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60% Legendary Ancient Gears / Chapter 3: Science is also part of the game.

Capítulo 3: Science is also part of the game.

"I can't believe he rejected to graduate to Ra Yellow!". A certain blonde man yelled out his frustations in the middle of the night.

Chronos has been grading and correcting the homework of his students; sounds easy, but takes a lot of time, and effort.

"Yuki Judai definitely has the practical skills to go to Ra Yellow, and perhaps Obelisk Blue, but his theoretical skills are the complete opposite!". Needless to say, the academic performance of certain students left much to be desired.

"Scoring 0 is about as unlikely as scoring 100; that's a feat, isn't it?". He said helplessly with a sigh. "How should I proceed with this...".

Counting the last test, and the various homeworks, students of Osiris Red would score, in average, 50 to 60; students of Ra Yellow would average 70 to 80; and, students of Obelisk Blue would average 80 and above.

Of course, there were exceptions; some blues would score around low 70 or high 60, which was barely passable, or reds that would do either decently well or below the average.

The 2 biggest outliers, however, were Yuki Judai, and Misawa Daichi. One has the highest average so far, and the other has the lowest; guess which one's which.

"Both are talented, but their talents focuses on different things". Chronos started analyzing his students' performance.

He had the full authotity over how to give his class, and he could even ask permission to the Chancellor for some special ocassions; giving specialized tests and guides to each student was available in theory, but impossible in practice, however, that didn't mean he wouldn't do what he can.

"Misawa could definitely go to Obelisk Blue, but I don't think he's ready". He took a sip of his tea.

"I think there's still something he can learn before advancing; it will be more beneficial for him to develop his skills early on instead of wasting time trying to figure them out on his own". *Blam!* He slapped his desk with a bunch of papers.

"That's it!". He declared decisively.

After finishing grading the homework, he started to work on his next scheme.


The following day, Chronos gave the results of the homework, and the class went as usual, except he was more tired through the day.

Afterwards, when everyone was leaving for the day, Chronos went to talk with Misawa.

"Good morning, Professor Chronos, do you need something?". Asked Misawa in a formal and respectful manner.

"Good morning, Misawa, I wanted to congratulate you on your perfect marks; your academic performance is the best on the class, and I believe you can very soon move up to Obelisk Blue!". Chronos explained, trying to sound energetic, although he failed.

"Wow, that's amazing! Congrats Misawa!". Judai, who was nearby, congratulated his friend.

"Of course, it's not going to be so simple; a test is required, and I want you to duel me". Chronos revealed his true purpose.

Misawa, who still had a smile on his face, turned serious, and replied with determination.

"Yes, of course, professor; I'll do my best!".

Chronos gave him a week, and the boy started his preparations immediately after returning to his dorm.


If there's something Chronos made a habit of, it's always being ready; that's a key difference between students, and duelists.

Very few students could put that into practice, and most of them did so unkowingly.

Normal students put all their energy, and focus, for a single moment, while duelists are always prepared; dueling is a form of life, one has to be ready to do so at any place, at any time, and that's something most students fully learn after graduating.

It's not easy to teach something so ambiguous, and mostly subjective, to so many students, especailly when everyone is different, with different capabilities, and views of life.

It's a practice and philosophy one develops by oneself, for oneself.

This is the reason Chronos is staging this situation for Misawa; it's not possible give such an advanced lesson to many students, and it is not worth it to do so with just anyone.

Misawa is talented, but as good as his talents are, his flaws are just as great, so Chronos wants to teach him how to work with them.

A week went by fast, and the day of the duel arrived.


There weren't many spectators, only Misawa's circle of friends, and certain people who came because of said circle.

Chronos prepared the duel so not just anyone could watch it; it would be insensitive and disastrous if everyone at the academy knew all of Misawa's weaknesses.

At least his friends would be trustworthy to him, and they could also learn something.

"Good afternoon, Professor Chronos". Misawa greeted.

"Good afternoon, Misawa". Chronos replied kindly. "Are you ready? Did you prepare everything you need?".

"But of course". He replied straightfowardly. "Although, this is certainly unusual; I can't say I expected there to be a huge audience for my duel, but this place is comepletely empty". He said as he looked around.

"Don't mind it too much, this duel is special". The blonde teacher replied as he turned on his duel disk. Misawa also activated his own in response, now with a serious expression; questions could be answered later, now, it's time for action.


Chronos De Medici: 4000 LP

Misawa Daichi: 4000 LP

"Misawa, you want me to go first, don't you?". Chronos suddenly asked.

