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63.36% Mine (Bakugo x Reader) / Chapter 64: Chapter Sixty Five

Capítulo 64: Chapter Sixty Five

Mina sat crisscross on her bed, back against the wall mindlessly staring into her bowl of freshly cut watermelon. A huff of air escaped her lungs, eyes flickering back to you—who soundly slept on your stomach—lying in front of her. It was not long after the mindless task of cleaning your gun as when you fell asleep.

At first, Mina tried her best to create as little noise as possible, but as the hours began to form, she purposely would get out of bed, hoping to stir you, or accidentally shut the door too hard but to her dismay, you remained unmoving.

Mina sighed, ignoring the TV she plopped the notebook she was scribbling into her side, scratching her head—the bedroom door opened just then—Mina flinched, her torso spinning.

"Down Betsy-" Shiro chuckled scanning the room. "-how'd it go?"

"(y.n) has been asleep basically since you left." Mina admitted.

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"How so?" Mina wondered watching Shiro climb onto the bed, careful not to bump your braced leg.

"She got new meds this morning." Shiro answered, "I knew they'd knock her out."

"New meds?" Mina frowned, "What for?"

"(y.n)'s healing quirk doesn't work on just her wounds." Shiro replied, peeking into the bowl the pinkette held. "It works on anything in her system as well, including alcohol and drugs, it flushes them out of her system, so her medication has to be constantly changing."

"Oh." Mina blinked, "That sounds terrible."

"It's one of the many shitty cards dealt to her." Shiro hummed, not interested in the fruit.

"How did everything go at the gym?" Mina remarked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"I dominated as always." Shiro smirked, leaning back against the wall.

"Like hell you did." Bakugo lazily closed the door behind him, Mina noted their damp hair and change of clothing. "I kicked your ass, and you know it!"

"Please-" Shiro rolled his eyes, "-when doing the push-up contest, you were totally bumping up your number!"

"You wanna bet?" Bakugo shot back, stepping onto the bed beside Shiro, crossing his legs as he sat. "We can go right here and right now!"

"How about we don't wake (y.n) up?" Mina suggested, even though she had been trying to for the last hour.

"A runaway freight train wouldn't even wake her up right now." Shiro shrugged.

"What did you two do before she passed out?" Bakugo crossed his arms.

"Not much-" Mina muttered, "-she fell asleep pretty quick..."

"That doesn't answer my question." Bakugo countered; Mina rolled her eyes.

"She just cleaned her gun; we talked a little, but she got tired so fast-"

"What did you two talk about?" Shiro wondered, knowing you were not much of a conversationist.

"Not much..." Mina repeated, a ping of annoyance flares inside her chest. "...mostly the Deep-"

"Oh, she talked about that with you?" Shiro turned, eyebrows raised.

"She said a little...she got tired before I could ask her any real questions."

"Like what?" Bakugo wondered, "It's a pretty simple quirk-"

"You know about it!?" Mina gasped, "When did she-"

"She didn't tell me anything." Bakugo rolled his scarlet eyes.

"Then how...?" Mina trailed off; the confusion written on her face.

"Yo." Shiro lazily waved.

"Why are you telling him everything and leaving me out-!?" Mina punched his arm, Shiro did not flinch, he just rolled his eyes.

"What questions do you have?"

"Well..." Mina bit her lip, racking her brain. " does she know how to get around inside that place?"

"Do you know how to get home from here?" Shiro retorted.

"Well yeah...?"

"It's kind of like that."

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"It doesn't have to make sense for you-" Shiro laughed, "-only to her." He nodded his head in your direction.

"What are you working on over there?" Bakugo gestured to the notebook.

"Oh, just some stuff for Todoroki's birthday tomorrow-" Mina replied, picking up the notebook. "-I'm working with his sister to throw a party, I wanted to ask (y.n) to come, but she fell asleep before I could talk to her about it."

"Yeah, she isn't gonna wanna go." Shiro replied.

