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52.63% Monster Girl Quest: Eeveelution / Chapter 30: Ritual Aftermath, and the Cutest Battle Ever!

Capítulo 30: Ritual Aftermath, and the Cutest Battle Ever!

{Author's Note}

So, while writing this chapter, I received yet another cowardly review of chapter 19. Normally, I would just allow these to flow through me and make me more powerful than ever before, but I found this one hilarious for two reasons.

1. The person cursed about how all they'd wanted was a 'good fic featuring an Eevee' only for them to 'watch a child who was sexually raped and has drama for days in the one world that revolves around rapehappy monster girls.' This complaint is funny to me because this person obviously didn't bother to read the warnings I put in the synopsis, nor did they actually look at the source material for the world I put Kevin in.

2. They weren't brave enough to leave their chapter comment for everyone to see. I can only assume it was deleted shortly after submitting it, meaning that this person is not only toxic, but too much of a wimp to allow the world to see how toxic they truly are.

Now, I'm not gonna rat this person out by name dropping them, but I guarantee they will know who they are when reading this call-out.

What I'm trying to get across with this is that: Deleting your comments doesn't mean the writer can't see them. So, if you're gonna be an asshole, try not to pussy out shortly after submitting the comment. What's a few more people knowing the kind of things you say?




The world stood still as Kevin's enraged shout echoed through the forest around him. Silence settled over the area, every last onlooker holding their breath, silently begging for the child with enough power to flatten their home to calm down.

It was obvious to anyone with eyes that the state he was in from the moment he entered the forest to the kiss with Sylph was not of his own free will. Some primal force had led him to the clearing, forced him to perform the ritual dance with the Spirit of the Wind, and then cut his strings without a second thought, leaving him alone with his rage and indignation at being controlled for the locals to deal with.

What they weren't aware of, though, was that there was someone there to answer his question. It just wasn't someone who they could hear, see , or sense in any way.

[The Eeveelution System would like to offer the Host congratulations on his Marriage!]

'…' Kevin's entire mind went blank for a brief second, before coming back far more volatile than before. 'MY FUCKING WHAT!?'

[Upon examining the dance the Host just participated in, and cross-referencing it with the Universal Records of this world, the Eeveelution System was able to deduce that the Host has been bound to the Spirit of the Wind through a ritual known as the [True Bonding Ritual of Wind]. It is a ceremony orchestrated by the Universe itself to wed an Elemental Spirit and a compatible mortal, making sure their souls will forever be intertwined and never separated.]

This was a major slap in the face to the teen. His views on the very concept of marriage could be best described as 'a terrible arrangement where two people bind themselves legally until they get sick of each other.' For the Universe itself to enact an irreversible marriage ritual between him and a girl he just met was not only insulting, it was also disturbing.

He had half a mind to go on a rampage through the forest, using multiple Moves and forms to show the world what happens when you force these kinds of things onto an emotionally unstable person.

A single voice stopped him, though. "Um…could you maybe not do that?"

Focusing back on the world around him, the Eevee was surprised to see Sylph floating in front of him. She'd shrunk down, now only the size of a fairy but still looking exactly the same. Actually, there was one major difference: she had tracks of tears running down her cheeks, and her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"This *sniff* forest is a nice place," the Wind Spirit sniffled. "It would be very bad for you to *sob* destroy it."

The urge to snap back at her died as soon as it came to the forefront of his mind. She was as much of a victim in this as he was. He wanted to disregard her feelings, as she was just a stranger who didn't understand what he was going through, but that wasn't true.

She wasn't a complete stranger at this point. After the hours-long dance he'd been forced to be part of, he was pretty sure he knew more about her than anyone else in the world. He'd witnessed years, decades, centuries, and millennia worth of memories, all within the time it took them to finish the ritual. There wasn't a single thing about Sylph he didn't know now. The only bright side was that he'd only viewed them, instead of experiencing them as if they were his own.

