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64.28% Head-Patting in Marvel / Chapter 153: Chapter 152 : Hydra Destruction(Part 4) : Too Late!

Capítulo 153: Chapter 152 : Hydra Destruction(Part 4) : Too Late!

Author: I'll upload the chapter every other day for this week as my tutoring work have quadrapled during the school holidays. I'll start posting everyday again starting next week.


Inside the Triskelion building.

The agents who were holding up in the launch room suddenly heard a soft knock which was followed by a sudden pin drop silence from outside the door.

"Knock-knock, anyone home?"

The SHIELD agents that were inside the tri-carrier command center were surprised to hear a different voice coming from outside the barricaded door.

"Moore is it…am I hearing things?" A Jewish SHIELD agent with curly red hairs asked. His white clothes are bloody and there is a wound on his shoulder. He was gritting his teeth, while desperately trying to hack the main tri-carrier system despite his pain, to make sure that Hydra would be unable to launch the tri-carrier.

"No Klein…I can hear it too." A Polish-Arabian SHIELD agent replied with some type of anticipation in his voice. He had a wound on his forehead that was bleeding profusely, while his middle and index fingers are now broken.

Four corpses of Hydra STRIKE agents were strewn inside the room, with the corpses of the other SHIELD agents.

Klein, the cowardly agent, actually stood up to the STRIKE agents, resulting in a complete insurrection of the nerdy agents inside the room.

They had been barricading the room after the Hydra's rising, trying desperately to stop the tri-carrier launch. A team of 15 agents responsible for the launch, now only 6 are left.

"That's… Ryan Knight right…Has Hydra decided to play some kind of trick on us?" Klein said in a cowardly voice. He wanted it to be Ryan, but his rational thinking won't allow him to accept Ryan's presence here.

"I'm coming in~" Ryan said playfully as he typed on the holographic keyboard on his watch, causing the door to snap open.

Klein, Moore and the rest of the agents were pointing their guns at Ryan with a shivering hand. However Ryan ignored it and jumped past the barricade they placed near the door that was made from tables and chairs, showing his entire figure for the agents.

"Si-SIR," Klein almost cried out of joy when he saw Ryan. He wanted to go and hug Ryan but Moore held him back from embarrassing himself. 'If Mr Knight is here, doesn't that mean that the whole Avenger team is here too!'

"What's the situation now?" Ryan asked calmly as he took over the room.

"SIR, we're being blocked out from the Tri-carrier system," Klein reported honestly. He saw that Ryan was sitting on a random monitor inside the room and connected the system to his holographic projection smartwatch that was really a miniaturized quantum computer.

5 translucent monitors panel and keyboard hologram appeared out of nowhere so that Ryan could do his job without any problems .

"I know that much."

"The hangar bay roof opening was exploded by a team of loyal Shield agents, trying to trap the Tri-carrier inside. We had been trying to hold it from launching, but Hydra's elite team had cleared the obstruction."

Ryan worked together with the shield agents there, all while he keeps thinking about ways to bring them all to work underneath him.

'My future Oracle organization needed mens like them.'

"Sir, the new system that Hydra installed is changing the mainframe firewall every second. There is no way for us to enter the main system," Moore notified.

"Abed, wait for my cue. We only have one shot at this," Ryan said while setting up a breach for the firewall. He could just open the firewall by himself, but he set up a chance for the agents to prove themselves. 'Consider this as an interview.'

"My name is Moore sir," The brown-skinned agent said, wondering if Ryan was secretly racist.

"Really? You don't go undercover as Danny Pudi, the cast of the Community sitcom?" Ryan said teasingly.

"I told you that you looked like him," Klein whispered teasingly to the agent next to him.

"Shut up. You're the young Austin Power," Moore retorted back to Klein.

"Hey, I told you that in confidence!" Klein hit Moore's shoulder.

They won't be able to do anything to the Tri-carrier without a direct connection to the system there. The tri-carrier has an independent system that separates it from the Triskelion building.

Ryan and the rest of the agents were trying to connect it with the satellite responsible for the Insight Project instead of the tri-carrier

The satellite was still connected to NASA, it was easier for them to blind the tri-carrier instead of preventing its launch.

Even Zola needed access by connecting himself through an external port directly inside the tri-carrier mainframe with the rest of the circuits there.

