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50% (Velocity) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Path Ahead (Rewrite)

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2: The Path Ahead (Rewrite)

Chapter 2: The Path Ahead

Disclaimer: Velocity is a fanfic focused on Marvel comics and is a response to another fanfic, Tachyon Rise to Villainy, which is a fanfic of CW Flash that was created by my friend and which I have published with their permission. The characters, settings, and other elements of Marvel comics are owned by Marvel Entertainment and are used here for fanfiction purposes only. The events and plot of Velocity are entirely fictional and do not reflect the views or opinions of Marvel or its creators. This fanfic is written purely for entertainment and non-profit purposes, and no copyright infringement is intended.

As news of Manny's escape spreads quickly, the government's reaction to the existence of mutants is becoming more extreme. The MRD's actions become more brutal and inhumane, with many mutants being rounded up and imprisoned without trial.

The Senate argues before agreeing to give more authority to the MRD to take action. Senator Kelly, a known anti-mutant advocate, stands before the Senate and delivers a passionate speech, "The mutants are a threat to our society! They are not like us, and they will never be like us. They have powers beyond our understanding and control, and they will use those powers against us. We must take action now to protect our citizens!"

Senator Graydon Creed, another anti-mutant advocate, stands up and adds, "We cannot wait for them to attack us. We must strike first and take them out before they have a chance to harm us. The MRD needs more authority to carry out their duties and protect our citizens."

On the other hand, the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants are both concerned about the escalating conflict and what it means for the mutant population. The original team of X-Men gathers in the Danger Room to discuss the situation.

Cyclops speaks first, "We need to do something about the MRD. They are out of control, and they are hurting innocent mutants. We need to take a stand and show the world that mutants are not the enemy."

Storm agrees, "We cannot sit idly by and watch as our fellow mutants are persecuted. We need to act now and stop the MRD from doing any more harm."

Beast chimes in, "We also need to find a way to reach out to the non-mutant population and show them that we are not a threat. We need to educate them and show them that we are just like them, but with special abilities."

Meanwhile, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, led by Magneto, has a different opinion on how to handle the situation. Magneto advocates for a more aggressive approach and urges his followers to take up arms against the MRD.

"We cannot stand by and let the MRD harm our people," Magneto says. "We must fight back and show them that we will not be intimidated. If they want a war, then we will give them a war."

Mystique, a member of the Brotherhood, adds, "We cannot negotiate with the MRD. They see us as inferior, and they will never listen to us. We must take action and show them that we are not to be trifled with."

Professor X, the leader of the X-Men, disagrees with Magneto's approach and urges diplomacy and peaceful coexistence. "We cannot resort to violence. It will only escalate the situation and make things worse. We need to find a way to work with the government and show them that mutants are not a threat."

Magneto scoffs, "Diplomacy has never worked for us. It's time to show them that we mean business."

The debate between the X-Men and the Brotherhood rages on, with each side firmly entrenched in their beliefs. The mutant population is caught in the middle, unsure of what the future holds.

As the MRD continues to grow more powerful and the government's reaction to mutants becomes more extreme, the mutant population must decide how to respond. Will they choose diplomacy and peaceful coexistence, or will they take up arms and fight back against their oppressors? The future of mutant-kind hangs in the balance.


Manny spends the next few weeks holed up in the abandoned building, determined to master his speed and recreate the techniques of his alternate future. He spends hours each day practicing, running laps around the large room, and attempting to recreate the ability to run in the air.

At first, Manny's attempts at running in the air are less than successful. He takes a running start and launches himself into the air, only to come crashing back down to the ground a few seconds later. After several failed attempts, he begins to get frustrated. "Come on, Manny, you can do this," he mutters to himself, taking another deep breath before trying again.

Finally, after what feels like hours of practice, Manny feels a sudden rush of wind beneath his feet, and he lifts off the ground, hovering in the air for a moment before gracefully landing back on the ground. He lets out a whoop of excitement, pumping his fists in the air. "Yes! I did it!"

Manny moves on to the next technique on his list - speed mirage. He runs at top speed in a circle around the room, attempting to create a duplicate image of himself. However, his first few attempts are less than successful. Instead of creating a perfect duplicate, he ends up creating a blurred, distorted image of himself that only lasts for a few seconds.

"This is harder than I thought," Manny says to himself, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Maybe I need to focus more on the visual aspect of it."

He spends the next few days practicing, focusing on creating a clear, sharp image of himself as he runs. Gradually, his speed mirage begins to improve. He creates a clear, sharp image of himself that lasts for several seconds before fading away. "Getting better," he says to himself, grinning.

Next on his list is supersonic punch. Manny stands in the center of the room, fists clenched, as he attempts to build up enough speed to deliver a powerful punch. He takes a deep breath and begins to run in place, gradually picking up speed. Just as he's about to deliver the punch, he trips over his own feet and goes flying across the room, crashing into a pile of old crates.

