Do not marry polytheistic women until they believe; for a believing slave-woman is better than a free polytheist, even though she may look pleasant to you.
And do not marry your women to polytheistic men until they believe, for a believing slave-man is better than a free polytheist, even though he may look pleasant to you.
They invite ˹you˺ to the Fire while Allah invites ˹you˺ to Paradise and forgiveness by His grace.1 He makes His revelations clear to the people so perhaps they will be mindful.
- Quran Al-Baqarah 2:221 -
These memories brought a smile to Susana s face. Growing up, she had always dreamed of falling in love with a charming and handsome man like it was in the tales that her mother and aunties used to tell her when she was a child. The little girl meets the handsome, future sultanate. Against all odds they fall in love, then everything turns out for the better from there on. Living happily ever after.
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