What was even worse, though, was that the memory sharing was a two-way street. It didn't take a genius to deduce that her current state was caused by her own viewing of his memories. All of the best parts, and the worst parts. Unfortunately, it appeared that she wasn't prepared for the impact his darkest times had.

The anger didn't go away, but it did simmer down until it was overcome by concern. "You saw them, huh?"

Sylph sadly nodded, silently wiping a few tears out of her eyes. Without thinking, the teenager slowly reached out and cupped his right hand below her, allowing her to lower herself into a sitting position. She gratefully accepted, dropped down the inch or so and hunched over in a depressed slump.

"Why…are there so many?" she whimpered, trying not to think about the years' worth of abuse she'd seen in his past.

"Because people suck," he answered simply.

With that, he walked over to the stump in the center of the clearing and sat down as well. Sylph continued to cry as he held her. There was nowhere he needed to be at that exact moment, so he deemed it acceptable to wait for both him and the Spirit to calm down.

As much as he hated it, he now had an emotional attachment to her that, due to her request, prevented him from expressing his anger physically for now. The thought of hurting her, whether intentionally or unintentionally, sent a spike through his heart, ending all trains of thought that could possibly result in him recklessly damaging the forest. Even the idea of punching a tree received the same result, only raising his frustrations further.

'System! What is going on!?' he mentally shouted, only peripherally registering Sylph lightly flinching.

[Due to the nature of the bond shared between the Host and Wind Spirit Sylph, the Host's emotional reactions have been altered. Logically, the Host is aware that the bond was not voluntary and thus he should not feel anything for his new wife, regardless of knowledge provided on her by the ritual.]

[Emotionally, though, the Host is now feeling the early stages of love for Wind Spirit Sylph. The Host's Body and Soul have accepted the union in its entirety, affecting the emotional reactions the Host will have to Wind Spirit Sylph with a combination of hormones and existential highs and lows. The only level unaffected by this change is the intellectual level, which is why the Host is able to question it in the first place.]

"That was a lot of big words," Sylph suddenly interjected, drying her eyes with the sleeve of her left glove.

Kevin's heart stopped as his gaze slowly drifted down to the small girl in his hand. "Did…you just reply…to the System?" he asked, not entirely believing it.

She nodded. "Uh-huh. Who is she? I never saw anything about her in your memories."

[The Eeveelution System is a tool whose sole purpose is to aid its Host in surviving. The Eeveelution System is capable of removing itself from all memories being observed by external forces, leading to Wind Spirit Sylph not becoming aware of its existence until now.]

"Oh!" the green haired girl said with a smile. "It's nice to meet you!"

[The Eeveelution System returns the greetings of Wind Spirit Sylph.]

Listening to the fairy-like girl giggle at the System's odd method of communication, Kevin couldn't keep the corners of his mouth from tilting upward. The sight of her gradually regaining the childish glee present in so many of her memories warmed the boy's heart, allowing the anger to dissipate just a little bit more. It wouldn't completely disappear, though. Not until he could properly lash out at a deserving (or undeserving, depending on the situation) victim.

Sylph, noticing the Eevee's thoughts drifting in a dangerous direction again, took it upon herself to float up from her spot on his hand and lightly bop him on the nose. "Hey! What did I tell you about not hurting the forest!?"

"I wasn't going to," he defended himself.

"You were thinking of it!" she shot back. "If you harm a single leaf of any tree in my forest, I will be very upset with you!"

The threat was so childish that Kevin couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Alright. If that's what's at stake, what other choice do I have?"

"Good!" the tiny Spirit grinned, obviously pleased at her victory.

They continued to sit in companionable silence, neither able to think of anything further to say. While this was normal for Kevin, it was a novel experience for Sylph. Her hyperactive and whimsical nature made it nearly impossible to keep any of her thoughts from tumbling out of her mouth, typically in a long stream of speech that few could understand. But now, having been shown the life of her new 'spouse,' she was content to just get lost in her own thoughts.