Manny groans, rubbing his sore backside. "Note to self - watch your footing," he mutters, getting to his feet and dusting himself off. He spends the next few days working on his balance and agility, determined to avoid any more mishaps.

Finally, after weeks of practice, Manny feels confident in his abilities. He can run in the air, create speed mirages, and deliver a powerful supersonic punch. He decides that it's time to find allies to help him in his fight for mutant rights.

Manny heads to a nearby park where he knows there are often gatherings of mutants. He approaches a group of mutants, introducing himself and explaining his situation. To his relief, the mutants are sympathetic to his cause, and they agree to help him.

Over the next few weeks, Manny and his new allies work together to spread the word about mutant rights. They stage peaceful protests, distribute flyers, and hold meetings to discuss their strategy. Manny is grateful for the support of his new friends, and he knows that together, they can make a difference.

As he looks around at his allies, Manny can't help but think about his alternate future. He knows that he has the power to change the course of history, to create a world where mutants are accepted and celebrated rather than feared and persecuted. And he's determined to make it happen.


Manny spent the next few weeks in hiding, determined to master his powers and recreate the techniques of his alternate future. He had to become faster, stronger, and more strategic if he was going to survive in a world where mutants were hunted and persecuted.

Manny began his training by attempting to recreate his future self's ability to run in the air. He ran as fast as he could, pumping his arms and legs, but found himself falling flat on his face. He tried again and again, but each time he failed. Frustrated, he let out a sigh.

"This is harder than it looks," he muttered to himself.

Manny decided to take a break from his training and rest for a bit. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes, trying to calm his racing thoughts.

As he sat there, a sudden realization hit him. He needed to learn how to control his powers before he could master them. He couldn't just run as fast as he could and hope for the best. He needed to learn how to use his powers strategically, to avoid being caught and to fight back against his enemies.

With this new understanding, Manny started to train in a more controlled and deliberate manner. He practiced his speed-mirage technique, which allowed him to create multiple images of himself that confused and disoriented his opponents. At first, he struggled to maintain the illusion, but with practice, he was able to create multiple images of himself that were almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

As he continued his training, Manny attempted to recreate his future self's ability to duplicate himself. He focused his mind and body, and suddenly, a duplicate of himself appeared next to him. He grinned in excitement, feeling the rush of power that came with his success.

But then, something unexpected happened. The duplicate began to dance around and make silly faces, completely ignoring Manny's commands.

"What the heck?" Manny exclaimed, watching as the duplicate continued to act up.

The duplicate suddenly disappeared, and Manny found himself back to square one. He sighed, realizing that there were still some things he needed to figure out.

Manny then attempted to master the supersonic punch, a powerful attack that allowed him to strike his opponents with incredible force. He ran as fast as he could, building up momentum, and then delivered a punch that sent a shockwave through the air.

But again, something unexpected happened. The shockwave caused a nearby stack of crates to come crashing down, narrowly missing Manny.

"Oops," Manny muttered, realizing that he needed to be more careful with his powers.

As the weeks went by, Manny continued to train and improve his skills. He became faster and more agile, able to run up walls and jump incredible distances. He learned to use his powers in creative ways, like creating a speed vortex that pulled his enemies towards him or using his speed to create a makeshift shield.

Despite the mishaps and failures, Manny never gave up. He was determined to become the hero he had always wanted to be, to fight for mutant rights and make a difference in the world.

And as he continued his training, Manny realized that he couldn't do it alone. He needed allies to help him in his fight, to stand by his side and fight for what was right.

With this in mind, Manny set out to find others like him, mutants who were willing to fight for their rights and stand up to the government. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to do whatever it took to make a difference.


Manny was walking along the streets, disguised in a hoodie and sunglasses, with a grocery bag in hand. He was muttering to himself about the prices of food these days. "I mean, seriously, why does a carton of milk cost an arm and a leg? It's just milk, for crying out loud."

As he was turning a corner, he heard a commotion nearby. A woman was screaming for help as a man was trying to snatch her purse. Manny quickly assessed the situation and knew he had to act fast. He put down his grocery bag and sprinted towards the mugger.

He landed a solid punch on the mugger, knocking him out cold. He then went to the woman, who was in shock and fear, and tried to reassure her that she was safe now. But then, the woman transformed right before his eyes. She was Mystique, a shape-shifting mutant and a notorious villain.

Manny was taken aback by the sudden transformation, but his attention was quickly drawn to her state of undress. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, put some clothes on, will ya? Did you hit your head or something?" he exclaimed, trying to avert his gaze.

Mystique, now wearing clothes, tried to seduce Manny into meeting with Magneto, the leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. "You're quite the hero, Manny. You have a lot of potential. Come meet with Magneto, and we can help you achieve your goals."

