Their mental fortitude wasn't quite there yet. At the level they currently were at, they wouldn't be able to pass the first stage. Building up the necessary mental fortitude would take months. Thankfully, months, they had.
The only problem was that Rui wasn't always going to be around. In fact, he planned to leave once the Quarrier Orphanage had completed all the required preparations for winter. He had stalled long enough and had taken enough of a break. The best he could do was commission a Martial Apprentice to continue their mental fortitude training.
And soon enough, the time had come. Rui bade his family farewell before he set out for the Martial Union. The time to strengthen and elevate his Martial Art to the Squire level had come. He could barely suppress his grin as he ran at an incredible pace to the Martial Union, reaching them in no time at all.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed that.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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