The boy wanted to go second as he had researched the professor's strategies, and nature of his deck. He was fine with choosing to go second, or even allowing Chronos to go first, but hearing him revealing his thoughts was unexpected.

Chronos could see by Misawa's reaction that he was right.

"Then I'll go first, if you don't mind". The professor then looked at his hand and decided on a play.

"I start by summoning Card Trooper in attack position". A little blue tank drifted into the field; the mechanical parts of the red compartment at the top opened up and transformed into the body of the robot, with 2 cannons, and headlights.

Card Trooper - Earth/Machine/Level 3/Effect: 400/400.

"I activate its effect to send cards from the deck to the graveyard; and Card Trooper also increases its attack points by 500 for each card sent". Chronos explained as he milled 3 cards; Card Trooper's headlights got brighter, and its cannons glew for the rest of the turn.

Card Trooper - Earth/Machine/Level 3/Effect: 1900/400.

"Now's your turn". Chronos finished his turn as Card Trooper's effect ended.

Card Trooper - Earth/Machine/Level 3/Effect: 400/400.

Misawa frowned at Chronos's play, it was unexpectedly weak; what could the professor be planning?

He shooked those distractions from his mind; things still were plausible for what he planned, so he continued with his original strategy.

"I draw". The pieces he needed were among the 6 cards in hand, all according to plan.

"I'll activate the field spell card, Umi!". The entire area quickly got flooded with water; only little islands, wide enough for individuals to be standing on, remained.

"All machine monsters on the field get their attack and defense reduced by 200 points because of Umi". The waves got violent, and splashed on Chronos's only monster.

Card Trooper - Earth/Machine/Level 3/Effect: 200/200.

"But that's not all; Umi also increases the attack and defense of water monsters by 200 points, and I'll summon just the perfect monster to benefit from this effect". The water started to bubble in one of Misawa's zones. "Rise, Hydrogeddon!". The water finally bursted and splashed everywhere; at the center remained the creature, not really made of water, although similar.

Hydrogeddon - Water/Dinosaur/Level 4/Effect: 1600/1000.

The monster roared and increased in size as it absorbed the power of the Umi field; its color also became clearer.

Hydrogeddon - Water/Dinosaur/Level 4/Effect: 1800/1200.

"I attack Card Trooper with Hydrogeddon". Misawa's monster shot a pressurized stream from its mouth.

The little machine didn't stand a chance; it got reduced to scraps without resistance, and the remaining attack splashed on Chronos.

Chronos: 2400 LP.

"This activates Hydrogeddon's effect; when it destroys a monster by battle, I can special summon a second Hydrogeddon!". Misawa signaled a spot on the field with his hand; a whirlpool spun and rose, until the second monster surged from it.

Hydrogeddon - Water/Dinosaur/Level 4/Effect: 1600/1000.

Like the other, Umi increased its size, and power.

Hydrogeddon - Water/Dinosaur/Level 4/Effect: 1800/1200.

"My battle phase isn't over, so I attack directly with my second Hyrogeddon!".

The powerful stream shot from Hydrogeddon was aimed directly at the water, and like an avalanche, it created final impact as big and strong as a tsunami.

Chronos: 600 LP.

But Chronos took everything without flinching.

"I set 1 card, and end my turn". Misawa was glad the duel was on his favor, but he suspected it was going a bit too well.

On the other side, Chronos fixed his clothes, even though the water wasn't real. "My turn, I draw".

"Before you can summon anything, I activate my trap card, Cyber Summon Blaster; this continuous trap card deals 300 points of damage every time you special summon a machine type monster". Misawa revealed another part of his strategy.

"My, my, so many countermeasures; you currently hold all the advantage, but there's a detail you missed". Chronos then revealed a spell card. "I know my own weak points just as well as you do".

"I activate Giant Trunade! With this, all spell and trap cards on the fiel return to the hand". Powerful winds started spiraling behind Chronos; they formed a terrifying face that got mirrored on the water, which made it a lot more terrifying.

When Chronos waved his arm to signal the effect to resolve, one could see a similarly terrifying expression in his face, as if enjoying snatching victory from a kid's grasp.

Umi, and Cyber Summon Blaster returned to Misawa's hand, and both stopped taking effect.

Hydrogeddon - Water/Dinosaur/Level 4/Effect: 1600/1000.

Hydrogeddon - Water/Dinosaur/Level 4/Effect: 1600/1000.

"With the field clear, I can now play a field spell of my own, Geartown". An entire mechanical city started being assembled around both duelists; all the windows and lights had the shape of gears.