Manny was hesitant about the offer. He knew Magneto's reputation as a villain and wasn't sure if he wanted to get involved with him. However, he knew that he needed allies in his fight for mutant rights. "I already know who you are, Mystique. And I know what you and Magneto stand for. But I'll agree to meet him, just to see what he has to offer," Manny replied, remaining unflustered by Mystique's attempts at seduction.

Mystique smiled slyly, pleased that Manny had agreed to meet with Magneto. "Excellent. We'll be in touch with the details," she said, before transforming into another person and slipping away into the crowd.

Manny picked up his grocery bag and continued on his way, his mind racing with thoughts about the meeting with Magneto. He knew he needed to be careful and approach the situation with caution. But he also knew that he couldn't do this alone and that he needed to take risks to achieve his goals.


Manny makes his way back to the abandoned building, still processing the encounter with Mystique. As he enters the building, he notices something is off. He's on high alert, ready to fight, when he sees another woman in the corner of the room. He takes a closer look and recognizes her as Rogue from the X-Men.

Rogue is equally surprised to see Manny and immediately assumes he's a threat. Manny quickly puts up his hands in a non-threatening manner and introduces himself. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not here to hurt you."

Rogue eyes him warily, but her curiosity gets the best of her. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" she asks.

Manny explains that he's a mutant on the run from the MRD and that he's been hiding out in the building. He shows her his superspeed powers to try and gain her trust, and Rogue's eyes widen in amazement.

But then, as she looks closer at Manny, her expression turns to shock and disbelief. "Wait a minute... I recognize you," she says, her voice shaking.

Manny looks puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Rogue takes a step closer, still staring at him in disbelief. "You're... you're the wanted mutant. The one the MRD is after. How did you end up here?"

Manny takes a deep breath and decides to trust Rogue. "Listen, I know it's a lot to take in, but please don't turn me in. I'm trying to find allies to help me in my fight for mutant rights."

Rogue is hesitant, but she can see the desperation in Manny's eyes. She takes a moment to think and finally nods. "Okay, Ah won't. But you have to tell me everything. How did you get here? And why are you on the run?"

Manny begins to tell her his story, starting from the attack on the mutant rights meeting all the way to his escape from the MRD. Rogue listens intently, nodding along as he speaks.

When Manny finishes, Rogue is quiet for a moment, taking in everything she's just heard. "Wow, that's a lot. I can't believe you've been through all of that," she says softly.

Manny nods, a grateful smile on his face. "Thank you for believing me. And for helping me. It means a lot."

Rogue smiles back at him, and for a moment, Manny forgets about his troubles. He's just happy to have found an ally in his fight for mutant rights. Then, Manny's mind raced as he recalled Rogue's power from his alternate memories. He remembered that his future self was immune to her parasitic touch, and he couldn't help but wonder if the same was true for his current self. Manny was intrigued and decided to ask Rogue about her powers while pretending not to know.

"So, Rogue," he began, "I was just wondering, what exactly are your powers?"

Rogue looked at him warily but eventually relented. "Well, Ah have this power that allows me to absorb the memories, powers, and life force of anyone Ah touch," she explained in her typical Southern accent.

Manny nodded as if he had no prior knowledge of her powers. "Fascinating," he said, trying to sound intrigued. "How did you discover your powers?"

Rogue's face softened as she recounted her backstory. "It was a few years ago when I was just a teenager. I accidentally absorbed my first boyfriend's memories and put him in a coma for weeks. After that, I knew I had to be careful and started wearing gloves to prevent accidentally touching anyone."

Manny couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for Rogue. He knew firsthand how difficult it was to be a mutant, especially one with such a dangerous power. Suddenly, Manny offered his hand to Rogue, and she recoiled in horror. "What are you doing?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear.

"Rogue, I know this might sound strange, but can I offer you my hand?"

Rogue's eyes widened in horror. "What?! No way, sugah! Do you have any idea what could happen?"

Manny quickly realized his mistake and tried to calm her down. "Sorry, sorry, I forgot. I just wanted to show you something," he said, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Rogue hesitated for a moment before taking off her glove and slowly taking Manny's hand. To her surprise, she didn't feel her power kicking in, and Manny seemed unfazed by the touch.

Rogue's eyes widened with shock and disbelief. "How did you do that?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Manny smiled wryly. "I'm immune," he said, hoping to put her at ease.

Rogue's expression transformed from shock to happiness and hope. "Really?" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Manny nodded, and Rogue's confusion returned. "But this is the first time we've met. How did you know about your immunity?" she asked, furrowing her brows.

Manny deflected the question, not wanting to reveal too much. "I didn't know for sure until now, but I figured I could power through it if it did affect me."

Rogue didn't seem convinced but decided to let it go for now. She was too excited about meeting someone who was immune to her powers. "Well, I'll be. That's mighty impressive, sugar."

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