"Why not!?" Mina whined, snapping her head around. "Everyone likes parties, and you guys went to that one the heroes threw for you!"

"We didn't really have a choice on that-" Shiro pointed out, rubbing his neck. "-and I'm going to assume half-n-half's sperm donor will be there?"

"Endeavor?" Mina furrowed her brows. "Well yeah-"

"There's your answer."

"You don't get along with him?" Bakugo turned.

"I mean who does?" Shiro muttered, "But it's not so much that as in..." Shiro bit the inside of his cheek, searching for clean words. "...not seeing eye to eye."

"What does that mean?" Bakugo turned, "You can stop beating around the damn bush and talk to us, we're fucking heroes too."

Shiro searched Bakugo's face.

"Fine." Shiro shrugged. "Endeavor and the Seven Bullets never got along after a mission two years back. He thought we should have handled it differently, claiming his way was better for everyone, and we told him to pull a certain stick out of his ass which would be better for everyone and that might have been on live TV-"

"No!" Mina gasped, Shiro and Bakugo laughed.

"Yeah-" Shiro sighed, "-ever since then, he doesn't like us."

"I can see why you guys wouldn't wanna go..." Mina faced forward.

"I mean you can still ask her-" Shiro crossed his arms. "-what's the worst she'll say, no?"

"She probably won't say anything at all." Mina mumbled.

"True." Shiro nods.

"Why doesn't she sleep with any blankets?" Mina questioned.

"Because we were never allowed too." Shiro answered, surprising Mina, seeing this was a rare chance to get some real answers to the millions of questions flooding her mind!


"You're looking for a complex reason when the answer is just simple." Shiro explained, "Luxury things such as pillows and blankets were nonexistent for us, and if caught having one, well that's a story for another day."

"I see..." Mina gazed to her notebook. "...but what about-?"

"There is this show I heard about-" Shiro swiped the remote, changing the subject. "-about people having to do stupid shit for money, and I wish to watch it-" He handed Bakugo the remote. "-make the colored box do it."

"You don't know how to use this do you?" Bakugo smirked wiggling the remote.

"Pfft-!" Shiro faked a grin, "-why would I wanna do it, when I can have you do it for me?"

"So that's a yes then?"

"Chop-Chop shortcake-!" Shiro gestured to the TV.

Bakugo rolled his eyes, a smile pressed against his lips as he searched the platform for whatever show Shiro was describing. Mina and Bakugo sighed, the window to ask Shiro questions and get genuine answers, ended abruptly.

Time blurred together inside the mind-numbing television, Mina's head bobbed to the side, sleep pecking at her brain while Bakugo leaned against the wall fighting back the urge to sleep. Both knowing, the moment Shiro realized the two were about to pass out, he would get up and take you with him, not wanting to 'put them out' or so he says.

The sound of the television lulled you awake, slowly you pushed yourself up.

"H-Hey-!" Mina rubbed her eye, sitting upright. "-(y.n) you're awake!"

You rubbed your face, a layer of sweat coated your body, you pulled the bothersome blanket off. Mina went to interject but Shiro nudged her to stay silent as they watched you turn to the TV confused—sounds of gagging and crying echoed from it—you turned to the three.

"What the hell are you watching?" You grumped; sleep laced your face while your brain struggled to start up.

"Some stupid-" Bakugo went to answer.

"An awesome show!" Shiro cut him off, eyes dilated while staring at the colorful box, glued to its picture like a five-year-old child. "They have to eat those bugs there to get to the next challenge!"

"Stupid." You mumbled; Bakugo smirked, feeling you were on his side.

"Why's it so fucking hot?" You breathed, feeling like you were submerged inside a cloud of dry heat, your head throbbed from your recent dose of medication, while your eyes burned begging to return to sleep.

Your fingers slide around the material before your mind could catch up, you pulled the mask off your face, letting it fall to the floor.

Mina and Bakugo's jaws dropped.

"(y.n)-!?" Shiro looped an arm around Mina's head, covering her mouth before she could gush any further.