"With Geartown's effect, I can summon Ancient Gear monsters with 1 less tribute, so I'll summon Ancient Gear Beast in defense position!". A twisted howling was heard in the middle of the mechanical city, as if run through tens of filters. From rooftop to rooftop, the beast quickly approached, answering the call of its master; the beast suddenly pounced from behind Misawa and reached the field.

Ancient Gear Beast - Earth/Machine/Level 6/Effect: 2000/2000.

"I end my turn".

"That startled me a little". The boy 'jokingly' mentioned, with some sweat drops on his forehead.

His gaze turned sharp again, and started his turn. "I draw!". Misawa's face got brighter when he saw which spell card he drew, just what he needed to defeat Chronos's monster.

"I summon Oxygeddon!". Winds converged, and the air got denser; a sort of gas started to outline the shape of the monster. Wing and eyes opened from the dense gas, and the monster was revealed.

Oxygeddon - Wind/Dinosaur/Level 4/Effect: 1800/800.

"Now, with all pieces on the field, I activate the spell card Bonding H20! I tribute 2 Hydrogeddon, and 1 Oxygeddon to special summon Water Dragon!". Misawa called forth his Ace Monster.

All his monsters agglomerate, and conglomerate; their distinctive roars and cries synchronized, until only a more ferocious one remained; their different colors mixed, until a completely new one was formed; all their unique shapes superimposed until a more powerful one surged.

Water Dragon - Water/Sea Serpent/Level 8/Effect: 2800/2000.

"I attack your monster with Water Dragon". The dragon, that was not a dragon, shot an even more powerful stream of water from its mouth that annihilated the helpless beast, and even flooded a part of the geartown.

"And finally, I activate the spell card, Umi!". The Water Dragon roared, and summoned a tidal wave that finished destroying the rest of the town, but Chronos didn't stand idle.

"Geartown was destroyed, and because of its special effect, I can special summon an Ancient Gear monster from the deck". He revealed the powerful, and convenient effect.

"So here comes Ancient Gear Golem, but it's within my calculations; Umi makes it so Water Dragon holds the highest attack points, even against your Ace Monster". Misawa analyzed the situation, and indeed, the most powerful machine monster on Chronos's deck would have its 3000 attack points reduced by 200, while Water Dragon's are superior, even in defense position.

Water Dragon - Water/Sea Serpent/Level 8/Effect: 3000/2800.

"Fufufu". Chronos let out a light chuckle. "You've done an amazing job, Misawa; I will ask just in case". He cleared his throat. "Is this your full power?".

The question puzzled Misawa, but he replied anyway. "Yes, this is the culmination of my full power; all my calculations, studies, preparations, the best use of my cards, and the strongest form of my monsters!".

Chronos nodded, he was honestly satisfied with his student's performance.

"I also have prepared for this duel, but not only this duel, but for any duel that might ocurr". Chronos started talking while Misawa listened attentively. "I saw what I had, and was not satisfied; I made an effort to move on, and got little but significant victories".

He made a pause, and gave a simple, but meaningful line. "What you currently hold is not your limit". Chronos then special summoned his monster, the new monster born from his constant efforts.

The scrap parts of Beast, and Geartown united, and connected in different patterns; the overall volume was as big as Golem.

"I always have been marveled by the Legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon, thus, I'm so happy I finally got a dragon of my own!". The professor set his spirit free.

Ancient Gears could seem aged, but they still could innovate; they were not worn-out, it was only the nature they represent, for they could still evolve!

"Come! Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon!". The monster glided towards the field; the friction of its numerous gear parts produced loud shrieks that could be interpreted as a dragon's roar, perhaps artificial-sounding, but twice as scary.

Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon - Earth/Machine/Level 8/Effect: 3000/2000.

"That's incredible". Misawa commented, stunned at how Chronos showed a monster he didn't knew about from his research.

"Of course, it is affected by Umi". Chronos simply said, and the effect took place.

Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon - Earth/Machine/Level 8/Effect: 2800/1800.

"Mmm". Misawa thought for a second, this was out of his expectations. "I cannot attack this turn anymore, so I'll set a card, and end my turn". He finished.

Chronos knew which card Misawa had set, but he wasn't worried. "My turn, I draw".

"I activate Cyber Summon Blaster". Misawa interrupted like before.

Chronos didn't mind; he looked at which card he drew, and couldn't help but smile a little.

