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63.82% Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms / Chapter 30: The true story

Capítulo 30: The true story

Aryan sighed on top of his horse, staring at the gigantic walls of Winterfell, he was already missing his son and couldn't wait until the next moon so he would come North. Riding until the gate of Winterfell opened for him and he finally saw his wife waiting for him with a huge smile which he returned. Seeing the little budge on her stomach, he jumped out of his horse and immediately engulfed her into a huge hug.

"Really?", he asked.

She nodded, caressed her stomach and said with a fond smile, "Yes, mon chéri, the Heir to Winterfell is growing inside me."

Aryan smiled and gave her a big kiss in the courtyard. Rarely has he ever felt so happy. He ignored his duties, Jaqen and Marwyn for two days and only pampered his wife with affection and love.

Aryan was in his solar with his close circle Gabriella, Marwyn, Jaqen and Kinvara who finally came North. Aryan asked her, "I expected you to come sooner, what happened in Essos?"

Kinvara smiled and answered, "After Lys' official conquest of the disputed lands, the Tigers and Elephants of Volantis decided to form a temporary truce and ally themselves with Tyrosh to attack the Lyseans before all the defenses were built. So, I decided to light another spark and had this time an elephant killed. When I left, Volantis was once again in civil war, the defenses built in Disputed Lands were built and Tyrosh was brought to heel."

Aryan smiled and said, "Good job, Kinvara."

Kinvara answered, "I live to serve you, Azor Ahai."

Aryan grunted and said, "Don't call me that.", he turned to his wife and asked, "Did all the other kingdoms react like we thought they would?"

Gabrielle nodded and replied, "Yes."

Aryan said, "Good, when can you tell me their estimate numbers?"

Marwyn answered, "In a moon, maybe two."

Aryan nodded and turned to Jaqar this time, "Tell me everything I need to know."

Jaqen answered, "Yes, master."

He was starting to talk when Aryan interrupted him, "I told you to not call me that."

Jaqen smiled, "Yes, my lord. First of all, The wargs you sent to the Company of the Rose arrived a moon ago."

Aryan replied, "Good, it will greatly help Morin in his endeavor."

Jaqen continued, "Secondly, the Throne of Winter was found in a secret room in the Nightfort alongside a horn."

That got Aryan's attention, seeing Marwyn raising his eyebrows, he explained, "The Throne made of ice magic which was said only the Stark of Winterfell could sit on it. It was said that it was lost during the time of 'The Breaker'. But it will explain all those thing that happened in this cursed castle, between the Night's King and Queen, the Rat Cook, the seventy-nine sentinels, the thing that came in the night, Mad Axe to cite a few exemples. And if I am right, the horn is the Horn of Winter, it belonged to Joramun. I want them both in Winterfell in two moons. Any information about the Crown?"

Jaqen shook his head, "Unfortunately, no one knows where 'The Conqueror' put it exactly. We know it is either in King's Landing or Dragonstone but we still haven't found it." Aryan nodded and told him to continue.

"Thirdly, we have information about your father's demise. We know that the rumors about your aunt started in the Riverlands but we recently learned that your father was in Riverrun before storming out to King's Landing."

Aryan narrowed his eyes, "There were only five people my father could have trusted in Riverrun, the Blackfish would never do anything like this and Edmure Tully was too young. So, either Catelyn Tully, Lysa Arryn or Hoster Tully had a hand in my father's death. Find out which one it is."

Gabriella took his hand and asked, "Do you think if it was Hoster Tully, he was also the one who killed your mother?"

Aryan shook his head, "No, he would have also killed me. My mother was killed because she knew something. When I found out what was the secret for which she was murdered, I could find the culprit."

Jaqen continued, "Fourthly, Shireen Baratheon is cured and we started to excavate the dragonglass mines. We also found one in Skaagos and started mining. Fifthly, we learned that Viserys Targaryen wishes to wed his sister to Khal Drogo in exchange for his army."

Gabriella said, "I see the apple didn't fall far from the tree."

Aryan sighed, "How can I tell Rhaella that her son is selling his sister to a dothraki? I also wanted to tell Jon the truth soon but, knowing him, if he learns it now he will ask about his family and when I tell him I fear that he will go to Essos to save his aunt. How troublesome."

Aryan turned to Jaqen and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Jaqen shook his head and said, "Nothing important."

Aryan nodded, "Good, my son Leon will come to Winterfell in a moon. Marwyn, send raven to my uncles, tell them to bring their entire families. Jaqen, bring the Throne and the Horn and hide them in the crypt. Kinvara, tell Ser Rodrick to summon my wife's aunt Shaena to my solar."

They nodded and went to do what was instructed of them. Ten minutes later Rhaella entered the room and asked Aryan, "You called for me?"

Aryan nodded and offered her to sit down, he then said with a frown, "I have news from your children."