After about fifteen minutes, the Eevee sighed. "Well, since the universe itself is the one that did this, and the only way to get back at it would be to destroy it, there's no choice but to just accept it and move on," he grumbled. "The only question is: what was the point of it? I already had my Flying Type form completely unlocked, so I can't exactly see a silver lining to this."

Before Sylph could pipe up and indignantly ask why having her around wasn't a 'silver lining,' the System chimed in again.

[The Eeveelution System did receive two upgrades through the binding of Wind Spirit Sylph and the Host's Soul. The Notification was delayed in favor of allowing the Host to become acquainted with Wind Spirit Sylph and properly calm down so he can appreciate the upgrades.]

"Ooooooo! I wanna know what they are!" Sylph exclaimed, shooting up excitedly and hovering before the boy in a sudden burst of energy. "Come on! Tell us tell us tell us!"

"Yeah, might as well spit it out now. I'm about as calm as I'll probably get about this situation for the next few days," the Eevee agreed.

[As a result of the [True Bonding Ritual of Wind] conjoining the souls of the Host and Wind Spirit Sylph, the "Griffeon" Eeveelution has been granted immunity to the {Transformation Limit} Downgrade implemented in the "Eeveelution System Update 2.0: The Downgrade." The Host is no longer limited in the number of times per day he transforms into the "Griffeon" Eeveelution.]

[Additionally, instead of being limited to 25% control over the power of Flying Type Energy in the Host's Eevee form, as is so with all other elements, the Host will be capable of accessing 50% of the full potential of Flying Type Energy without needing to evolve.]

The teenager had to admit, at least to himself, that this was a useful upgrade. Not having to limit the usage of an evolution capable of flying and controlling the wind, especially when in a wide open space, would open up so many opportunities that were closed off in the last update. That, and the power to control wind at half the strength of an Elemental Spirit without shapeshifting almost made up for the shotgun wedding the universe just pulled.

However, there was an underlying implication included with this upgrade as well that soured Kevin's mood a little. The fact that he only received these two boons due to being forced into the [True Bonding Ritual] meant that if he wanted the same freedom of use with any of his other forms, he'd have to do the same thing with more beings of similar elemental purity; i.e: the other three Spirits. It also implied that, unless he found being beyond the Four Spirits to bind to his soul, he'd only get this boost with four out of his seventeen evolutions; maybe five, if Gnome counted as both Rock and Ground.

"Hey!" He was pulled out of the downward spiral by Sylph coming forward and tugging on one of his hairs, drawing his attention to her. "Stop it with all of that moodiness! All that thinking of the downsides of everything will do is make you more miserable. If you ask me, this is the best thing that could've ever happened to both of us! And to Gnomy, Deeny, and Sally! And you know why?"

Kevin remained quiet, but shook his head as an indication that he couldn't see a bright side at all.

The Spirit gave a smile so pure it could melt the heart of even the coldest bastards alive. "It's because from now on, none of us will have to be alone ever again!"

That one statement struck a chord in the Eevee's heart. Looking back on his life, the worst part wasn't the sexual abuse, the bullying, or the punishments for the impossible pranks he pulled to get back at his tormentors. It was the loneliness. The isolation, brought on by everyone around him not wanting to be dragged down with him, content to watch him sink and lose almost all of his emotions in the process. If he'd had at least one person back then, a single friend willing to stand by him through thick and thin, then maybe he wouldn't have ended up how he had in the end.

For Sylph, it was a different form of isolation that plagued her throughout the memories of hers the boy had witnessed. Sure, everyone in the Forest of Spirits loved her and played with her, and every few hundred years or so a monster or Hero would go around collecting the Four Spirits for a grand mission, but that never filled the hole that remained there. She was lonely because, despite being surrounded by friends in the Forest of Spirits, she knew that she would outlast all of them. Monsters may live very long lives, but only the Spirits were immortal, after all.