"I summon Kinka-byo in attack position". A little white cat reached the field. It was completely normal, and cute, until one looked at its abnormal reflection on the water; it was not the reflection of a cat, it was a dark and horrifying presence that flickered on its own. It almost seemed like it was a different being altogether.

Kinka-byo - Dark/Beast/Spirit/Level 1/Effect: 400/200.

"I quite enjoy playing these cards from that old well, they have their own charm". Chronos said as he looked at the reflection of the cat. "It felt awkward at the beginning, thinking how they would not mesh well with Ancient Gears, but as time passed, they became more and more familiar, to the point I cannot imagine not playing them with my Ancient Gears, or it would feel...incomplete".

The scenario was shifting; all the advantage Misawa had during the duel was starting to feel useless.

"Remember, Misawa, everything and everyone has a weakness; I know mine better than anyone else, that's how and why I can react calmly to all your countermeasures". Then, the professor asked his student. "Tell me, do you know your weaknesses?".

"My weakness...". Misawa thought for a moment; he always worked hard in order to be the best duelist he could possibly be; he knew he didn't know everything, that it was impossible to be all-encompassing, so he analyzed the style of his opponents, and adapted towards that; he also was humble enough to accept his friends had skills he couldn't replicate.

But, was any of that a weakness?

Chronos let him think for another second, then continued his turn.

"Kinka-byo allows me to special summon a level 1 monster from my graveyard, so I'll summon Spirit of the Pot of Greed". The shadow of Kinka-byo yelled, and a little green wisp jumped from the water; it had an uncomfortably grotesque expression.

Spirit of the Pot of Greed - Light/Fairy/Level 1/Effect: 100/100.

"And now, I'll activate Pot of Greed, which triggers Spirit of the Pot of Greed's effect". As Chronos said that, the mysterious pot appeared on the field; the spirit happily jumped into it, and the pot started shaking.

"I draw 3 cards". Chronos revealed the plentiful reward of his play.

"You see, Misawa? I know my machines aren't always enough, so I adapt by using different kinds of monsters". The boy understood that Chronos was teaching him, so he absorbed as much information as he could from these exchanges.

"I now activate another copy of Geartown". The field quickly dried out with Geartown's rainwater drainage system, and the city rose once again. Without Umi, Water Dragon, and Gadjiltron Dragon got their points back to normal.

Water Dragon - Water/Sea Serpent/Level 8/Effect: 2800/2600.

Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon - Earth/Machine/Level 8/Effect: 3000/2000.

"The water is gone, but it's still a bit humid, so let me use some wind for good measure". Chronos revealed his second spell card. "I activate Heavy Storm!". Powerful winds took away the whole infrastructure of Geartown, but at least it was not humid anymore.

"You know what happens now". Said Chronos with a cheeky smile.

"Yes, a special summoned Ancient Gear monster, but my trap card is not on the field anymore". Misawa simply answered. "Though, I wonder...".

"Indeed! Why let the fun end so quickly? Here comes a second Gadjiltron Dragon!". Chronos excitedly summoned his monster, and the dragon shrieked as if responding to him.

Ancient Gear Galdjiltron Dragon - Earth/Machine/Level 8/Effect: 3000/2000.

"Attack, everyone!". The order was given; all of Chronos's monsters crashed against Misawa's field, and his life points plummeted.

Misawa: 300 LP.

After the attack, both Kinka-byo, and Spirit of the Pot of Greed left the field. Now, only the two Gadjiltron Dragons stood on Chronos's field, while no cards remained on Misawa's field.

"Amazing". Misawa mumbled. "How all my advantage was defeated in seconds because of...". Then, it clicked.

"Yes". Chronos replied. "The Card Trooper at the beginning; that's when Spirit of the Pot of Greed was sent to the graveyard, and because of its effect, I could get the cards I needed, especifically Heavy Storm, and Geartown".

"So, everything went according to your plan?". Misawa said with an excited smile, he got outsmarted.

"As you know, there is a factor of luck in any duel; which cards you start with, which cards you draw later, but one doesn't win only relying on luck". Chronos explained.

"Yes, one can get the cards they need because they are in the deck to begin with; I spent a lot of time calculating the mathematical ratios on the construction of all my decks, so in whatever situation I find myself in, I can have the option of comeback, and victory". Misawa said. "Luck supports those who prepare and are skilled enough to make use of it".

Chronos nodded. "Science is also part of the game, that's why you study".

Misawa smiled, and drew a card. "I activate Foolish Burial; with this spell, I can send Carboneddon from the deck to the graveyard, then, I'll activate its effect". Misawa planned his comeback.