Rhaella started to get anxious and asked, "What happened?"

Aryan shook his head, "Nothing yet but your son wished to wed your daughter to a dothraki horselord."

Rhaella shook her head and repeated, "No.. No.. Viserys wouldn't do that. He promised me.. He promised."

Gabriella decided to intervene, "It isn't set in stone, it is merely a wish, maybe when I learn the truth about the dothrakis he would forget about this idea."

Rhaella nodded gratefully and pleaded, "Could you allow me to go Pentos, please?"

Aryan answered, "No."

Rhaella stood up and nearly yelled, "Why?"

Aryan not impressed calmly said, "I wish to tell Jon the truth and he will need family here so that he would not seek it in Essos and you know some information about the North which I don't want my enemies to know."

Rhaella continued to plead, "Please, I can take Jon with me. He will be with family and I promise you that I will not reveal anything about the North to anyone."

Aryan laughed and said mockingly, "Like I would ever trust a Targaryen."

Rhaella said, "You trust Jon."

Aryan replied stubbornly, "Jon is a Stark."

Rhaella, as stubborn, said, "He is as much Targaryen that he is Stark."

Aryan rolled his eyes and said, "Nobody's perfect."

Rhaella then asked, "I know about my husband's crimes but the other Targaryen's did nothing to you and your family."

Aryan started to laughed out loud like he heard the biggest joke in the world, "I'm sorry for laughing, I know that you didn't learn the truth of history as the maesters and the Faith will glorify or not write about crimes when the victims are the North but the North remembers. We remember Aegon burning Hardhome as well as ten thousand northeners as well as more than fifty thousand of the freefolk, we remember him transforming the honorable Night's Watch in a penal colony.

We remember Rhaenys Targaryen who forced Torrhen Stark to marry his daughter to a damn Arryn, we remember that when Torrhen's daughter and her children were killed and their bodies sent in a ditch, Maegor didn't allow us neither justice nor revenge. We remember Visenya forcing us to abandon Moat Cailin after the death of her sister and let it become a ruin.

We remember the egomaniacal whore Alysanne, the so called 'Good Queen', who took a land that could feed the whole North in winter as well as in summer and gave it to the Night's Watch, knowing full well that Brandon's Gift was enough for ten thousand men and that they couldn't take care of the New Gift, knowing full well that the North couldn't feed itself without the New Gift, she then alongside her descendants allowed the Reach and the Riverlands to oversell us their food. Did you think that calling the settlement in the New Gift 'Queenscrown' was because we were charmed by that megalomaniac ? No, it was an insult, every northener knew that this was going to become a ruin, so we called it Queenscrown as an insult to that whore.

We remember Jaehaerys the Fool and his botched Kingsroad in the North, not good enough to help moving soldiers or trade but good enough to help bandits move around.

We remember Rhaenyra, our queen, the only Targaryen we ever respected who came North and apologize for the crimes of her ancestors and promised to Cregan Stark, in exchange for his support, a Targaryen princess, the Moat, the New Gift and a quarter of the royal fleet. We marched south, Roderick Dustin led the Winter Wolves and defeated a Lannister host five times his size and the next day he defeated a Hightower host four times his size again, with a sword in his heart, he still slayed the Hightower brothers and took victory for the North. Cregan in his wrath destroyed every single host of the Greens. Do you think it was your dragons that decided the dance or maybe it was Daemon? No, it was us. We won the Dance for Rhaenyra and for her promises. We put her son on the throne and executed all his enemies and asked him to honor the Pact.

We remember Aegon 'The Oathbreaker' refusing and compensate by telling Cregan that he could take all the gold he could in one hand after all the realm needed to recoup, he couldn't give us the New Gift because it would have angered the rebellious Reach, we couldn't rebuilt the Moat because it will send a bad message for a peaceful realm, we couldn't get our fleet because the royal family needed it. Do you really think we are still angry to this day because we didn't get a princess?

Do I even have to talk about Baelor 'The Blessed' attempt to force the Seven in our lands? If it weren't for his Hand who apologized and compensated us, your family would have been wiped a century ago.

Do not presume to think that only your mad husband sinned against my house.

How many millions of northeners do you think died in two centuries because of hunger, bandits and ironborns? How many northeners had to watch their kingdom become from the strongest of Westeros to this shell of themselves? Can you hear it, Rhaella Targaryen? Can you hear the screams of their souls?"

Rhaella was speechless and wanted to talk but Aryan interrupted her and dismissed her. After seeing her leave, he then called Jaqen in and said, "Monitor her, we don't want her to do or say something we wouldn't like." Jaqen nodded and left again.

"Are you okay, mon chéri?" Gabriella asked.

"Don't worry my love. I'm good." Aryan answered.