"How long was I out?" You wondered, seeing how night had fallen through the closed curtains.

"Just a few hours." Shiro waved off. "How do you fee-?"

"If you ask me how I feel I will cut your tongue out." You tiredly warned, scratching your head. "What's that?" You peeked into the bowl resting on Mina's leg.

"Uh...wa-watermelon-" Mina cleared her throat. "-do you want some?"

"Mm..." You scrunched your nose in thought, Bakugo smirked noticing this. You plucked a chunk from the bowl, popping it into your mouth. The cool refreshing fruit soothed your sweltered body. With a deep sigh, you plopped down against the soft mattress, snuggling your face into the pillow.

Silence filtered the room, Shiro's lips were pressed into a tight line until your breathing became shallow enough to release Mina.

"She-She didn't put it back on." Mina whispered, eyes bulging, turning to the seventh bullet.

"It's fine." Shiro replied, trying to be reabsorbed into the show.

"She doesn't have her mask on!" Mina shook his arm, excitement leaking into her tone.

"We aren't going to make a big deal about it-" Shiro warned, "-right?"

"But-?" Mina pouted.

"Right?" Shiro repeated.

"Right..." Mina sighs, but her smile quickly returned, biting her bottom lip she watched you sleep.

"But is it about damn time-" Shiro sighed, pulling the medical mask off his face, balling it up before tossing it towards the desk. "So-" Shiro voiced, "-you serving food at this party?"


"Absolutely not-!" Naomasa shook his head. "-it's out of the question!"

"But-!" Gray went to argue, the remaining three from the Seven Bullets sat around the conference table with All Might's friend—the one who took over your cases—standing at the head of the table.

"It is simply not safe." Naomasa continued. "There will be to many people to keep track, this could be a trap-"

"A trap?" Shiro raised a skeptical eyebrow, "The sweet n' lows birthday party is a trap?"

"It could be-"

"But we were invited-!" Gray leaned on the table; arms spread. "-and this is the first time these two are finally including me in something!"

"We always include your ass!" Shiro barked.

"You so do not-!" Gray scoffed, "-what about Deika city!?"

"Let it go already!" Shiro groaned, throwing his head back. "You were dealing with-"

"I don't care what I was dealing with-!" Gray stressed, "-I am still a Bullet, I deserve to be included in all things Bullet related!"

"There will be nothing Bullet related-" Naomasa frowned; "-because the Seven Bullets is disbanded-"

"Says who?" Shiro instantly shot around.

"We-Well-" Naomasa cleared his throat. "-this brings me to the final thing I wish to speak to you three about, which is why I needed all three of you here in person...before filing to close your cases, I wish to put in the file you three have agreed to put the Seven Bullets behind you and never-"

"No." Shiro crossed his arms over his chest.

"You didn't let me finish." Naomasa sighed.

"The answer is a resounding fuck no." Gray reiterated.

"It looks better on your part-"

"We don't care how it looks!" Shiro leaned forward, "Our job isn't to make yours easier, you're supposed to be fighting for us!"

"I am but there's so much evidence against-"

"We snitched for you fuckers-!" Shiro growled hitting the table, "-for the rest of our lives, free or locked up, we will always be looking over our shoulder, how isn't that enough for you people!? (y.n) help me out here!"

"Huh?" You blinked, eyes never leaving the screen of your phone.

"Seriously!?" Gray sat up, "Have you even been paying attention to any of this!?"

"Eh." You shrugged, mind to involved with the colorful game on your phone.

"Hello-!?" gray waved, "-earth to (y.n)!?"

"What?" Your tone filled with irritation as you finally looked away from your game.

"For fucks sake (y.n)!" Gray rubbed his face, you turned to Naomasa.

"We aren't disbanding the Bullets, what else do you need us for today?"

"Five please-"

"The answer is no-" Your baneful tone sent chills down his spine. "-now move on."

"Please-" Naomasa breathed, "-just hear me out for one moment."