A single tear fell from Kevin's eye before he could reign in his emotions. It was only a momentary lapse in the iron-clad defense of apathy he kept up, but feeling stirring in his heart through the connection they shared confirmed to the Spirit of the Wind that he truly understood the meaning behind her words. She knew not to push any further, as the boy was unused to feeling so much after years of suppressing his emotions, but it was definitely a good start!

"Now, come on!" she exclaimed, floating down to grab one of his hands and pull him off the stump and onto his feet. "You have a friend waiting for you, don't you? The quicker we leave and meet back up with them, the quicker we can gather the others!"

Kevin knew that she was being vague in her wording so that the surrounding elves and fairies wouldn't be alerted to the Monster Lord's presence just outside the barriers of their forest. As much as Sylph acted like a hyperactive airhead, she wasn't dumb. She just preferred to not have to think too hard most of the time, leading to others seeing her airheaded.

"Alright," he agreed, allowing her to drag him along. "Can you lead the way, though? I wasn't exactly in my right mind on the way here, you know?"

A look of exaggerated determination dominated the tiny Spirit's features as she gave a militaristic salute. "You can count on me! I know this forest like the back of my hand!"

That got a raised eyebrow from the teen. "That would be more reassuring if I didn't know for a fact that you haven't taken your gloves off for over a thousand years."

"Lalalalala! Not listening!" the Spirit cheerfully called out, turning around to lead the way.

Chuckling lightly to himself, the boy proceeded to follow her out of the forest. It took around an hour, just like on the way in, but passed by quicker due to the companion he now had with him. They didn't talk much, the only words between them being her pointing out the plethora of plants now decorating his body, courtesy of the fairies, but he just shrugged and used the small amount of Grass Type power he retained in his base form to remove all of them. Sylph pouted at that, but quickly lost interest in favor of the next random thought to come to her mind.

Both the elves and fairies followed them from a safe distance. Considering the fact that the Spirit of the Wind seemed to be the only thing keeping the boy from snapping and using his immense powers to destroy their forest, even the mischievous fairies understood that it wasn't a good idea to approach them and possibly anger him. Instead, they hanged back and watched, fascinated by the unique interactions between their resident Spirit and the Spirit-level male monster.

It was as they were nearing the exit that Sylph brought up an interesting topic. "Wow! I'm surprised we didn't run into that weird monster that's been terrorizing the forest for the last few days!"

Kevin stopped and gave her a deadpan stare. "The what?"

"Oh, there's been a monster made up of a bunch of plants that's been wandering around the forest and attacking anything it sees," the Spirit frowned.

"And you haven't dealt with it yet because…?"

"It hasn't really hurt anyone yet! The fairies and elves are able to avoid it, usually."

The teenager let out a sigh. "Well, we might be seeing it real soon."

"Why do you think that?"

"You have a copy of my memories, right?" he asked, receiving a nod. "I want you to look through story tropes I learned. More specifically, the ones associated with terms 'Murphy's Law' and 'Speak of the Devil.'"

After a few seconds of silence as she followed his instructions, the Spirit of the Wind gained an expression of understanding, followed shortly by frowning as she realized what he was talking about. "Oh," she mumbled.

"Yeah," he nodded, rolling his shoulders as he felt a presence approaching from behind. "Rule one of adventuring: the world is always listening, and loves to punish people who tempt fate."

Turning around, Kevin was met by an abomination that somehow managed to surpass Amira. It looked like the corpse of a human woman with long blond hair with half of her body covered in giant parasitic plants. She didn't even blink or move any of her limbs, propelled forward by the vines and roots of the flowers instead of her own free will.

[Chimera Dryad]

[Type: Grass]

"Ah! Now I get it!" Sylph suddenly exclaimed.

"Get what?"

"Well, after seeing your memories I kept wondering why you don't talk that much. It's because you don't want to give the universe the chance to throw your words in your face, isn't it?"