"When faced with extreme pressure and danger, there is a chance of evolution, this is what Carboneddon represents; I special summon Hyozanryu, the diamond dragon, in defense position!". Carboneddon briefly appeared on the field in defense position; gravity seemed to crush it from all sides, and even the earth crushed it apart. Its appearance was even more haggard than Ancient Gears, but its eyes were still alive, and its skin fell off.

Under the carbonized shell was a bright gem, and soon, all the other parts fell of as well; the dragon rose once again with a victorious roar.

Hyozanryu - Light/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 2100/2800.

"But that's not all, because I summon Element Soldier in defense position!". A valiant-looking monster wielding a shield-spear with runes arrived to the battlefield; it wore a coffee color armor, and a blue cape.

Element Soldier - Dark/Fiend/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1200.

"And I set 2 cards face-down". Misawa finished his turn, but both him and Chronos knew those set cards were bluffs.

Chronos drew his card, and asked. "Misawa, do you know your talents?".

"Yes". Misawa was more confident this time. "I work really hard, I am serious with my studies, and the decks I build are optimized for any situation".

"Indeed". Chronos replied. "Deck-building is very important, it can even decide the outcome of a duel before it begins, and you do put a lot of hard work; however, you are wrong".

This surprised Misawa, what was he wrong about? "Excuse me, professor, what do you mean?".

Chronos fixed his posture and began answering the question. "You make use of your talent, but you haven't spotted it; it is that you are very analytical. You study everything, and for that, you need information, which you get by watching something from a 3rd point of view".

"The absorbtion, and application of theoretical knowledge is the reason behind your excellent grades, and it is part of your talent". Chronos described in great detail while Misawa listened carefully; he very much liked this objective and accurate analysis about himself.

"Objective, open-minded, curious, all of those are virtues you possess". What Chronos said was true; Misawa felt identified to those things that could be considered "obvious", but it was something new for him. He never made an in-depth analysis about himself, at least in the way Chronos depicted.

"But no one is perfect, your intense focus on facts might get in the way sometimes; for example: You analyze a situation out loud, but that might come across as rude or insensitive to those around you, even if you don't mean it". Chronos continued after a brief pause. "You also are perfectionist; it is impossible for anyone to do every single thing perfectly, so, at the very least, you try to optimize aspects related to very important things to you, almost to the point of obsession".

Chronos suddenly pointed at Misawa. "I can tell you spent countless hours perfecting a strategy against me for today; no matter if I gave you more time, you would still dedicate 99% of your time and effort towards this duel, likewise, no matter if I gave you more time, the results wouldn't have changed, because of lack of information".

"Your style, your strenghts, and your limits; remember them well". Chronos then signaled his dragons to destroy Misawa's monsters.

"Ugh! I draw!". The face-down bluffs didn't work, and Misawa now was 100% sure Chronos picked up on them. The cards were Mystical Space Typhoon, and Ring of Destruction.

"I summon Hydrogeddon in defense position". Misawa used the last card on his hand to summon the last copy of his most representative monster.

Hydrogeddon - Water/Dinosaur/Level 4/Effect: 1600/1000.

"You are at your strongest before a duel starts, and you start growing after it ends; that also means you can't immediately apply new knowledge or experience you receive, like in the middle of a duel". Chronos continued giving his analysis.

"You need to know exactly what you do, can do, how, why, and most important of all, be aware of your weaknesses, so you don't get caught off-guard". Chronos's expression showed how serious he was about what he was telling Misawa.

"Things you can't do, things you can't fully grasp, things you can't apply, or even comprehend". Chronos drew a card. "Get comfortable with yourself, support yourself, strenghten yourself, protect yourself, and most importantly- ". He placed the card in his disk. "-be yourself".

Both Gadjiltron Dragons on the field disassembled and formed a tornado of wasted mechanical parts that reached very high; it was an amazing spectacle.

Various parts started to connect with others, fused, melted together. "ASSEMBLE!" Chronos commanded in a loud voice with one hand in the air while holding the duel disk with the other; He was making a rock star pose.

The Ancient Gear Golem surged from the mechanical storm and reached the field with a superhero landing.

No one expected the old machine monster to be so dexterous, and most of all, it looked more powerful than ever; it had the same shape, the same attack and defense points, but there was a feeling about it that made it very hard to look anywhere else.

It looked almost alive, and the one who took the full brunt of it was none other than Chronos's current opponent, Misawa.

Agape, he was lost between admiring the monster, and trying to take in so much information at once.

