Very swiftly he pumped the morale and the energy of the army to a decent degree. Soon enough, the order had been delivered and the army began dispersing. The general himself would not be taking part in the operation, he was far too old and losing him would likely be even more devastating than losing some Martial Apprentices. In the time that Rui had spent in the camp, it was very clear to see that Fushin played an important role in the Zurtun Rebel group. He was the core, in many ways.
Rui turned, looking at the old man as they left. He felt a chill run down his spine as he saw the man staring straight at him with a smile on his face. Rui had to take a moment, breathing deeply to compose himself. He steeled his heart as he forged on with the army. They were on foot because the horses would draw too much attention, furthermore, they were wearing sound-insulant footwear to reduce the amount of noise they made.
Thanks for reading, hope you're hyped for what comes next.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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