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29.78% Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms / Chapter 14: Plots and Plans

Capítulo 14: Plots and Plans

Casterly Rock, Westerlands

Tywin was angry. The past couple of years have not been kind to the Westerlands and it was getting even worse. The day he and some of his foresighted ancestors had dreaded had arrived. The gold mines had finally gone dry. Gold was the power of House Lannister and he knew that if the others find about this the Lannister power would crumble down. When the Chief miner had informed him of this the first thing he did was to bring all the miners working in those mines immediately and have Amory Lorch kill all of them and their families to silence the whole issue. He had not even told his own family about this new situation. Still after a few weeks rumors started coming around that the Lannisters are out of gold. Realising that the truth had somehow got out he immediately flooded the mines and used it as an excuse to quell the rumors.

Then his idiot daughter had organised a tourney on Joffery's tenth nameday using completely sponsored by the Lannister gold without even consulting him. The Lannisters had always lived a affluent lifestyle to show of their wealth and power. Now it had come back to haunt them. It was now he started to respect the Northerners who still lived a frugal life even in face of their new found prosperity. Though he himself was very pragmatic the same could not be said about the other members of the Lannister family. To maintain the same affluent lifestyle he had to procure the glass items and the weapons from the rising North which had made a significant dent in his coffers. Though he had to admit that the Northern glass was cheaper and superior compared to their Myrish counterpart.

He was roused from his dreary thoughts by his brother Kevan who came into his solar. He looked with disgust as he saw that the dwarf was also waddling behind Kevan.

"Brother," he greeted Kevan greeted him to which Tywin nodded while completely disregarding the dwarf. But Tyrion long being accustomed to his father's attitude remained unfazed. Even though Tywin knew that Tyrion was more intelligent than both Cersei and Jaime combined still he was disgusted by the fact that Tyrion was a dwarf. Tywin knew that the dwarf sometimes gave some intelligent insight to many problems so he had allowed him to attend this private meeting.

"We have a situation at Lannisport." Kevan began "Many of the merchants have not returned back. They have now settled in the North."

The burning of the Lannisport had been a terrible blow to them. It had taken almost two years to rebuild the port. The Lannister fleet was still being rebuilt. But the damage was already done. The trade at Lannisport had halved. While once Lannisport had to compete with only Oldtown, now the Wolfbay had also joined the fray. The aggressive trade by the Starks had attracted the free cities even Yi-Ti and the reclusive Asshai.

The Stark's utter ruthlessness against the ironborn had gained him high popularity among the common men. The thralls who the Northerners rescued were these days praising and singing about their rescuers. He even had heard reports about a sudden increase in the worship of the Old Gods among the smallfolk. The Septon had came to him to protest against the rise of the heathen gods. But Tywin was not all religious. He had stopped believing in gods when Joana died. So he dismissed them. A small part of his mind considered this as his revenge against the seven for taking away his wife.

"We could reduce the taxes now to attract the merchants and slowly increase it over the years." Tyrion pipped from his seat.

Knowing that limited gold available to them cannot sustain the Lannister legacy forever he ordered Kevan to carry out Tyrion's idea.

Kevan continued, "The Northerners had completely stopped buying food from us as well as the Reach. They only buy enough from the Riverlands and that too due to the Stark-Tully marriage alliance. Our southern houses are complaining that they are unable to sell the food grains as much as they used to in the past. So they are requesting for a reduction in tax."

Without even thinking Tywin said, "We Lions cannot be bothered by the bleeting of the sheep. There would be no tax reduction. Though I am trying to find a way to solve this problem. At least it is not that much as the Reach."

Tyrion started to guffaw and said, "It is this attitude of yours that had allowed the North to grow more powerful. When the Starks started their new projects I warned you about this. But you dismissed my suggestions and look at where they stand now in such a short period. You will find nowhere in history where a kingdom transformed this far within a few years. It is like magic even though I know it is not. Still we don't have to worry. We have enough gold to last for generations, don't we?"

Tywin choked on his drink and then his lips tightened at that question. He didn't even bother to answer it. Though he saw the dwarf looking at him in a suspicious manner from the corner of his eyes.

'Did the dwarf find out about the empty gold mines... Hmmm. No, he wouldn't have. He is not that intelligent.' he dismissed the thought not knowing how wrong he was.

Then Tywin said, "We have more pressing problems. Theomore is dead."

"Theomore? Who is that?" Tyrion asked pausing his drink.

It was Kevan who answered, "Theomore was a Lannister from the Lannisport who joined the Citadel. He was assigned to White Harbor a few years ago when the North started their new projects, by some encouragement from Tywin. He was essentially our most strategically placed spy in the North."

Contrary to Tyrion's belief Tywin had planted many spies in the North especially in Winterfell and Wintertown acting on Tyrion's observations. Only some of them used to give him their reports, most of which were utterly useless.

"Glad to see you took my word seriously Father." Tyrion said. "How did he die?"

"Official word is that he was drunk and slipped down the stairs while climbing down and broke his neck." Tywin said.

Tyrion japed, "In a way he drunk to his death." Then looking at Tywin's face he asked, "But you disagree?"

"Theomore's death has confirmed my long time suspicions." Tywin declared.

Kevan and Tyrion looked at each other and then Kevan prodded, "What do you mean Tywin?"

Tywin said, "I had placed many spies throughout the North. But for the past several years they were only providing me chicken feed. Now with Theomore's death I am sure that the Starks have somehow discovered them. We are in fact blind to whatever is happening in the North which is slowly becoming a threat to our power. And I don't like being kept in dark about the affairs of Kingdoms. So I have decided that Tyrion will go to Winterfell. I want you to stay there for sometime. Your cover is to make a deal in procuring steel weapons and more glass products for Westerlands. I want to know their military power. I had tried several times in the past to infiltrate their secret glass making facility but failed. Try to procure any trade secrets if not try to lure some of those workers here. And most importantly find out everything about Aryan Stark."