Quickly after, Chronos finished the duel. "Ancient Gear Golem deals piercing battle damage, and with your remaining life points, this duel is over". He stated matter of factly.

Golem crushed Misawa's monster with its bare hands, then crouched in front of Misawa, pushed him with its huge index finger, and the student's life points dropped to 0.


Chronos turned off his duel disk, and ran towards Misawa, who still was with his ass on the ground, lost in thought.

In one hand, Misawa was excited because he learned so much, and wanted to go and study many more things.

On the other hand, there was nothing he could do to Chronos, he had failed very hard in both this duel, and in his test to reach Obelisk Blue.

"If I can't win now, I'll win the next time; that is the point of a test. If I fail, I'm simply not ready yet, and can try again next time".

"Well, yes, but actually no". He saw Chronos was already in front of him, and he realized he said his thoughts out loud.

"Misawa, this duel was for you; you see now there are more things to analyze than simply counter decks, aren't there?". The professor said with a kind smile.

"I wanted to show you what you're capable of, and how you could improve; just take your time, but be aware of your limitations, strenghts, and weaknesses". He helped his student get up.

Suddenly, lots of cheers came from the small audience.

*Clap! * *Clap! * *Clap! * *Clap! *

"That was amazing!". "Misawa, good job!". "You'll win next time!". "Great duel!".

Chronos turned back to Misawa. "Your real practical test will be after the next exam; I'm sure you'll do well, and don't worry, you'll duel another student". He winked, showing that Misawa didn't really lose anything.

"Yes, thank you professor". Misawa was in high spirits now, and was excited to keep growing.

Chronos left, and Misawa went back to his friends.


After the duel with Misawa, Chronos noticed something with one of his Obelisk Blue students.

Manjoume was spectating the duel, but he was alone; he sat on an area away from the others, even away from the Obelisk girl the boy had a crush on.

Yes, the professor knew, it was very obvious.

But, after seeing that, Chronos remembered how Manjoume also was very quiet during class this last week, and how he wouldn't hang out with the usual Obelisk students that followed him everywhere.

"Something's wrong, isn't it?". He hurried to the area of the stadium where Manjoume would be exiting from.

"Manjoume!". The boy was called out; this surprised him, why would the teacher be there?

"Hi, professor". He simply replied, without much excitement.

Ever since that duel with Judai, things changed with Manjoume, and even his academic performance stagnated.

"Is there anything wrong?". Manjoume asked; judging by his tone, clearly wanting to leave the conversation there and be left alone.

"I should do something, but I'm not good at it, however, I'm his teacher, and I'm the one who can be here for him now". Chronos thought inside his head.

"Do you like dueling?". He suddenly asked, after a brief pause.

"...What?". Manjoume didn't understand where this question came from.

"I like to duel with my monsters, they are part of me, and I feel I'm with them in the battlefield". Chronos shared his experiences. "Don't you feel the same?".

"I…" Manjoume didn't want to talk, but the subject of dueling was a core aspect of his problems, so he couldn't help but think about it for a minute.

"Manjoume-san, when you came here, you quickly rose to be the best, but why did you do it?". Chronos began to ask, but it wasn't a good idea to bring out complex question such as "why" to someone with issues.

"That has nothing to do with you!". Manjoume was leaving, however, Chronos insisted.

"The young duelist that came here didn't achieve his wins and victories because of his family name!". He suddenly brought out, and Manjoume stopped in his tracks.

This particular line stroke something within Manjoume, so he turned around.

"What you gain and lose, is about you, and only you; your victories belong to you, not anyone else, and when you lose, you're there to rise back up". Chronos expressed hopefully. "A single loss should not mean anything, you're not what you lose, and you're not defined by your loses".

"Don't worry about a silly class about monsters, even I lose all the time, remember? Judai defeated me back then, so I think I understand what you feel". He said with a kind smile.

This threw Manjoume off for a second.

"You're a clown". He replied bluntly.

"Hahaha". Chronos laughed. "And this clown is your teacher, and I'm here to make sure you know you're greater than you think you are; whatever it is that weights you, you can face it, and if you think you can't, please know that I'm here to help you".


Chronos made sure the class didn't receive any kind of homework for a while so the 2 students he helped that day had more time to sort out their stuff.

"I wish I could help more, but from this point it's up to Manjoume".

"Kids not only need space, but they also yearn for it; it's only natural, as is their quick development, so I'm sure whatever bothers Manjoume won't be as hindering for long". He said hopefully.

Finally, another day came, and with it, a new adventure.

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