"Are you sure we can't do anything for her? I met her a few years ago she was such a sweet girl." She said

"You know we can't do anything even if I wanted to, the two of them are in the reach of another player. We played our hands with that mummer's play but everyone is now watching us like hawks and no matter what we do, we can't stop information to go out from White Harbor. If we help her, we will certainly be found by the player. If it wasn't because of the Night King, I could have agree to fight all the South but now I can't. I am sorry my love" Aryan responded.


Sunspear, Dorne

Oberyn could see hear the scream of Amory Lorch. He couldn't help but smile when he remembered all he did to his niece's murderer. He received a summon from his brother when he was enjoying his time in Lys and now he was back home. Seeing his brother, he went and greet him with a hug which was returned.

"I missed you, brother. How were things in the Seven Kingdoms while I was away?" Oberyn asked and Doran responded with everything that happened.

"So, the northeners returned and didn't attack anyone. You told me that you succeeded in placing a few spies there before I left, what did they say?"

Doran responded, "They were hunted down but could escape, they told me that the North could field a sixty thousand men army."

Oberyn smiled and said, "It looks that we weren't the only kingdom who drastically increased their military since the Trident."

Doran nodded and asked, "Did you have anything to do with Lorch's disappearance?"

Oberyn responded with a smile, "I didn't kidnap with him."

From his smile and words Doran understood that Oberyn may not have personally took Amory Lorch but he certainly dealt with him. "You were reckless, Oberyn."

Oberyn swatted the hair with his hand and answered, "No, I don't think I was."

Doran sighed and asked, "Tell me about Lys."

Oberyn responded, "They finally finished dealing with Tyrosh when I was there and they have now complete control of the Three Daughters but the Disputed Lands seems to belong to the Company of the Rose and with the repeated civil wars in Volantis during these times. I think your suspicion were right, the Starks have a big hand in it. I suspect that they finance and control the Company of the Rose. But I don't understand why they want the Disputed Lands, they who wish to deal with nothing outside the frozen land."

Doran nodded and said, "Food."

Oberyn tilted his head in question so Doran continued, "They wish for a stable food source in Winter and there is nothing better than the Disputed Lands seeing how much the Reach and the Riverlands always charged them."

Overrun's eyes grew in understanding and laughed, "Smart. So, where are my niece and grand-nephew?"

Doran grunted in annoyance and said, "They've gone in Winterfell. To meet the rest of the Starks."

Oberyn laughed merrily at Doran's annoyance. After mocking his brother for a few minutes he sat down, drank some wine and asked with a lazy attitude, "So, when do we start our plan for the complete extermination of House Lannister?"

Doran smiled and answered with a whisper, "Soon, brother... Soon."


Winterfell, The Northern Realms

Leon and Arianne arrived a fortnight ago and he couldn't be happier seeing their relationship with Gabriella. His uncle Benjen arrived ten days ago with his wife Dacey and their four children, Torrhen, Lyarra, Cregan and Serena. Sansa, Jon and Robb arrived from Barrowtown two days ago and he was proud of the change in Sansa, the foolish Andal girl no longer existed, she was now a true northern Lady. He should sent a letter to Barbrey Dustin to thank her.

'Nuncle Benny' soon became Leon favorite even more than little Serena who was just a little older with which he often played. Uncle Ned, his wife and the rest of his children arrived in the morning and they ate together. Everyone was talking and laughing together, except Lady Catelyn who was frowning at Arianne, Jon and Leon.

Their lunch was interrupted when Remus howled and started to run to the Godswood, he followed him with his uncles, Jon, Robb, Torrhen, Lyarra, Sansa and Arya. They traveled to the Godswood and they saw two direwolves of the size of Remus, the male was pitch black and had yellow eyes while the female was grey with the same eyes. She was obviously heavily pregnant and the male was protecting her.

"Jon, bring Marwyn and Roggel here too, he birthed all the horses in Winterfell. Be quick, she is in labor. Torrhen, Robb, go with him." Aryan commanded his cousins.

He took Ice off and dropped it to the ground, he then pulled both the daggers on his back, his thigh blade, and finally his boot knife, all valyrian steel. The black direwolf looked at him in confusion seeing him with Remus. He put his hand in front of the black direwolf who advanced and sniffed his hand before licking his hand.

He said to him, "Don't worry, I will help her and the children." the black wolf seemed to understand what he was saying. After a ten minutes of waiting, he saw his cousins come back with Marwyn and Roggel. The wolf started to growl seeing the group approaching the female driewolf but Benjen said while putting his hand on the wolf's head, "It's okay boy, they are here to help." The wolf licked Benjen's hand and sat next to him. Uncle Ned approached the female and put his hand on her head and helped her in the birthing.