"Well…you're not wrong, but –" the boy started to reply, before the Chimera Dryad suddenly sent a wave of projectile ivy and flowers at the two of them. Dodging the attack was as easy as ducking underneath it, but that didn't make it any less annoying. "You know what? Now isn't the time to have this conversation."

Sylph perched up on his shoulder and stared at the Chimera Dryad. "What should we do?"

Dodging yet another attack by jumping over it, Kevin thought hard. "I only have three forms that are super effective against this thing, but all of them have disadvantages due to the current environment. My Flareon form would not only burn down the trees around us, but also be limited to the strength of the creature herself, and Glaceon would likely kill the forest by freezing everything. Griffeon would be super perfect, but the aforementioned trees will limit both my Moves and flight options."

"Then…why don't we just run to the exit and have you transform there?" the Spirit asked.

It took a split second for him to mentally agree with her, then turn tail and run. He didn't go too fast, making sure to remain in the abomination's sight so it wouldn't just give up and go after the other residents of the forest instead. Under normal circumstances, he would have no problem with ditching the strange monster and leaving it to be literally anyone else's problem, but the newly forged bond with the Spirit of the Wind made even thinking about ditching the forest so quickly leave a nasty feeling in his chest. So, he proceeded to lead it out of the forest and into the open grasslands.

Alice, who at this point had gathered some wood from nearby trees that dotted the space beyond the forest's barrier, was busy trying to roast some raw meat over a fire she had made. It was taking longer than she expected for her traveling companion to come back, so she decided that there was no point in succumbing to both her boredom and hunger. Instead, she'd just be bored and somewhat hungry, as about half of the results of her 'cooking' lay in a pile of charred food off to the side.

Just as she was working on her fiftieth skewer, her ears perked up the sound of someone approaching from within the forest, and fast. Looking up from her slowly-burning failure, she saw Kevin run out of the tree line with the tiny form of Sylph on his shoulder. Before she questioned why he would be running, the form of some creature she couldn't recognize followed him out at the same pace, shooting parasitic flowers and vines at him.

"What the hell is that!?" she shouted, rising to her full height as her travel companion approached.

"No idea!" Kevin called back. "Some kind of Chimera Dryad, if I had to guess!"

"Why haven't you killed it yet!?"

"I gladly would have, but Sylph would've been sad if I burned the forest down," he replied, lowering his voice down to normal upon reaching her.

"…" the Monster Lord blinked a few times at that revelation. "Since when do you care about making someone sad?"

"Since I was forced into a shotgun wedding that permanently bound our souls together. Now, are we going to continue playing 'Twenty Questions,' or are you going to help me kill this thing?"

More questions filled her mind at that first statement, but she saw the point in not wasting time on it when there was an obvious threat coming toward them. She was about to ask why she should help him fight the creature when its next attack came and was directed at her. Her! The Monster Lord! There wasn't a single monster alive that would dare attack her so brazenly!

Well, except Kevin, but he was an exception to a lot of rules.

In her indignation, she batted the projectiles away with her tail and proceeded to gather magic in her hands. Thrusting them forward, she released a scorching whirlpool of flame on the Chimera Dryad, trapping it in a vortex that charred its entire body. What was odd was that despite the amount of damage the creature sustained, it didn't so much as flinch.

"What is wrong with this thing?" she thought out loud.

"If I had to guess," Kevin replied. "I would say that the body is just a corpse without the ability to feel anything, and the plants attached to it don't have a nervous system either. So, no matter how much damage you do, it won't react."

"Tch," the Lamia tsked in annoyance. "Why did you bring it out here in the first place?"

Instead of the boy answering, it was Sylph who spoke up. "We needed more space to fly around!"

Kevin nodded. "Thanks for reminding me, Sylph." With that, he shifted into his Griffeon form for the second time that day. "What do you say we teach this mean monster a lesson?"

"YEAH!" the Spirit exclaimed in return, before dissolving into light that was absorbed into Kevin's chest.