"Fine but hurry up." You turned your phone off, Naomasa blinked, surprised by your action but quickly picked up a file from the cluttered mess before him as Shiro and Gray turned to you, muttering curses under their voices.

"The HPSC has tried to rebrand you three, but the controversy surrounding your names has proven to be too much. If you three wish to remain on a team together, the HPSC is willing to create a new-"

"No." You shook your head, "We aren't interested in reinventing ourselves, move on."

"Five-" Naomasa placed the file down. "-you were (h/n) before Shooter took you, you have the chance at a real honest career-"

"I have a career-" You interposed. "-and a damn good one at that."

"Yes but, wouldn't you want to start fresh-?" Naomasa's tone shifted to a sympathetic one. "-to have a name where people don't see you as a victim?"

"I guess Gray, and I will go fuck ourselves." Shiro crossed his arms as your gaze dropped into your lap, you knew if Aizawa and All Might were here, they would agree with Naomasa.

"As for the party-" Naomasa cleared his throat, "-I don't find it wise for you three to place yourselves in-"

"I think your mistaken." You sighed, slowly standing. "We aren't asking for your permission; we are simply giving you the curtesy of letting you know."

"You're still under probation-"

"And a condition of that probation was to always be with another pro-hero if not on U.A. grounds, this party will be filled with them and I'm sure Aizawa or All Might wouldn't mind going if I asked, so..." You clicked your tongue, "...anything else before we call it a day?"

"Five please-"

"I find it funny you want me to put my past behind me and move on, yet you can't stop calling me by my hero's name." You pointed out while pushing in your chair.

"You three are just..." Naomasa trailed off rubbing his tired face.

"I bet you regret picking up our case now!" Gray chuckled, following Shiro from the room.

"Five-" Naomasa called before you could get out the door. "-could I speak with you for a moment?"

You glanced at the two before nodding to them to go on, you would catch up with them, slowly you shut the door.

"What is it?"

"I understand Seven and Three-" Naomasa started, "-not wanting to start over and make a new name for themselves, but for have the tools at your disposal to start again-"

"Not this shit-"

"You're in U.A. getting your license back, you have two well-known heroes by your side, you have the skills and knowledge to-"

"Naomasa-" You stepped in, "-I don't know if it's All Might's influence that's giving you this special influence on me, but don't."


"Don't show me special treatment and not Shiro and Gray."

"I was just-"

"I know what you were trying to do." You calmy say, "But don't, those two deserve just as much effort, so try to think a little more before opening your mouth again, mk?"

"I-I..." Naomasa's mouth was left agape as you turned, but before you opened the door you looked over your shoulder.

"It does not matter if we leave the Seven Bullets behind, it does not matter if we change our name and our look...or if we leave the hero world all together. Our past will always haunt us, we will always be watching over our shoulders. We snitched on dozens of people—which is the worst thing you can do in that world—we ruined our name and to those who we locked're a fool if you don't think they are plotting their revenge right now as we speak."

"Five I didn't-"

"I know you didn't." You twist the doorknob, "That's why I said think before you open your mouth." With those words lingering in the air, you pulled the door open, Shiro and Gray waited in the hall.

"Did you two hug and make up?" Shiro kicked himself off the wall.

"Something like that." You shrug.

"So, since we aren't going tonight-" Gray pouted, "-what are we gonna do?"

"Who says we aren't going?" You questioned.

"You want to go to a party?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"I think it's gonna be a headache-" You turned forward, a smirk forming on your lips. "-but you never turn down free booze."

"Yas!" Gray threw his fist in the air, "We are getting lit tonight!"

You followed Shiro and Gray to the student dorms, the two hopping the entire way, excited to have a night of relaxation and free food, it was a birthday party after all, what could possibly go wrong?

You could not stop your gaze from drifting off as Naomasa's words floated around inside your head. Could you leave Shooter and the scars that come with your name behind?

You glanced at Shiro and Gray, would a fresh start mean leaving them like they did to you once upon a time?

Would you—could you turn your back on them, you knew a few weeks ago you could have but now...was that still the case?

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