Fury had cut off any chance for a hacker to access the tri-carrier remotely, and he also did this as a contingency against Stark.

When Ryan was having fun with the agents, a monsterized Hydra agent was creeping into that place. Ryan noticed it a long time ago, and he smirked.

At the upper floor of the building, Pierce was finally able to notice the abnormal situation that was happening on the lower floor. The hydra agents inside the building have been in communication silence for almost a minute!

"Zola, what's going on?" Pierce asked the AI. But to his surprise, Zola was gone!

"What the hell!" Pierce mumbled. Suddenly, the door to the room he was in was snapped open.

"Found you~" A semi-computerized, childish voice muttered eerily when he saw Pierce.

The mutated fox widened his eyes when he saw Tarot and the missing Winter Soldier that was glaring daggers at him. " I don't know if Zola betrayed me. But I'm sure of this. You're too late Tarot… and James Buchanan Barnes!"

Seeing the report from the monitor, Pierce knew that the Tri-carrier preparation was already complete!

In the hangar. The new repulsion system – courtesy of Stark, was activated. A blue fiery flame came out from the repulsion engine. The Tri-carrier flew upward , causing the uncleared stuff on the hangar area to crash from the intense air flow the engine made.

Slowly, the tri-carrier exited the opening that the Hydra's elite agents created and took off outside the building!

The battlefield outside had reached its peak.

Captain America was in a tough spot from the barrage of attack. A humanoid mole-man and a humanoid prawn-man appeared once the Jackal serum did its work.

The humanoid prawn had a red-skin with vapors coming out. His hand turned into a claw pincher and his spine became crooked, causing him to slouch forward.

The humanoid battled together with the Reaper, and Captain America had been pushed back!

The mole-man grabs Steve's leg from the ground he dug. "DIE!" The prawn pincher hand cut through the Captain's torso, causing blood to gash out. His other pincher that went to Steve's neck was blocked by the shield.

"Damn," Steve said, agitated by the current situation. He activated the jetpack and flew from the hole. The mole-man was dragged by Steve outside as he was holding his muscular legs.

"Chit-chit-chit," The critter-man yelled incoherently. The almost blind mole-man was startled by the sudden light that he let go of Steve's legs to cover his eyes, causing him to fall from the height of a 10 meter.

"We're wasting time here!" Steve said to the communication line.

"Captain, we don't have much of a choice…" Tony replied as he grappled with the green-glow Mandroid unit mid-air. All of them were facing a hard battle at the moment.

"Also, who the hell are you?" Tony asked the extremely skillful Mandroid unit that was facing him at the moment.

"My name is Arnim Zola. The Captain may remember me…" Zola replied eerily as he shot a high temperature plasma beam toward the Iron Man, causing Tony to be repelled backward and a deep ridge opened near his chest.

"No, that's impossible. Zola died years ago."

"My physical body died. But my mind is stronger than ever."

Tony scanned the armor in front of him, only to find out that the armor is empty!


"I downloaded my consciousness inside a computer before I died from an incurable disease. Well the disease is curable now. I am… An Artificial intelligence life form by today's standard!"

Zola then breached Jarvis' defenses on Tony's armor, causing the suit to malfunction.

"DAMN IT JARVIS REBOOT NOW!" Tony yelled urgently as he was falling from the height of 100 meters.

"Kai, go catch Tony!" Steve ordered as he saw Tony's armor had suddenly lost all of its light.

"BUSY! Also, unnecessary!" Kai yelled back as he avoided the Rhino's fist. He could finish this battle early and go save Tony, but it was actually unnecessary.

He noticed a man with an eyepatch had arrived at the periphery of the battle and was creeping his way in with a silver briefcase in his hand. "So Fury has finally decided to show up."

Tony slammed the side of his leg and twisted a latch manually. A thin film of a parachute appeared , saving him from a fatal crash. Ryan had forced Tony to place a parachute on his armor despite his numerous objections.

"I owe Ryan once…or maybe three times? I lost count now," Tony muttered as he landed safely on the ground. JARVIS had forcefully shut down the armor as per his protocol to avoid Zola's overtaking. Fury saw that Tony had landed and he made his way slowly to where Tony was.

