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9.3% THE COLLISION / Chapter 4: Too late

Capítulo 4: Too late


I was so screwed.

I watched the pretty woman sashay seductively out of the conference room, my eyes stuck on her delectable derrière.

What I wouldn't do to have her all to myself for just one night.

As it was now, she hated my guts, and for reasons unbeknownst to me. My guess was, she had a personal vendetta against men. Simple.

Well, either that or she was simply a bad sport who couldn't handle a little competition, but either way I still felt a little offended. Offended that even with all my wonderful looks, I didn't charm her in the least.

Because let's face it, I was a very fine specimen.

I remembered how I'd explicitly implied that she was having an affair with my dad and cringed with regret. I really didn't mean to lash out like that but I just hadn't been able to control myself. She just kept goading me and usually I'd have been able to handle it but not today. Seeing my father had put me in a mood I really couldn't explain.

I really had to apologise to her. But, I'd do that later.

I stood up and went round shaking hands with members of the board and exchanging small talk, all the while avoiding my old man like the plague. We hadn't gotten along ever since I found out he'd been cheating on mum.

It had happened way back when I was in high school, but I don't know, there was just something about the discovery that had ruined my life... ruined the mental picture I always had in my head about family life and love.

It was all a lie.

All of it.

Ma still stayed with his sorry ass even after I had begged her not to, but she was old enough to make her own decisions so whatever. And what even irked my sister Savannah and I most was the fact that he tried to act like nothing had happened instead of showing -I don't know- some kind of remorse.

As it was now, I was back at RetroCorp with my own personal agenda; to slowly buy shares from the company and then make my father lose everything. The guise of wanting to be vice president really fit well into my plans; it concealed my ulterior motives and made me seem... harmless.

Exactly the look I was going for.

"Dylan, can I talk to you?"


"What do you want, dad?" I gave him my full attention, properly assessing him in the process. The old man had lost weight -a lot of it- and had more grey hairs than I could remember. I felt a pang of an emotion I couldn't describe; was it love or pity or pain? I really didn't know but I shut it down quickly.

"It pleases me greatly to see you return where you belong, son and if I were to die today, I'd do so with so much joy because I know the company will someway find its way back into your capable hands."

What was he talking about?

"You're not dying, are you?" I asked suspiciously.

"Oh no no. It was just a manner of speaking." He assured me with a pat on my shoulder. I bristled at the action and he nervously withdrew his hand. "Come. I'll show you to your office."

"That's quite alright. I'll find my way round on my own."

"No, I insist." He pressed on and I felt a pang of irritation.

"Look dad, I didn't come back because of you. I did because of mum so if you're thinking everything's back to normal and we're on our way to being besties then I'd suggest you think again. Stay the fuck away from me." I walked off without looking back.


My office was directly opposite Brielle's. It seemed like the fates either wanted to tempt me or bring us together, I didn't know which exactly.

But hopefully, it was the second.

I walked into the office and took in my surroundings.

The room was huge, and well stocked with everything I'd need to fully perform my duties… even more than I'd need actually but, it was a little too extravagant for my liking.

Growing up, Ma had drilled the importance of being frugal sometimes into my head from ever since I could remember. Dad was the ostentatious one to the best of my knowledge, and my surroundings were enough confirmation to that.

I heard a quick knock at the door and watched my father poke his head in.

"Can I come in?"

"Can I say no?" I muttered. He came in with a soft chuckle and cleared his throat uneasily.

"I hope you like your office." He stated, glancing around with pride. "Nothing but the best for my son."

"Just cut to the chase already." I stated impatiently trying hard to control my temper. He reached for one of the chairs and tiredly took a seat. I did same.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that you currently don't have an assistant, so it has been arranged for you to share with Brielle for the meantime till we can get you one."

I chuckled.

A dry, humourless one.

I couldn't believe the audacity.

"Isn't that fucking fantastic?" I asked, my tone dripping with sarcasm that wasn't lost on the old man.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" He asked in genuine confusion.

I took in a deep breath.

It was so obvious that he wanted the position to go to Brielle, even though I was his son, and I don't know… even though I didn't get along with him, and didn't actually want the stupid position, I wanted him to want me there, so I could ruin everything and hurt him even more –if that even made sense-.

You're letting your anger show too much Dylan. Calm down or you'll blow everything.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and tried to pull myself together. "Ignore me. I'm quite stressed out. I'd love to share with Brielle but please get me my own assistant ASAP."

"Definitely son, definitely."

I cringed at that word.


I stopped seeing myself as his son a long time ago… this was all for show.

I watched him stand up and give me a quick nod with a 'see you later'. The old man obviously realised he had lost me somewhere in the middle of the conversation. My phone rang just as he walked out of my office.

It was my best friend/attorney Marin. I'd known him since high school, and he'd been with me through thick and thin. I'd even moved in with him and his parents for a brief period of time when things had gotten so tensed at home and I couldn't risk a look at my father without wanting to punch him in the face.