Tyrion sat there gaping at Tywin and stuttered, "Me? Are you sure that a dwarf like me would be suitable for this job? And who would replace me of the Master of Drains here?". When the Lords of Westeros had come to Casterly Rock to fight the Ironborn Tywin had assigned Tyrion to clean all the drains in Casterly Rock to escape the embarrassment of the other Lords seeing the dwarf.

"You will do as I say. I have made all arrangements for you to travel North. You will leave in two days. Nobody will replace you from your current post. When you return you will resume your duties. Now get out of my sight." Tywin declared.

Tyrion still stunned that his father had given him such an assignment waddled out of the room.

Kevan asked, "Are you sure that he can do it?"

"All he does here is get drunk and consort with the whores. Let him show his worth." Tywin finished.

Kevan was about to get up but then remembering something asked, "Did you try for a marriage alliance with the North?"

"I had sent a missive with Cerena's proposal to the Regent Eddard Stark. But he replied that the issue of marriage would be decided by Aryan Stark himself when time comes." Tywin replied dryly.

Humming at response Kevan quietly said, "I cannot say that I am surprised. One thing about the Northerners is that unlike the other Kindoms they do not fear us and so they would not jump at the opportunities for an alliance with us. Perhaps they must be looking for a Northern bride or perhaps they are not happy with a bride from one of our side branch. Then you must convince Cersei for a Royal marriage alliance with the North. While Eddard Stark is a good friend of Robert, there is no guarantee that the same courtesy would be extended to Joffery, especially with the things we are hearing about him."

Tywin grimaced at that. He had heard about how Joffery had tore open Tommen's pregnant cat and how he removed its foetus to please Robert. But Robert thrashed the boy black and blue seeing the cruelty. He remembered how Cersei had written to him ranting about how Robert is harming her Golden Lion and urged him to do something. But Tywin had to question Cersei's sanity if she was going to ignoring Joffery's activities.

Not wanting to discuss about his daughter's shortcomings Tywin ended their discussion ordering, "Find a good match with the Reach for Lancel. If the time comes, we will need allies against the North." Kevan understood Tywin's dismissal, so he went away.

Tywin had set his eyes on the Leffords of Goldentooth. As Alyssane Lefford was the only heir to Lord Lefford, she was the most suitable wife for Jaime. This would bring the gold mines of Goldentooth under Lannister fold. He was already diffusing the marriage proposals for her using whatever means available means. Getting Jaime back has now become more necessary than ever.

Then like the past few weeks he decided to get drunk bemoaning how insecure his legacy was becoming.


Kingslanding, Crownlands

The sound of rutting could be heard from the outside. The animalistic grunts of the customer and delightful moans of his whore. Peeking through the hole and satisfied with the new whore's performance Littlefinger started to walk towards his office. He used to closely monitor all his whore to make sure they were always capable of satisfying all types of customers. This was the reason for his brothels success in Kingslanding. Born as a child of a very minor of Lord in Vale and now the Master of Coin of the Seven Kingdoms, all of which he achieved through his cunningness and luck. Yes, luck too or else he would not have been in the same Tavern twelve years ago depressed over his Cat were he coincidentally met the messenger who was carrying Lyanna Stark's letter to Winterfell. He made the messenger drunk enough and later drowned him in the Red Fork. And used the same busy Tavern as the point to start the rumor of Lyanna to be kidnapped by the Prince.

He started to look over the latest reports from his spies. Few affairs here and there while seemingly insignificant would come in hand at a later date. When the rumors about the Lannister mines gone dry surfaced he sent some of his men there. But they got back claiming the mines were flooded killing all the miners, due to which Tywin Lannister had stopped mining for some time. The logical part of his mind knew that the rumors may be true based on the facts but one cannot be too sure about Tywin, so he did not do anything to capitalise on this.

While he was not worried about the other Kingdoms, the same could not be said about the North. The brothel he set up in Wintertown with difficulty was demolished during the castle's expansion works. After that he was not given permission to set up a new brothel for some reason or another. So without a base he was not able to place any spies in the domain of the Bloody Wolf. And so he didn't know any of the strategic or sensitive information about the North as all meeting were held in Winterfell where he did not have any access to.

He had financed the pirates to attack the ships coming to the North through the Bite. It was also him who convinced Jon Arryn not to do anything when the Starks complained. He knew that it was Jon Arryn who spared the ironborn from annihilation which had angered the Starks and that there was tension between the lords of the North and those of the Vale because Jon Arryn and Aryan Stark didn't like each other and openly butted heads. He was going to use this new tension between them to slowly break the friendship between Vale and the North that Eddard Stark is trying to maintain. He had hoped that the North would attack the Three Sisters and the resulting conflict would damage the Vale-North alliance. But the North did something better which dashed his plans. They now had an excuse for a standing army as well as a Naval presence through the Bite into the Narrow Sea which was enough for King Robert not to take any actions when Jon Arryn raised concern about the new army of the North. Petyr cursed himself for not thinking of this possibility when he started his plans. Still he was a patient man. His time will come at which he did not want the Vale to be in alliance with the North.

Right now he was worried over another matter. His main source of money was embezzlement of funds when the Iron Throne took a loan or from the taxes of the seven Kingdoms. But the North has been given tax exemption for seven years all because of the Queen bitch could not control her vanity.


Queen Cersei on hearing and so much about the new famed glass products of the North and seeing some of them from the merchants in Kingslanding ordered a large quantity of glasses, plates and chandeliers directly from Winterfell. Her argument was that as Kingslanding was the most important place in the seven kingdoms it should have these fine products too especially in the Royal Palace. Baelish also supported her idea already thinking about taking another loan for paying the Northerners from which he could siphon some for himself. How wrong he was.