A gleeful smile made its way across the boy's face as he flapped both of his wings and launched himself into the sky. This form, now that he wasn't under the control of the universe and his instincts, was a lot like his Jolteon and Vaporeon forms in the fact that it put him in a perpetual state of happiness. Unlike the Electric and Water Type forms, though, it wasn't a hyperactive super-happiness or a laid-back go-with-the-flow happiness, but a whimsical and free-spirited happiness.

For example: despite being in a battle against a being that threatened all life in the forest, he was having fun flying circles around it instead of outright attacking. His attention was easily distracted by how amazing it felt to fly, no longer bound by the simple horizontal directions of his earth-bound forms. He could do twirls, spins, loop-de-loops, and so much –

"Are you going to fight it or just keep flying around like an idiot!?" Alice shouted at him, breaking him out of his joyful daze.

He stopped mid-air and pouted at her. "You're no fun, you know that?" he asked, lazily bending out of the way of a lance of thorns being launched at him.

"Yeah!" Sylph giggled, suddenly appearing on his shoulder again. "We'll get around to it, so you can just wait over there and enjoy.

After dodging a whip of ivy, Kevin's eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh my Arceus! I just had the best idea EVER for how we can fight it together!" he exclaimed, turning to look at his tiny companion.

Instead of asking what it was, the Spirit simply accessed his thoughts through their bond. The moment she was able to see his new plan, stars appeared in her eyes and she started vibrating with barely-contained excitement. "Yes! Doitdoitdoitdoitdoit!"

"Doing it!" the teenager laughed before he was engulfed in a flash of light.

When it died down, he was in the full form for his Griffeon evolution. He was about the size of a large dog, like a German Shepherd or a Doberman, and had two wings sticking out of his back that looked exactly like the ones he had in his humanoid form. His head and ears were covered in white fur, while the rest of his lion-like body was covered in a mixture of dark and light brown fur. The only parts that didn't have fur were his front two legs and paws which had smooth, reflective gold skin instead.

The Spirit of the Wind wasted no time in following through with the genius idea he had. In one graceful motion, she mounted him like a knight atop a horse, keeping herself steady by holding onto the thick fur on the back of his neck. An expression of pure, unrestrained glee overtook her features as she sat straight up and pointed toward the Chimera Dryad. "Onward, my trusty steed! TO BATTLE!"

Her 'trusty steed' let out a cry of "GRIFFEON!" before seemingly following her command and diving toward their enemy.

It was such an adorable and sweet sight that any normal person would've suffered from a diabetic sugar overdose upon seeing it play out. Luckily, there were no 'normal' people around. Just an uncaring monster incapable of appreciating how cute the scene truly was, and the Chimera Dryad.

As they came within striking range, Sylph executed the next part of the plan. What was it, you may ask? Why, dramatically calling out all of Kevin's Moves, of course! Having prompted her to look through all of the available Flying Type Moves available, the teenager had entrusted her with the task of picking which ones he should use in the battle, and the method of issuing the commands.

"Griffeon! Use [Air Slash], then follow it up with [Wing Attack]!" she called out.

"Griff!" Kevin cried out.

A few yards away from his target, the Griffeon pulled up and completed a full vertical loop, which ended in him forcefully unleashing an attack in the form of beating his wings forcefully. This sent forth a blade of wind that cleanly sliced through the stem of one of the larger red flowers on the Chimera Dryad's back, making the plant fall to the floor. He then followed it up by rapidly flapping again and catching another flower with his left wing before taking off into the sky before the abomination could swipe one of her ivy/tentacle arms at him.

[Air Slash – Flying Type Move]

[Description: The user attacks with a blade of air that slices even the sky]

[Wing Attack – Flying Type Move]

[The target is struck with large, imposing wings spread wide to inflict damage]

Throughout the whole maneuver, Sylph was having the time of her life. It was one thing to fly around on her own, but she was ashamed to admit that she'd never considered flying on top of a mount! This had to be the most fun she had ever had without having to tap into her powers in her entire life! And, with how she could sense Kevin having just as much fun, she knew it was highly likely that they'd get to do this again in the future.