"Hey man." I greeted after answering the call.

"Hey Dylan. How's it going over there? I hope you haven't done anything crazy yet." Marin teased. I snorted.

If only he knew how close I'd come to sabotaging things.

"I'm barely hanging in here, but what's up with you? Why're you calling? Is something wrong?" I asked in confusion. We had agreed that I'd be the one calling since I didn't want suspicions to rise in any way, and now he was breaking our agreement.

It must be urgent.

"Yeah, I sent some files to your email, have you seen them yet?" I heard him ask. I reached for my laptop only to find that I'd left it in my car. "I haven't seen them yet Marin, give me a sec." I walked out of the office just as my father was entering Brielle's, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

What was going on between those two?

I glanced at Brielle's assistant and quickly sent a nod her way. She wasn't at her desk when I was settling in, but she was now, and she deserved a greeting if I wanted her not to sabotage my plans. The woman gave me a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes -I don't know if it was from fear or contempt- but it was obvious where her loyalties would be… definitely with Brielle, not me.

I needed my own assistant real quick.

"Hey man, you still there?" I heard Marin call out faintly.

"Yeah, yeah I'm here. You know what? Can you find me an assistant? I currently don't have one and I have to share with my number one contender who for some reason hates my guts."

"Does this contender happen to be a woman by any chance?" He asked pensively.

"Uh, yeah. But what does that have to do with anything?"

Marin laughed. "Ooh, dramaaa. You know I live for those. Actually, studies have pointed out that strong dislikes like that in an office setting could usually be a manifestation of sexual tension."

I shook my head at his antics while I got my laptop from the car and walked back to my office, trying as hard as possible not to think of Brielle and the word 'sex' in the same sentence. I was attracted to the girl, and I didn't need wild thoughts tightening my pants at the moment. "I'm not having this conversation with you Marin. Back to the issue at hand. Can't you just tell me now?"

He switched to professional mode. "No, sorry. I'd rather you saw this yourself."

I nodded in understanding. "Well, alright."


"What do you want?" I asked Shawn in boredom, with my eyes still stuck on my laptop even though I wasn't paying it much attention.

"Can I sit down?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know, but I doubt I can say no seeing as this is your company and all."

He winced, sat down and swiftly reached for my hand. "I'm so sorry Brielle. I really am."

"I didn't mean to hurt you this way."

I looked up at him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"That's the thing Brielle, I didn't know… well not until it was last minute."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, spare me the bull-"

"I'M REALLY SERIOUS." He thundered, then took a deep breath and started in his normal tone. "We had a meeting a week ago about the issue, and I made it very clear that I wasn't going to look for anyone else to contest against you. I argued that you were fit for the job and that seeking someone else out was just a waste of time and that you'd still emerge victorious." He gave me a smile, and I couldn't help but faintly return it.

He continued. "Three days ago, I was told the board had made a unanimous decision to scout for someone else and that they'd already found the right candidate. I was furious, but you know how these things go. Unanimous board decisions overrule the veto powers of the president."

I knew that very well.

"I found out it was my son, and that he had accepted the job offer and I became even more confused on how to react. You see, I did things I'm not proud of many years ago, and for that reason, my children barely talk to me anymore."

Wait did he say children?

"Children? All along, I thought you only had a son." I voiced out in confusion. He shook his head, a sad smile gracing his features. "I have a daughter too… my beautiful Savannah, but I haven't heard from her in a very long time." I squeezed his hand in solidarity and the gesture seemed to have roused him from his reflections.

"Yeah so where was I? A part of me is happy to have my son back, working here, talking to me again, but the other half of me is sad and angry for not telling you about this sooner, for hurting your feelings, for disappointing you with my actions. I'm honestly very sorry Brielle."

I was still mad, but even I could understand where the old man was coming from. I didn't like being kept in the dark, but I could deal with it, especially when I knew I still had a chance to emerge victorious.

I stood up and outstretched my arms for a hug. "Come here Shawn. You look like you could use one of these." He laughed and stood up to wrap his arms around me in a loving father-daughter way that instantly made me miss my dad. I made a mental note to call him soon.

"Don't think I've forgiven you yet though." I stated mid-hug causing Shawn to rumble with laughter. "I didn't even think that for a second." He assured me and I nodded in satisfaction. "Oh, and no offence, but I'm going to beat your son's ass too while I'm at it so get ready to relocate to Tulsa if you love him so damn much." He just shook his head and laughed even more.

A loud throat-clearing sound broke us apart with a jump. I looked up in shock to see Dylan Thomas standing in my office, a murderous look on his face.

"Uh… Dylan. W-what are you doing here?" I heard Shawn stutter, still in a confused haze. My own confusion quickly turned into anger. "Ever heard of knocking? Maybe you should try it sometime."

He gave me a once-over. "I did knock. Ever heard of hearing aids? Maybe you should get one sometime." He winked at the end of his insult. Like an actual, flirty wink.

This man has some nerve!