A few hours later, thirteen pups were born. Each Stark bonded with one of them, except Aryan who already had one direwolf, two of the pups were always with Gabriella which confirmed to everyone that she was pregnant with twins. The male direwolf bonded with Benjen who named him 'Ice', the female direwolf bonded with Ned who named her 'Lya'. Robb named his 'Greywind', Jon named his 'Ghost', Torrhen named his 'Artos', Lyarra named her 'Fang', Arya named her 'Nymeria', Bran named his 'Summer', Cregan named his 'Frost', Rickon named his 'Shaggydog', Serena named her 'Bite', Leon named his 'Winter', and Sansa named her 'Aly'.

Everyone was happy and no one believed it to be a coincidence. Only Catelyn Stark was unhappy and didn't want her children to be around those "creatures", like she called them but Aryan quickly told them that the wolves were a sign of the Gods and they would protect each other and that the direwolf is the sigil of their House.

All the Starks were in the solar except for Arianne who was with Rickon, Leon and Serena who were too young for the discussion. When Sansa told the name of her wolf, Catelyn asked happily, "Did you name her after the Good Queen?"

Sansa responded with a snort, "Like I would ever name someone dear to me after the woman who took our lands without asking because of her greed. I named her after Cregan Stark's second wife, Black Aly." Her answer brought grin to every single member of House Stark except Catelyn who was red from anger.

She nearly screamed, "Sansa! A good lady should not speak like. What did you learn in Barrowtown?!"

Sansa rolled her eyes and said, "I learned more in a fortnight with Lady Dustin than in ten years with that septa."

Catelyn screamed, "What in the Seven are you saying?"

Sansa answered, "Do not talk about the Seven mother, they have no authority in these lands."

Dacey responded with an "Aye!" and everyone as well as Jon started to laugh.

Catelyn spoke with venom to Jon, "How dare you laugh, bastard?"

Everyone was speechless before hearing Aryan say, "How dare you?"

Catelyn wanted to respond but Aryan didn't let her, "Do you think that because your father bowed to some stupid statue before fucking your mother, that makes you more noble than him? You, who carry in your veins the blood of slaves of the ironborn, dare chastise someone who carries the blood of the Kings of Winter in his veins? Your family has become Lord Paramount just because they were at the right place, at the right time and were the first to bend to Aegon. It doesn't matter how Jon was born or who his other parent is. He carries the blood of Kings in his veins. By what right does the measly fish judge the mighty direwolf?"

Catelyn was red with shame, seeing the patronizing look from Benjen's wife and children, and seeing neither her husband nor her children defend her. She wanted to speak, "I..." but was again interrupted, "Did I allow to speak?", seeing her shutting her mouth he continued, "It has been more than fifteen years since you came here and you still continue to want to make it more southern. You built sept in Winterfell and the Moat, two of our sacred lands. You brought your children to despise the North and the Old Gods. How bold are you? How many of your letters to your father, your sister or your so-called best friend did I have to intercept because they were secret of the North in it? You married my uncle and gave birth to five beautiful children, that means that you are the only southern spy that I can't deal with."

Everyone was shocked by the revelations. Ned and her children looked at her with a look of betrayal while Benjen and Dacey looked at her in disgust. She said "No, Ned, you have to believe me. I just talked about my life here to Lysa and Peter."

It was Gabriella turned to laugh, "Let's talk about your friend Petyr Baelish. Do you know that he was the one who bribed the High Septon to attack your husband in King's Landing? Or that it was him that convinced the Sisters to raid the North? He is even bragging to everyone in the capital that he took the maidenhead of both you and your sister."

Catelyn stood up and screamed, "It's a lie. Petyr will never do that. I don't believe you."

Aryan sighed loudly and called Ser Rodrick, "Ser Rodrick, take her out of my sight and monitor her, we don't want her to try to tell secrets of the North to the South." Ser Rodrick nodded and gave an apologetic smile to Ned Stark who nodded sadly.

A couple minutes after her dismissal, Aryan said, "Uncle, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, I apologize but seeing her single out Jon brought all the pent up frustration in me."

Uncle Ned responded, "I am the one who should apologize nephew. If I confronted her instead of her indulging her, this situation would not have happened." In which both Robb and Sansa nodded. While Arya looked angry at her mother, Bran looked sad and apologized quietly to Aryan, Gabriella went to him and hugged him, "You don't have to be sorry for anything. You did nothing wrong." Bran nodded and wiped his tears.

Aryan then said, "What do you know about the first Long Night?"

Torrhen answered, "Eight thousand years ago our ancestors fought them and defeated them."

Aryan then asked, "Is that it?", he then looked at everyone in the room and sighed, "Sit comfortably, pour yourselves something to drink and listen attentively. I will tell you the story of Brandon 'The Bloody Blade' and his three children, I will tell you everything about their hidden angst. Let me tell you the true story of the Long Night."

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