The representatives from the North had arrived in the form of Lord Wyman Manderly and the Mayor of Wintertown whatever that was. All the goods were arranged in the front of the Iron Throne. Already he could see everyone in the room were marveling at the products. It was the first and probably the last time anyone would see so many glass items in one place. Even he was impressed by the intricate craftmanship. Cersei looked very pleased and praised the products. Many of those who knew her true nature were surprised to see a genuine praise coming from her.

The Mayor said, "Your Grace Lord Stark is giving you the finest glass materials you will ever see better in every manner than the ones from those Myrish. Lord Stark personally supervised many of these while our glassmakers made them."

Holding a wine set with lions etched on its sides the Queen smiled and said, "Please tell lord Stark that we are highly impressed by these."

Whatever Petyr expected to hear from Cersei, this was not. Cersei had always disdained smallfolk. She never visited them or has taken time to even see them. So seeing her polite interaction with a Northern official who was a still a common man, Petyr was surprised. Wonders never cease.

It was Jon Arryn who asked the question which was in several people's minds, "You introduced yourself as the Mayor of Wintertown. What exactly does it entail?"

The man curtsied saying, "My Lord Hand, as Lord Stark is busy most of the time managing the North, he is not able to give much attention to the people of Wintertown. So he appointed me to manage and develop Wintertown as well as the voice of the people there."

Varys tittered, "His Grace appointed Lord Eddard Stark as the Regent of North until Lord Aryan comes of age. Does Lord Eddard approve of all these?"

It was Wyman Manderly who answered these, "A Regent is appointed for those who we feel are not mentally fit to make right decisions till they come of age. Our Lord Aryan Stark has shown in these years that proven himself to be very capable of looking after the North himself. Even though Lord Eddard is the Regent of the North, all Lord Aryan's actions have full approval of Lord Eddard."

Renly decided to make his presence felt saying, "Still being unable to administer his own city shows his incapability as a Lord."

Wyman fixed fixed his eyes on Renly, then looking at the King asked, "May I speak freely Your Grace?"

Robert laughed already seeming to know what was coming and said in a jest, "Of course you Fat Lord, speak your mind. I am bored hearing to flowery words everywhere. Some northern blunt talk is always refreshing."

It seemed Wyman had taken his insult good naturedly and smiled at the King. Then looking at Renly said, "Kingslanding is supposed to be governed by the King himself with his small council. But they also have to look after the affairs of the Seven Kingdoms. But as they are busy in their duties the city itself was forgotten. Poverty and crime have increased which have went unnoticed by all of you. Perhaps you have noticed but decided not to do anything. To avoid these problems Lord Stark had appointed a Mayor. He did not want the people to feel neglected as many of them felt in Kingslanding."

Many courtiers nodded at that. But the newly appointed Master of Law interrupted, "Are you accusing of not governing Kingslanding properly. This city is the most important city in the whole Westeros. Also the crime and poverty here all very low."

Everyone looked at Renly incredulously who shrank back to his chair at the attention. It was common knowledge that poverty and crime was synonymous with Kingslanding. While many of the poor and homeless had migrated to the North, new one had replaced them.

Robert bellowed from his throne, "Renly you idiot, stop making a fool of yourself. They are telling the truth. If you had done your duty properly instead of enjoying your power you would not had to face such accusations."

Baelish smirked at Renly's peril. Even though the Gold Cloaks were under the Master of laws, most of them were corrupt and abused their position. Also it was Baelish who used to pay them. They were more loyal to him and Baelish used to take advantage of that in his activities.

Seeing the situation getting out of control Jon Arryn changed the subject and asked the Mayor, "How much is all these going to cost?"

The Mayor replied, "The actual cost of these products are two million dragons. But we are willing to sell these to the Royal Family for only one million dragons."

As expected everyone gaped at that staggering amount. Though Petyr had a look of shock, inside he was jumping with joy already making plans for siphoning funds from the repayment loans.

The Hand composed himself and said, "Thank you for your generous offer. But still the price is huge and the treasury cannot afford to pay such a large amount. Perhaps you can take some of them back."

Cersei became angry and said, "Absolutely not. I personally and painstakingly ordered these items. Most of these were made according to my designs and recommendations. These are the highest quality products and Lord Stark is generously giving us all such a large discount. It will be an insult to send them back." Then she urged Robert to say something exploiting Robert's soft corner for the Starks.

The King ruled in her favor, "Do what she says Jon. It is not every day we hear her praising the Starks." And he laughed.

Jon resignedly asked Baelish, "Lord Baelish, how do we settle the payment."

With a smile Petyr began, "I have made a payment plan Lord Hand. We must take loans to accommodate their payment. But we can pay can pay a hundred thousand dragons a year for the next ten years." Then he thought to himself, 'I can pay them for a few years, then delay the payment for some reason of the other. In the end I will gain a large sum.'

The Northeners looked at each other, then Lord Manderly said, "Pardon me, Your Grace. Lord Stark has instructed us to take immediate payment only and no loans. He doubts the capabilities of the Master of Coins which I also share. We cannot trust any plans made by the man under whom the Realm has gone into such a large debt."

Baelish lost his smirk and bristled losing his cool. He asked in a tight voice, "Are you accusing me of leading the realm to debt ?"

With a smile Manderly said, "That is exactly what I said."

"Enough. Baelish has my complete trust. He has proven himself very loyal to His Highness." Jon Arryn interrupted.

In a grave tone Wyman said, "You may trust him Lord Hand but we don't just like not a single Lord from the Wall to the Neck trusts you anymore. I like to think of myself as a man with a reasonable knowledge in economics something Lord Stark agrees with. That is why he sent me to discuss this issue if it arises. The debt of the realm is rising year after year. The Master of Coin should have taken steps to contain the debt or make payment plans to repay of those debts. Do you have any repayment plans Lord Baelish?"

