Rui swung a hook only for his opponent to step towards the strike, blocking it with an armed guard. Rui seamlessly hurled an already-wound straight punch to the man's face.
Once again, the man stepped forward in the direction of the attack, blocking it with a forward guard. He was incredibly swift for a defensive Martial Apprentice, being able to keep up with Rui's every attack. Rui launched a barrage of blows, yet time after time, the man somehow continued blocking all of Rui's attacks casually.
('He's ruining the timing of my attacks.') Rui quickly realized. ('He's using a technique where he steps forward in the direction of the attack and blocks it prematurely before the attack has charged enough to reach its peak.')
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!