From her spot on the ground, Alice was wondering just what the hell she was watching. When she'd told them to stop screwing around and actually fight, she certainly wasn't expecting…this. The combination of Kevin showing the feral form of one of his evolutions for the first time, and Sylph commanding his actions like the Pokemon Trainers the teenager had told her stories about from his homeland, was enough to render her speechless as she watched what was simultaneously the most ridiculous and sickeningly sweet battle she'd ever witnessed.

"Good job, Griffeon!" the Spirit of the Wind cheered, happily petting her 'steed's' head. "Next, we need to get rid of those ivy growths! Use [Air Cutter]!"

Swinging back around from his retreat, the feral Pokemon followed his 'trainer's' instructions. He did similar movements to when he used [Air Slash], but this time twirled in a circle and unleashed multiple blades of wind that were much sharper than the ones he'd previously unleashed. They cut through the vines and multiple flowers like a hot knife through butter, severing them to the point where the Chimera Dryad had no more means of moving around or grabbing anything.

[Air Cutter – Flying Type Move]

[Description: The user launches razor-like wind to slash the target. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit.]

"Griffeon!" he cried victoriously before backing off to a safe distance again. The monster was still capable of launching projectiles, after all.

"It's down!" Sylph dramatically exclaimed, the feeling of imminent victory coursing through her veins. "Finish it off with [Dragon Ascent]!"

Doing as she commanded, Kevin proceeded to flap his wings and fly higher into the sky. While the name of the move might sound like a Dragon Type Move, it was actually a Flying Type Move that could normally only be learned by Rayquaza, who was a Flying/Dragon type. However, since the teenager had access to all flying type moves, regardless of their requirements, this incredibly powerful move was well within his means to use.

[Dragon Ascent – Flying Type Move]

[Description: After soaring upward, the user attacks its target by dropping out of the sky at high speeds, although it lowers its own Defense and Special Defense in the process]

The lowered defenses didn't mean much with the battle soon coming to a close, so neither Kevin nor Sylph had a problem with following through with it. Upon reaching what he determined to be a high enough altitude, the Griffeon tucked in his wings and allowed himself to plummet to the earth. His passenger had to hang on even tighter than before when he made the split-second decision to add a spin the fall, but her excited laughter would've been enough to calm any onlookers' nerves over the matter.

An enormous cloud of debris was sent into the air upon the Pokemon making contact with the Chimera Dryad at the end of his plummet, accompanied by a loud BOOM that shook the Forest of Spirits. When the dust finally cleared, all that could be seen was Sylph and Kevin sprawled out in the empty crater, both of them laughing to their hearts' content. The former's hair was splayed out in all directions and her dress was covered in dirt, while the latter's fur and feathers were in a similar state.

There was no Chimera Dryad left after their final attack. With Kevin's Sealing power active, it had been reduced to particles of light, and all that were scattered leaves and flower petals.

As much as Alice wanted to break the two airheads out of their fit of giggles and chuckles, she couldn't find it in herself to do so. It was rare for her to see Kevin this happy, especially because the number of evolutions he'd shown her that were even capable of FEELING happiness could be counted on one hand. So, she returned to her campfire, deciding that she could always ask what happened back in the forest when they were done.


{Author's Note}

Griffeon = Childish and Whimsical

It was hard for me to write the first half of this, but once I finally got to the scene where Sylph was riding Kevin like some sort of Griffon Knight, I couldn't stop until it was done. Or, well, I want to say that, but I ended out randomly passing out on my day off yesterday, as I am one to do on my weekends.

I hope all of you liked it! Hopefully my inspiration will keep me going and allow me to pop out the next chapter soon!

As always, comment on the paragraphs and the chapter itself. Try not to be a dick, memes are appreciated, and correct my grammar so I can fix it for future readers!

See you later!

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