Baelish sputtered at that completely lost for a reply. Then gathering his wit he addressed the King, "Your Grace, I have been always loyal. He cannot accuse me like this."

Throwing his wine glass to Littlefinger's head Robert roared, "Just answer him you worm."

Calming himself Petyr started to speak in high economic terms about what he was doing (all of which were lies) which went over most people's heads. But Lord Manderly was not one of them. He countered each and every arguments of Baelish and soon Baelish was at his wit's end. He could hear Pycelle snorting disguising it as a cough.

It was Stannis who broke the silence, "So you must have a payment plan of your own."

Lord Manderly said, "We are aware of the Realm's debt to Iron Bank, the Lannisters, the Tyrells and even the faith which is almost greater than five million dragons. We do not want the Iron Throne to have a debt with the North. So Lord Stark proposes a full seven year tax exemption for the next seven years."

Seeing everything getting out of his hands Baelish tried for some damage control saying it would be difficult to find funds for everyday affairs of Kingslanding to which Lord Manderly suggested some methods to generate more income.

Suddenly the doors opened and the servants brought in two large statues covered in clothes. They set those in the middle of the hall. The Mayor then unveiled two life size glass figurines saying, "Lord Starks gifts for the His Highness and Her Highness."

The whole court gasped at the life size statues of Robert and Cersei made of crystal clear glass with their dress made of coloured glass. The eyes of Robert were made from Blue Sapphire while those of Cersei's were of Emeralds.

And that sealed the deal. One thing any intelligent person in the palace knew was that even though Cersei was smart enough she was still vain and enjoyed materialistic pleasures. These statues were perhaps the best gifts she will ever receive. Even Robert was captivated at his own figurine which displayed him with his raised hammer.

Cersei came near the figurine and started to marvel at it. Then looking at the Northerners said, "Tell Lord Stark that we are honoured and extremely pleased by his gifts." Then meeting Robert's eyes she said, "And your payment terms are acceptable."

Without any support Baelish had no choice but to agree to their demands.

(Flashback Ends)

The Northerners had then went away with a favorable deal. It seemed that the Queen and Hand had paid close attention to Lord Manderly's suggestions and were keeping an eye in the financial matters. He had to pump back a lot of his stolen money back into the treasury to avoid suspicions. Also due to no new loans he was unable to embezzle funds. He had lost most of his assets he had gained over the years which will now take many years to gain them back. But even more important was that his position was now not secure and was hanging by a thread. He had already a plan to regain Roberts favour and it was time to send his people to Essos to sniff out the last dragons.

"Damn the Starks. Damn Brandon Stark. Damn his spawn Aryan Stark." He cursed for the umpteenth time. He was disturbed by a knock on the door. It was Janos Slynt who said, "Your guests are waiting downstairs."

Baelish smiled and dismissed him. Then gathering his wits he went to meet his guests with an evil smile. The Sorrowful Men had arrived.


Water Gardens, Dorne

Watching the children playing in the Water Gardens was the only joy he was left with these days. Their cheers and happiness brought a joy to his heart. He reminisced the days he used to playing with Oberyn and Elia, carefree and innocent. Everything was so simple, no burdens and no responsibilities. But everything changed as they grew up.

His ever loyal guard who was brought here by Mellario came forward and said, "Everyone is assembled for lunch. They are waiting for you."

Doran nodded and so Hotah started to push him to the dining hall. While Martell's seat was at Sunspear he liked it here away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Besides with the opening of the canal in the North the ship traffic had halved. He feared that until something was not done Sunspear will loose its splendor.

As he entered the hall he was greeted by Arianne who came to him and kissed his cheeks and was soon followed by his Oberyn's paramour Ellaria and their bastard daughters.

Sitting at the head of the table he looked at the two empty seats. One belonged to his elder son Quentyn who he was forced to foster at the Yornwoods while the other belonged to Mellario who left for Norvos when sent Quentyn away.

He looked at his daughter. Already sixteen namedays and she was very beautiful and quite buxom but short. He had learned that she had started to explore her sexuality. He could not control her dornish blood so he sent away her would be lover Daemon Sand away to keep her maidenhood intact. Marriage offers were coming for her for the position of the Consort of Princess of Dorne. But he had declined every one of them which frustrated her. 'Arianne is destined to be something greater than just a princess of Dorne.' he mused.

"What are you thinking brother?" Oberyn asked with groping Ellaria on his lap.

"Nothing important brother. How was your travels in Essos?" he asked ignoring their activities.

"I must say it was eventful for the most part. I went to Myr first. Seems like the city has lost some of its splendor with their loss in the glass trade. Apparently somehow most of the glass makers have been killed in the past few years. Knowing them as I do, I think that the Myrish must have tried to kill their competitor, but failed. And the Bloody Wolf lived up to his name again and retaliated. It was just like those Ironborn cunts. Must be the dornish blood in him." Oberyn said grinning.

Doran nodded at that chewing his meet and said, "Yes. Since he has become the Warden of North even with Regent Ned Stark the dreary North seems to be the centre of all activites. I must give Eddard Stark credit. Anyone else in his place would have taken the power to himself but the honorable Ned Stark didn't."

"I have heard that he has the purple eyes of his Mother and is very pretty. Father can I marry him?" Arianne asked giggling with her cousins.

Adding more fuel to the fire Oberyn added, "Brandon Stark was very handsome, pity he died at the hands of Aerys. With such pretty father and mother I am sure the boy must be very good looking."

"Father will you send a marriage offer to him." Arianne asked with innocent eyes.

Lesser men would have fell down by those eyes. But Doran was not one of them. His condition may have constricted him to this chair but his mind was sharp. Many saw Doran as weak and unfit to rule Dorne. But he was being patient and he had plans which would soon come to fruition.

