A low growl sounded from the black dragon at Neveah's words, his lips bared, flashing his deadly dentition in clearer light.
Neveah shivered visibly, Xenon's heavy breathing and narrowed eyes were prove enough that the black scaled dragon was agitated.
Perhaps a casual greeting was not the best way to begin this conversation.
"Greetings, My Lord." Neveah's countenance changed instantly, reverting back to propriety.
She lowered her head slightly into a bow of respect, just enough that it showed she was bowing but not so much that she would be in contact with Xenon.
"I came meaning to speak with you." Neveah began, glancing back up at Xenon who quietly watched her with narrowed eyes.
"Although, I must admit this does not seem like a choice time...to speak." Neveah continued.
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