several Martial Squires, all of them belonging to the Longranger Sect and each having a Martial Path centered around long-range techniques.
Rui could sense the dense sense of power emanating from the Veomine Eagle. "Those idiots, they were told to lay low until authorized otherwise."
He quickly headed to the conference room, where they had all gathered to meet Senior Ceeran.
"But sir, why can't we just take ove-!"
Rui slammed the doors open, inspecting the Martial Artists who had arrived.
They all stared at Rui as their eyes scanned him from top to bottom, sizing him up. Rui could sense surprise and caution in their demeanors, and it was understandable. He was supposed to be a grade four Martial Squire, but for some reason, he had an overwhelming aura that they had seldom sensed within the Squire Realm.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed that.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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