'You are smart Arianne. But your eyes will not move me. I have plans for you my dear.' he thought to himself and then smiling at Arianne asked her, "Are you willing to abdicate your position as the Princess of Dorne to become just a Lady of Winterfell?"

That shut her up and Doran mentally smiled at his victory.

Oberyn spoke again, "I heard an interesting news. At Tyrosh I rode with the Second Sons for a while fighting in the Disputed Lands. But got crushed by the Company of Rose. I must say that that Company of Rose is very good only surpassed by the Golden Company. The Second Sons were almost decimated by half and I had to escape to Lys. What is interesting is that the Rogares are gaining power again."

Doran perked up at that, "The Rogares? Truly? What exactly did you hear?"

"The daughter of the House Rogare is said to be breathtakingly beautiful and intelligent. From what I heard she may be same age as Arianne or younger. But she is behind the newfound power of the Rogares. The Rogare Bank is slowly gaining power. There is talk among the Magisters to elect the Rogares to lead the concave. The Rogares control the majority of the economy of Lys. They have now hired the Company of Rose on a yearly basis. With Myr losing its power and Lys gaining it, perhaps soon the disputed lands will no longer be undisputed." Oberyn finished.

"Interesting, perhaps we must look for an alliance there. With the opening of the Northern canal Sunspear does not get as many ships as before. It is time we invested in more trade. The North has transformed itself in these twelve years. Perhaps we must also think like them." Doran said.

"The North had thousands of years of untapped resources which they are finally discovered and using. And they have a capable lord to lead them. All we have is endless sand and a weak leader. Both of them which is of no use. The Starks started a war for their sister while you hide here instead of taking revenge for Elia and you nephews." Ellaria accused.

Doran closed his eyes during her speech and later opened them. He saw that everyone shared Ellaria sentiments from their eyes. So he said calmly, "I am not blind, nor deaf. I know you all believe me weak, frightened, feeble. Oberyn knows me better. Oberyn is ever the viper. Deadly, dangerous, unpredictable. No man dares tread on him. I am the grass. Pleasant, complaisant, sweet-smelling, swaying with every breeze. Who fears to walk upon the grass? But it is the grass that hides the viper from his enemies and shelters him until he strikes. I have worked at the downfall of Tywin Lannister since the day they told me of Elia and her children. So do not presume to understand things which you do not know about. Words are like arrows, Ellaria. Once loosed, you cannot call them back." He finished in a clipped tone.

Then changing the topic Doran said, "We have been invited for the upcoming marriage of Allyria Dayne at Starfall."

"Who is Lady Allyria going to marry Father?" Arianne asked.

"Beric Dondarion of Blackhaven. He is a good man compared to many other idiot Stormlords." Oberyn added with a smirk.

"Regardless Arianne you will go there to represent our house. Obara, Nymeria and Tyene will accompany you. I have heard from my sources that Aryan Stark would also be attending. I want you to find out what kind of person he is." Doran ordered.

"Yes Father." Arianne readily agreed happy for an oppurtunity to step out of Doran's purview.

Everyone had finished their food and were getting up when Doran interrupted, "Stay Oberyn. I need to talk with you. Rest of you please go out."

When the hall was empty other than the two Martell brothers, Areo Hotah closed the doors from outside.

"We should consider some form of alliance with the Starks." Oberyn began pouring himself some dornish wine.

Doran asked, "For someone who is keen on venegance for Elia you seem to have forgiven the Starks so easily."

"What the Starks did was for their sister like we are doing. And I have known that Eddard Stark was only one of the few who condemned the murder of Elia, Rhanys and Aegon while the other fuckers stood like mummers." Oberyn said with a fire.

"We will have no alliance with the Starks. Especially when plans are set in motion. Did you manage to locate them?" Doran asked.

Five years ago Doran had sent Oberyn to Bravos and had secured and a marriage alliance for his children with the Targaryen siblings. Their guardian Wilhelm Darry signed on their behalf. But then Wilhelm had died and the Targaryens had been on the run ever since. While Doran had a copy of the agreement, without Wilhelm Darry to attest to it, it could possibly derail his game.

Three years ago Oberyn slept with Lord Edgar Yronwoods paramour. Edgar challenged Oberyn for an honor duel for the slight. Oberyn won but Lord Yornwood died from festering of wounds. It was alleged that Oberyn had poisoned the spear. So Doran exiled Oberyn to for a time. And to make amends with the Yornwoods he sent Quentyn as a ward to Yronwood. But Oberyn's exhile was an excuse to find the lost Targaryens which now seemed to be lost cause.

"Someone is helping them. If we cannot find them, then we will wait for them to resurface." Doran said.

Oberyn asked, "I was thinking for some time. What exactly is your interest in Aryan Stark?"

"I want to know more about him. He is unknown but has proved to unpredictable. Like in cyvasse without knowing about the other player and their pieces it would be foolish to play our own game. If Eddard Stark was the Warden of the North, I would have been happier because he is predictable and not at all a thorn in our plans." Doran said looking at Oberyn.

Doran continued, "I have taken steps to slowly eliminate Ullric Dayne. He can be a problem for us. When he die we can perhaps take his only child Edric Dayne as a ward and mold him for our plans. Gerold Dayne will be given the stewardship of Starfall for that time."

"The Darkstar." Oberyn spat. "He is a poison brother. You cannot trust him. I have known him years back when I visited High Hermitage years back. He is cruel, twisted and takes joy in others pain. He was always jealous of Arthur and and has his eye on Dawn. He will claim Dawn which he does not deserve. It would be difficult for young Edric to get their ancestral sword back."

"Don't worry Oberyn. He is just a pawn in the grand game. If he oversteps he will fall. Daynes are one of our most powerful bannermen. I want Dorne unified for our cause when time comes without any internal conflicts." Doran said.