Kai and Rhino were fighting each other. From the Hydra agent's perspective, Kai seemed to be at a disadvantage. They didn't realize that Kai was never fighting seriously with the beast at the moment.

"Hmm, they couldn't penetrate the Rhino's hide while putting on the suicide collar. His brain is scrambled tho," Kai muttered slowly as he diagnosed the controlled Rhino. In mere one minute, he found ways to bring Alexei's consciousness back.

"This will hurt a bit," Kai smirked as he side-stepped to Rhino's side and placed his hand on the suicide collar. Then, a gentle electric current flowed on the collar.

The collar will explode the moment someone tries to help Rhino. Kai managed to buy a 2 second gap before the explosion using the electric current.

'His brain was placed into the brainwashing machine. But it was already scrambled before this when the beast and Alexei consciousness merged into one another. I need something to bring him back. Something… he really wanted to knock out.'

Kai yanked the collar from the Rhino and threw it into the surrounding Hydra agent's direction. It exploded among the crowd, taking out almost 20 people from the blast. Then, he whispered in Rhino's ear.

"Look, the Hydra agents are knocking down the Hulk and taking your job, just like when they stole all your weapons before."

"Nobody will Knock-down the Hulk except for the RHINO!"

Rhino+Alexei turned to the gamma-unit that was torturing the Hulk – causing the green guy to get angrier and angrier to bypass the suction field of their technology.

Rhino charged toward the agents, knocking them all out like bowling pins. He tried to attack the Hulk next, but Hulk caught his fist and returned one of his own. Floating gamma energy can be seen on the Hulk.

The Rhino truly became a bowling ball this time and flew adminst the Hydra agents and was slammed into the Triskelion building metal defense. The whole building shook when the Rhino was slammed into it.

"Well, one down?" Kai muttered slowly as he saw the knocked out Rhino with stars circling around his head. The enraged Hulk then grunted and roared, wreaking havoc inside the hydra army.

"Buddy are you still there?" Kai closed his distance with the Hulk using his wings and asked.

"GO AWAY. HULK NEEDS TO SMASH!" Hulk swatted the air around him to chase away Kai. The gamma energy radiated from him was reabsorbed back into his body. The doctor breathes in relief to see that Hulk didn't completely lose himself in rage.

Cracking the skulls of the Hydra agents was like therapy for Hulk after what he went through. Hulk felt weak on his knees after the gamma siphon did its job. However he keeps smashing, albeit slower than how he used to smash before.

Hydra's Hulk-buster unit was on their way. They stole all of Thadeus Ross' initiative to defeat the Hulk and made it their own after Ross got fired. The heavy troops with tanks and robots were activated in Nevada. It will take them 30 minutes before arriving there, and it will be a little too late to play any part in the battle.

In another part of the battlefield.

"Nat, I am really sorry," Barton said as he shot arrows on Crossbone, exploding it on his chest. Crossbone fell backward and the red book was thrown away.

"We will talk later," Natasha said with a hint of disappointment in her voice. She had saved Barton from the stealth assassin that managed to stab his back.

Barton was extremely disappointed in himself. He had been thinking about Laura and his family, whether Fury had told anyone about his house's location, and if Natasha really was brainwashed, that means she too can tell Hydra about his family. Unconditional trust was hard to give when he was afraid for his family's safety.

"Barton, Romanov, can you hear me? Come to my location" Tony said to all the Avengers as he reactivated his communication line.

"What is it?" Natasha replied as she and Barton fought through the Hydra army to get there.

"Good news and bad news," Tony said while shooting at the Hydra agents with a random gun that he picked up from the ground. A few Templar members were alongside him, protecting him from harm.

"Good news first," Kai replied.

"Fury created a contingency plan in case someone took over the tri-carrier. If we change a specific chip inside the tri-carrier, it will attack the other tri-carrier instead."

"And the bad news?" Captain asked.

"The carrier is in the air!" Tony said as he saw the helicarrier floating even higher than the Triskelion building now. "We have to place the chip on the three helicarrier, only Kai and the Captain are capable of flying at this moment. Ryan, where are you and what the hell are you doing?"

His armor will take a few minutes to get rebooted. And with Zola around, it was extremely dangerous for him to do so. Ryan had been in silent contact when he entered the Triskelion building. The SHIELD headquarters was built with a signal dampener that was activated by Zola.

