The Martial Apprentices spectating gaped at the sheer power that Rui and Fae displayed. They were shocked at the display of Martial prowess, and for good reason. Even among the upper echelons of the Martial Apprentice population of the Academy, Rui and Fae were special. They were genuine realistic candidates for the position representative of their Academy, and now, everyone could see why.
Fae drew every ounce of power from deep within her. Her body vibrated with unbridled power as she poured everything into the avalanche of earth-shaking palm blows.
Two out of every three attacks landed into feints! Rui was abusing the Phantom Step technique to avoid her attacks. He did his best mitigate the damage of the attacks that landed with Inner Divergence, Elastic Shift and Acute Edge. However, Fae's offense was too strong, he could only partially mitigate the damage she inflicted.
If you've read the story so far, I'm sure you realize that fights are very important to this story. And if fight are important, fight choreography is important too. Please let me know your thoughts, reactions, opinions and feedback on the choreography in the comments or in the Discord.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!