Knowing better than to argue with his brother Oberyn asked, "Do you believe in the recent rumors about the Lannister mines gone dry?"

"I don't know brother. Knowing Tywin anything can be true. But I have heard that these days the Old Lion is always very angry." Doran said. Then seeing a familiar fire in Oberyn's eyes he added, "No Oberyn. I know your blood sings for revenge. Mine too. But wait till all pieces are correctly positioned. I want to see Tywin's precious legacy crumble down forever."

Oberyn growled, "Whatever your plans are brother I hope they succeed. I will never forgive you if your plans failed and I lost my chance for revenge. I will do whatever is necessary if you fail and you will not stop me."

Not saying anything about that Doran said, "Go with Arianne to Starfall and keep an eye on her. She is a maiden and I want her to remain one for some more years."

Oberyn smirked, "This is Dorne brother. We do not have those fucked up beliefs about chastity like the other kingdoms. Let her explore her sexuality." Then seeing Doran's face he agreed to keep an eye on her.

"I am all riled by the talks. I am going to fuck Ellaria. So long brother." Oberyn went out. Soon Hotah came and led Doran to the Water Gardens.


Highgarden, The Reach

"Our revenue is decreasing year by year grandmother. While the North was slowly reducing their food procurement from us over the years, they have now completely stopped. Though it will not have an immediate dent in our vast wealth, it will show its effect in the coming years." Wilas said reading over the reports.

Olenna grimly nodded at the his reports. Old age had certainly taken its toll on the once beautiful woman but still her mind was sharp. It was her that still kept the Tyrell's grasp strong through the Reach when her husband Luthor and now her son Mace both proved to be incompetent. While she loved both of them it cannot be denied that both were oafs. Thankfully her grandchildren were spared of their father and grandfather's idiocy. Willas, the heir was knowledgeable and brilliant except for the wound in his leg which has made him lame. He was still unmarried and Olenna was eyeing the Martells for him. Garlan Tyrell fostered at the Fossoways and recently married Lady Leonette Fossoway. Loras wanted to be a knight and was squiring under Renly Baratheon. And then Margery the Rose of Highgarden very beautiful and with a sharp mind, her protege. Olenna was grooming her into a Queen.

"Will we become poor grandmother?" A twelve year old Margery asked from beside her.

The Queen of Thorns smiled at her, "No dear. We do not have to worry about that. Reach is still the second richest kingdom."

"I doubt that grandmother. I recently met few Archmaesters of the Citadel and during discussion about economics I have learnt that the North has eclipsed us to become the second richest Kingdom with their four cities. Even surprising is that the Starks are now the richest house in Westeros. They have overtaken the Lannister." Wilas said.

Both women's eyes went wide. To achieve such power and prosperity was unheard of.

"Lord Eddard Stark seems to be keen on changing the North." Wilas said.

Shaking her head Olenna said, "No. No. You got it all wrong. I have met this Ned Stark in the Tourney of Harrenhal. The man is unassuming and honorable to a fault and quite unambitious. The brain behind the North surge is the Bloody Wolf. He has gained a fearsome title at such a young age. I seem to recall about the Red Kraken of Iron Islands who was as ruthless as Aryan Stark. Quite unpredictable like his father Brandon Stark. A Bloody Wolf born to a Wild Wolf."

"Maybe we can propose a marriage alliance with the Starks for Margery. We will have strong allies." Wilas suggested.

"And they would have beautiful children. Brandon Stark was a handsome man. And Ashara Dayne a beauty more than even Cersei with those haunted violet eyes. He would be a delight to eyes of any girl." Olenna said looking at Margery who blushed at that.

Olenna continued, "But your father is set to make you a Queen my dear and I agree with that. Already there is discontent among the other Lords against us. A royal match would secure our position." She had already started to teach Margery about court politics and manipulation.

"The wine trade had decreased for the Redwynes. So they have reduced its production." Wilas read another report.

Olenna exclaimed in disgust, "That Vodka from North, it has invaded every castle, every household in all seven Kingdoms. How can they even drink it. It is too strong unlike our sweet wine." Being born a Redwyne she was anxious about the state of her house.

Wilas explained, "Grandmother, wine was once the only beverage available without any alternatives. So everyone used to buy it. Vodka keeps a person warm on cold nights. Most of the men folk like to drink vodka after a hard days work. Recently when I visited Lord Tarly at Hornhill. I was surprised to find that the man who never drank wine is enjoying the Vodka."

"Grandmother can we not do anything to remove the Starks from power? If we somehow remove them perhaps we can make the North comply with our interests." Margery asked.

"That is one of most foolish question I have ever heard dear. Only a Stark can hold the North and they had done so from times immemorial. Not only are they now the richest house, they also hold a close friendship with the King. So they are very secure. I have noticed that they have made sure that almost all their lords are becoming prosperous in one way or another. The meat and leather from the Boltons, Horse from the Ryswell, tea and coffee in Flint's finger, wool and wood from the Umbers etc. This is not including the food produced by them. So now the Starks have total loyalty of all their vassals. Maybe except the Boltons. But Roose Bolton is very cautious man. He will only act if he is sure of success which he will not right now."

"So the Starks have total loyalty of all their house?" Margery asked.

"Yes they have. Understand this. In the seven kingdoms should a threat arise only the North and the Westerlands will never have any internal conflicts. Both Robert's Rebellion and the last Blackfyre Rebellion proved it. But the thing is that the Lannisters have gained loyalty through fear while the Starks through respect. Mark my words when loyalty is concerned respect is more powerful than fear." Olenna explained to which both grandchildren agreed.

It was then Archmaester Gormon came. He had been called to the Citadel a few weeks before. Gormon was Mace's uncle who joined the Citadel. Even though Maester Lomys was the maester of Highgarden using the Tyrell influence Gormon used to stay in Highgarden for extended periods.