"I'm on my way," Captain replied while he bonked the mole-man's head with his shield. Kai was nearby and helping the Captain with the Shrimp-man. His sword was stuck inside the pincher with incredible strength, which surprised him greatly.

At this time, Reaper sneaked at the Captain's back and slashed at his jet pack, destroying it. Kai let go of his sword and helped the Captain by kicking the Reaper's head, causing him to roll 30 meters backward.

However, Reaper stood back up like it was nothing. He then faced Kai while Steve faced the mole-man and the shrimp-man.

"It's over Angel, you're down in the mudhole with all of us and you have no way to protect yourself," Reaper said gleefully as he saw Kai had already lost his sword. No orbs, no guns, no shield, not even a small knife. Kai was facing him with only his bare fist.

Reaper slashed at Kai with his scythe, but Kai stopped the attack easily.

"What?" Reaper muttered as he saw Kai hold the blade of his scythe with his hand.

"I guess you misunderstood something. This isn't a mudhole. It's an operating table," Kai attacked the weak point of the prosthesis with his elbow, breaking the scythe. "And I am the surgeon."

He kicked the Reaper backward, by which he fell into the crowd of the Hydra army.

Zola appeared next to the fallen Reaper with 10 Mandroid units as his body. He had been taking over the technology on the battlefield and many more all over the world. An army of Hydra agents also stood behind Zola. The Mole-man and the Shrimp-man also were on the side.

"Steven Rogers. I see you have been well," Zola said.

"Zola, your plan didn't work when Red Skull was in charge. And it will definitely not work now."

"Hahaha. I learned so much from the war captain. Such as. Humanity couldn't be trusted with its own freedom. If you try to take away that freedom, they resist."

"In order for Hydra to succeed, Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly."

"In 70 years, Hydra created a world so chaotic, that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security. Once the purification is complete, Hydra's new world order will arise. We have already won, Captain."

The Tri-carrier reached 1000 feet in the air, and aimed their guns on the Avengers side with Zola controlling them. When it reaches 3000 feet, then the purification will start.

The Tri-carrier was increasing its altitude rapidly and it will only take 10 more seconds for it to arrive at 3000 feet. Like a rocket, it was only slow during the initial phase of the launch.

"Not while we're still around," Captain America said. Kai and Hulk stood beside the Captain. Romanov and Barton arrived next to the Captain together with Tony and Fury. All the Templars were following Tony from behind as they already decimated the entire Hydra-bots that they were fighting with. Fury too had arrived in the battle, joining the Avenger side.


Suddenly all of the people's attention was rerouted to the explosion coming from the Triskelion Building. They then saw Ryan falling from the gaping hole on the building floor, grappling with a Dolphin man with a big head as he fell down.

"DO IT NOW!" Ryan yelled at the agents inside the room before he fell down. Moore and Klein activated their attack on the satellite, breaching all firewalls that NASA had made.

"Damn sonar shockwave attack. I didn't expect that," Ryan said while falling down with a smile on his face. He created an ice-slide, and surfed the ice until he landed next to Tony.

"Ryan, your jet boots can fly right? These chips.." Tony muttered urgently.

"Don't need it. Already did it," Ryan said, surprising Tony and Fury.

The agents inside the room were protected by a thick layer of ice shield he made. Ryan had to bring the humanoid outside as it was going to destroy the room and everything the agent's had worked hard for.

Zola and Steve turned toward one another to start the villain vs Hero dialogue again, but another explosion occurred, from the top of the Triskelion building this time.

There weren't any people falling from the hole on the floor, but they widened their eyes when they saw Tarot holding a bloodied humanoid fox by his neck. Riddled with bullet and card slashes, the Fox was on its last breath.

"ZOLA. HELP ME!" Pierce yelled urgently to the robot on the ground.

"No. I am the Supreme head of Hydra now Pierce. I am no longer Hydra's slave!" Zola said gleefully as he watched Tarot tightened his grip on Pierce's neck.

"Bucky, go and join them to make the battle more even," Tarot said.