He turned to his father. "Fraternizing with the staff now huh? Pretty interesting standards you're setting, dad."

I rolled my eyes at his impudence. "Look, if you're here to see your father like the daddy's boy we all know you are, please do your best to take it out of my office. I've got work to do." Shawn shot me hurt look, but I was too far gone to care.

"I actually came to see you Bree."

I grimaced at the name. "Don't call me that." Shawn looked at the two of us in confusion and then shook his head to -I don't know- maybe clear his senses?

"Oh, I'll leave you two to it then." We both watched him walk out of the office, the door shutting softly behind him. I turned to his handsome, arrogant son and shot him an icy glare. Then I walked to my chair and elegantly took a seat, spinning from side to side with my eyes stuck on my laptop. "Should I be the one to tell you to get on with it already? I asked absentmindedly still pretending to be caught up with work.

"You aren't even going to offer me a seat? How rude Bree." My eyes shot up in irritation. "I told you to stop calling me that."

He smirked and sat down anyway. "Why don't you make me?"

It was obvious from his suggestive tone that he wanted a kiss, but being the gracious person that I was… I was going to do him one better.

I stood up and leaned in slowly and seductively, a smirk on my face at how much his eyes had widened and how fast his breaths had gotten. I licked my lips, and his pupils dilated, the action sending an unexpected jolt to my core. I quickly shook it off and reached for his cheeks, squeezing them like I would a cute child –not that he was cute or anything- but this was slightly harder.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I squished his cheeks even more, and then I puckered my lips and cooed. "Aww, daddy's boy wants a kiss. Sorry, honeybun, but no. You've been a very very naughty boy."

His eyes widened in a slightly-horrified-slightly-turned on way that had me collapsing into my seat in laughter.

"God… your- your face! You should have seen… you should have seen the look." I allowed the guffaws to overtake my body, shaking with loud peals I couldn't control. He sat there clutching his cheeks, a murderous look on his face while he waited for me to get my laughter under control.

"What… what the hell? What was that for?" He asked in confusion when I had calmed down and the loud guffaws had settled into soft chuckles.

"Well, I said to stop calling me Bree, and you said to make you so, I did." I explained with an innocent smile. "Did it work?"

He laughed, understanding lightening his features. "Oh I see what you did there. You've got jokes huh? Alright fine. You win this time, but only because you completely took me by surprise… plus it didn't even change anything. I'm not going to stop calling you Bree. If it riles you up, then I love it."

I stopped smiling and shot him a glare.

Way to ruin my moment.

"What brings you here? Just let it out and get out." I ordered.

He cleared his throat uncomfortably and leaned in. "Look, I'm here to… apologise."

I assessed his features critically for a sign that he was being dishonest, but I found none. He seemed genuine. I cocked my head to the side. "For what exactly, Mr Thomas?"

"Please call me Dylan, Bree."

I frowned at the name but I didn't say a word.

"Look, I apologise for my rash words earlier, I really didn't mean to come off like that and I'm very sorry." He finished earnestly causing me to release a dry humourless chuckle. "If I remember correctly, Dy, you-"

"Dy? But that's a very horrible nickname."

I smiled smugly as I adjusted my glasses on my nose. "Stop calling me Bree, and I'll stop calling you Dy, deal?"

He laughed. "Not a chance sunshine."

Honestly, what's it with him and nicknames?

I leaned back in my chair. "You know, fun fact, Dy is actually a manifestation of how I feel when I see your ugly face. I mean, no offence, but I just hope you'd die or something, get it?"

He chuckled. "You're so cute Bree, and I get it. So… do you forgive me?"

"No, I don't."

His face fell. "But I said I was sorry."

"Yeah, yeah you did, but what are you apologising for exactly right now?"

His eyebrows lifted in confusion. "Wait… I- I don't understand."

"If I remember correctly, you said I was your dad's whore earlier on, and then out rightly accused him of fraternizing with the staff when you came in. So I repeat, what exactly are you apologising for?"

His face lit in understanding. "Oh… uh both?"

I nodded. "I see. Well, apology not accepted, so if that was all you came here to do, you may kindly see yourself out." I went back to working on my laptop, acting like he wasn't there, trying hard to ignore my body's awareness to his and the almost unbearable need to clench my thighs. I felt his gaze on me for seconds, minutes, possibly hours –I don't know how long it was since time seemed to stand still- then he stood up. "I'm really sorry, Bree… and even if it takes ages for you to forgive me, just know that I'm going to continue to grovel and beg, and pester you until you do so. I'll give you space to work, but I will return."

Was that a threat or a promise?

Why did his words please me so damn much?

I ignored him though, my eyes still determinedly set on my laptop. He stared at me for a while and then walked out of my office.

For a while, I sat still, staring into space, trying to settle the conflicting interests of my heart and my brain. My heart wanted to rush to him, and pepper kisses all over his face, while declaring my love and forgiveness, but for my brain,

It was already too late.

Gladys_Quarshie Gladys_Quarshie

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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