"Good to be back again good sister." Gormon said sitting on to a chair.

"Is something happening in the Citadel?" Wilas asked.

"You could say so. Archmaester Marwin is going to be elevated to Grandmaester title." Gormon said sullenly.

All of them looked surprised. Becoming a Grandmaester was very difficult and rare. Having two Grandmaesters was unheard of.

"Two Grandmaesters at same time. I have not ever heard of it before." Olenna said.

"It has never happened. Pycelle is pissed and has written his objections about the decision." Gormon informed them.

Margery quietly asked, "Does Grandmaester Pycelle's word matter in the Citadel's decision? He is after all the highest ranked Maester."

Everyone wanted the answer to that question.

"The Grandmaester has no power in the decisions of the Citadel. The conclave meets behind the closed doors and decide. Marwin's recent discoveries in the field of Medicine, Anatomy, Arithmetic, Economics, Architecture etc has forced the conclave to elevate him." Gormon said.

Wilas exclaimed, "Oh yes. I have read his book 'Anatomy of Human Body' which gave a detailed description of all parts and organs of our body. Did you know we have two hundred six bones in our body. It is very enlightening."

"Yes. It was that book which made Archmaester Ebrose make the proposal for Marwin's elevation." Gormon said.

Olenna asked shrewdly, "Marwin must be happy to hear the news."

Shaking his head Gormon disagreed, "Surprisingly no. Marwin has written that whatever the conclave's decision may be he will not leave his position at Winterfell. Apparently he gives credit to Aryan Stark to many of his discoveries."

Olenna frowned at that. That name again. Now she understood. With such a brilliant mind it was no wonder the boy lord transformed the whole North. She shuddered what more is to come once he takes his proper title.

Gormon continued, "There was also a proposal to set up a 'University', something like a Citadel at the Widow's Watch in the North. Lord Stark had sent the proposal on Marwin's suggestion. The University would be funded by Winterfell. It was a heavy debate but it was finally approved."

"Really. I doubt the Citadel would so easily agree to share their resources." Olenna asked skeptically.

Gormon smiled, "That's the thing. Winterfell has been providing us the glass equipment in half the real price. So we cannot outright refuse them. While the Citadel would allow the University they won't provide them with any records or books. So in the long run, this University will stop functioning."

'Who knew even the Maesters played their games.' Olenna thought.

"I doubt that. Winterfell is said to be the oldest castle in the whole Westeros. So they must have enough materials that may predate the Citadel itself." Wilas offered.

Gormon thought for sometime and said, "It may be possible. We used to mock him Marwin the Mage. He was always interested in higher mysteries and had travelled as far as Asshai in search of it. I don't know how we are going to face him now."

Olenna was mentally laughing. Mace had been trying very hard for the past several years to make Gormon the next Grandmaester. With Marwin becoming the new Grandmaester their plan had failed. And to prove her words Mace came bustling in shouting, "Mother did you hear. A nobody Marwin is to be the next Grandmaester."

Olenna mentally groaned not all prepared to deal with another one of Mace's tantrums.


Kingslanding, Crownlands

Varys the spider was scuttling through the underground tunnels. He had received word that the 'Fat Lord' was waiting for him. He reflected back on his past.

Varys was born as a slave in Lys where he apprenticed as an orphan to a troupe of mummers who worked the Free Cities, Oldtown, and occasionally King's Landing. During their stay in Myr, a man offered a large sum of money for Varys, an offer his master found too tempting to refuse. The man gave Varys a potion that made him powerless to move or speak, but did nothing to dull his senses as his manhood was cut off at the stem, then burnt in a brazier in a blood magic ritual. The man had no further use for Varys and tossed him out on the streets alone to die but Varys out of spite for the sorcerer vowed to live. and held a hatred for all things magical ever since. He resorted to begging, prostitution, and thievery, eventually becoming the best thief in Myr, until a rival forced him out and he fled to Pentos.

Impoverished and despised in Pentos, Varys made an agreement with a poor sellsword, Illyrio Mopatis who he had befriended. Varys would steal objects from lesser thieves and Illyrio would get the objects back for their original owners for a small fee. Soon, everyone in Pentos who ever had valuables stolen from them knew who to ask to get their belongings back. Varys and Illyrio quickly grew rich. Realizing the value of information, Varys began training his spy network to acquire the information, letters, ledgers and charts of the wealthy and powerful. The little mice were agile orphans purchased by Varys.

These secrets increased Varys and Illyrio's wealth tenfold. In time Illyrio became a Magister in Pentos and Varys became so infamous that word of his talents reached the ears of King Aerys II Targaryen across the narrow sea. In his growing paranoia, Aerys no longer trusted his son, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, his wife, Queen Rhaella Targaryen, or his Hand of the King, Lord Tywin Lannister and so Varys was brought to Aerys's court. As a spymaster in King's Landing, Varys's influence grew with Aerys's increasing paranoia. He used the crown's gold to create his spy network, whom he called his "little birds". Varys furthermore mastered the secret passages within the Red Keep.

It was around this time when Illyrio married a secret female Blackfyre, his third wife and Varys' sister. And from then on their task was to destabilize Westeros so that the heir of Daemon Blackfyre could take his rightful throne without much oppostion. Illyrio was promised the position of the Master of Coin under the Blackfyre regime.

So Varys alerted Aerys to the possibility that his son Rhaegar was using the tourney at Harrenhal as a pretext to rally lords to his cause in removing Aerys as king. This caused Aerys to attend the tournament, the first time he had left the Red Keep since the Defiance of Duskendale. A mad Aerys was more important to their cause than the sensible Rhaegar.

But things got out of hand. Following Rhaegar's defeat during the Battle of the Trident at the end of Robert's Rebellion Varys was pardoned by the new king, Robert Baratheon and he was allowed to remain master of whisperers to Robert. They had now a better plan to take Westeros and all the time required. While Robert was focused on the Red Dragons, the Black Dragons were biding their time.