Bucky nodded and jumped from the hole on the floor and anchored his metal hand on the wall, sliding down smoothly. He had been fighting with Pierce for a while and managed to create a few fatal injuries. Although he wanted to see Pierce die, he wanted to help Steve even more who was in a tough battle.

"Bucky?" Steve asked puzzly when he saw the newcomer.

"Yeah. I thought Peggy already told you about me?" Bucky asked.

"No. Not yet," Steve replied with a depressed tone. But when he remembered what he and Peggy 'talked' about, he wasn't depressed any longer.

"We'll catch up later," Bucky said. He saw Tony and his eyes shook. He wondered if Tony knew who he was and what he had done.

The Tri-carrier arrived at the desired altitude.

"Too late Captain," Zola sneered and activated the Insight algorithm. The Tri-carrier guns were heating up, and aimed at various parts of the country.

"I did it!" Klein said excitedly as he managed to enter the Tri-carrier network. Then, a virus transmitted into the satellite connection, causing the Tri-carrier to be blind.

"What did you do!" Zola yelled angrily.

"I literally took out your eyes," Ryan replied while smiling innocently toward the AI. Tony managed to reboot the suit, and prepared himself for battle.

But, a giant translucent card appeared in the battlefield, separating the factions neatly.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"Bravo! To think that I wanted to destroy the Tri-carrier before it's activated." Tarot said and applauded, causing all the people there to look at him warily.

He flew down with Pierce still in his grip. Then, he threw the unconscious Pierce toward Ryan's feet.

"As a reward, the killer of your mother, " Tarot said, surprising the Avenger member there. Ryan froze Pierce's body and will deal with him later.

Tarot's existence caused a stagnant atmosphere on the battlefield where no party was moving to attack first. Depending on where Tarot was standing, the site with him on it, would be in absolute advantage.

"I'm so sorry for this. You had worked very hard to prevent the catastrophe, but I will borrow your Tri-carrier for a bit."

"You can't do that," Fury yelled in fear when Tarot spoke.

"What do you want to do with it?" Captain asked.

Tarot ignored Fury and spoke while facing the Captain.

"Oh, just purification. Hydra designed the Tri-carrier to kill every single one of their enemies and conquer the world. I will do the exact same thing, but not conquer the world."

Tarot's voice suddenly changed into a cold tone.

"Also, every single person who committed crime and was free because they created the law, the murderers, the plague of society, all of them."

"Tarot! Killing Hydra is fine but I couldn't let you do the other part," Tony yelled.

"You will kill millions!" Tony said in extreme agitations. The politicians, the CEO's, the generals, the gang members, all of them were in that category. If Tarot actually did it, then the whole country would be in chaos. Better yet, the whole world.

"And I will save billions…" Tarot replied.

"We will stop you no matter what Tarot." Fury said, as if he had any say in the battle.

Ryan froze Tarot's body quickly. However, Tarot smirked instead.

"HAHAHA, I'm not a comic book villain. Do you think I'd explain my plan if there was even the slightest chance you can change the outcome?"

On top of the Tri-carrier, <DEVIL> <JUDGMENT> <JUSTICE> cards floated there, already in control.

"NOW, let destiny decide your fate!" Tarot said, announcing the arrival of the Devil's judgment.

The Tri-carrier aimed at millions of people across the country, and it started to open fire!

10 minutes before. In Asgard.

"Ahh, Heimdall. The Bifrost will finally be working again. Let me be the first one to test it," Thor said, excited to return to Earth.

Missing Jane. Missing the Avenger. Missing the Krabby Patty burger. Thor couldn't wait to go to Earth.

Ulik was gone. The nine realm was at a temporary peace. He couldn't think of a better way to spend his time.

He felt that Earth needed someone to protect them. Asgardian crave war, but the people of Earth actually change and grow after a war — something that he really admired in humans. Once the war of the humans was over, they ushered in a period of peace.

In Asgard once the war is over they went to search for another battle.

"Might as well. I'll send you to your friend. And Thor. Be careful," Heimdall said, surprising Thor.

Heimdall can see the battle that was happening. However he can't see through Tarot. He was also sure that Tarot noticed him peeking on earth.

"What do you mean be careful? I am the mightiest Asgardian warrior!" Thor said playfully and stepped into the Bifrost site.

"To Earth!" Thor ordered.



We Will Have Fun There!

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