Pain was all he could feel, and his sense of surroundings began disappearing, however, that wasn't all.
He didn't know how much time had passed within the apotheosis chamber. Any number of seconds, minutes hours, or even days could have passed. There was no source of light within the apotheosis chamber, after all. There was nothing that moved that could indicate the passage of time.
He had earlier relied on his own heartbeat, but now he was consumed in too much pain for him to be able to focus on his sense of hearing.
Suddenly, a change occurred.
His pain localized to his skin and flesh, the portions of his body that it was spread across had reduced, but the intensity of the pain had risen.
"AAAARRRRRGHGHRGRHRGR!!" Rui screeched in pain as his brain and mind reeled at the sheer intensity of the influx of pain that was hitting him. The pain this procedure was inflicting on him was hitting the limits of the possible amount of pain that could be felt from a single organ.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed that.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!
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