Dismissing his thoughts he exited the palace through an underground passage disguised as an old man. He started to walk towards the Flea Bottom to meet the Cheesemonger and soon entered a shabby house. There sitting on the dirty bed was Illyrio Mopatis, the Cheesemonger.

Time had been kind to Illyrio. After having gained significant wealth and power, Illyrio has grown morbidly obese. He had pig's eyes and fat cheeks along with a white belly and a pair of heavy breasts that sag like sacks of suet covered with coarse yellow hair. When he laughed his flesh bounces vigorously and was an oiled forked yellow beard. Although he was using heavy perfumes, Varys could still smell his goodbrother's flesh.

Grimacing at the smell Varys said, "I thought we agreed on not meeting like this."

Stroking his beard Illyrio said, " I was here on trade. So I decided to meet my old friend. How is everything going on here?"

Varys said, "I believe it is coming slowly. The Lions are having problems. There is discontent for the Roses, Fishes and the Stags. Dorne is silent as ever. The Krakens arms have been cut off. The Falcons are dying out. The King Stag is drinking to his death while the Lioness cuckolds him with her brother. She hates the Stag. The Stags and Lions are alienating themselves from the others by their foolishness. Its the Wolves that worries me. Their pack size increase and their power too. The alpha wolf is proving to be extremely dangerous. If he proves to be a thorn then he will be removed for the good of the Realm. Don't worry. A few more years and the all of them would be fighting against each other."

"We have some new problems. You must already know the rise of Rogares. As they once had ties with the Dragons I had discreetly asked for their support but was rebuffed. They are soon going to be elected to lead the conclave of Lysene Magisters. With their rising power and Myr's current state of affairs they would soon try to take the disputed lands. Tyrosh alone cannot stop them. They have contracted the Company of the Rose. The disputed lands was the biggest income source for the Golden Company. If the disputed lands are resolved then the Golden company will be in a difficult position to sustain itself which will make it difficult for us when time comes. Our fighting force will be reduced." Illyrio stated.

Varys thought over what he said. He had know about the recent rise of the Rogares but had not realised the full implications. 'First the Starks and now the Rogares.' he thought. Things are becoming more complicated.

Illyrio continued, "I was able to hide the beggar king and his sister from the Red Viper. He follow their trail for years but has now returned back."

"Do whatever to remove the Rogares if they prove to be a threat. I have some wolves to deal with. I will try to get more information about then Rogares and the current Lady who is said to be the power behind their newfound surge." Varys said.

After some more discussions they parted their ways with new problems to solve.



She was afraid and feeling lost. Tears were coming from her eyes. She looked around for her brother. He had her beg through the morning and had taken the money to go to a pleasure house. Daenarys cried and longed for her home she remembered. The house with a red door having a lemon tree in front of it. After Ser Wilhelm died the servants stole their remaining money and threw them out. Viserys and Daenerys began to wander the Free Cities as guests of powerful citizens. From Braavos, they went to Myr, next to Tyrosh, on to Qohor, Volantis, and Lys, never staying long at one location. Her brother was convinced they were being followed by the assassins of the Usurper, King Robert Baratheon. While originally they were welcomed into the homes of the powerful citizens of the Free Cities, their welcome eventually faded, and they were forced to sell off their last possessions to survive. Viserys taught her all her knew of Westeros history and the history of House Targaryen, teaching her to take pride in her family heritage.

She remembered the day she Viserys sell their mother's crown in Volantis. It was the saddest moment in their lives. That was the last day she saw any joy in her brother. After that he only felt rage and began treating her abusively, both with cruel words and with physical assaults. He would frequently warn her not to "wake the dragon" and incite his anger. Sometimes she wondered whether he really loved her. She always expected she would marry Viserys when she came of age, as her brother had often told her the line must be kept pure and that Targaryens did not mingle their blood with that of lesser men. Here in Lys with almost all people having the Valyrian look she thought she would be safe from the upsurpers assassins.

As thoughts were brought to a halt by someone stepping in front of her. When Dany looked up, she saw a breathtakingly beautigul girl standing in front of her with a lacy veil covering her face. But it did not hide her beauty sharing the Valyrian silver hair but her eyes were more blue than purple. She looked a few years older than her with enough curves. She was attracting the attention of passers nearby. She had four unsullied as guards. The beauty knelt before her and asked in kind tone, "Why are you crying?"

Her voice was like a magic and Dany somehow revealed all her fears and problems which the Lady listened calmly. Dany also revealed who she was and how her brother left her her at which she noticed a frown appear in the Lady's eyes. Dany then babbled about how Viserys used to abuse and scold her.

Finally the Lady intoduced herself and said, "People here know me as Lady Rogare. But you can call me Ella."

Dany's eyes widened. She had heard about the Lady Rogare and her beauty and intelligence. She asked her, "We are related My Lady. Our ancestors were married long ago."

Ella replied, "I know we are related. The Rogares and Targaryens had good relations. But we fell from grace and lost everything. Now we are slowly regaining our lost power and grace."

After some time Dany asked her a question which had been plaguing her for quite some time, "If my brother hurts me does that mean he is going mad like some of our ancestors."

Ella hugged Daenarys and said, "Look at the situation this way my dear. When most people of his age would be squiring to become a knight your brother is here protecting you from the world. Instead of enjoying his life as a Prince he is being mocked as the Beggar King. Cherish and love the boy he was once not the man he is becoming."

"Will you help us to regain the Iron throne?" Dany asked hopefully.

"I cannot do so. I don't have influence in Westeros. But my beloved does. Perhaps he can." Ella repllied.

"Who is that my lady?" Dany asked wanting to know about any potential allies.

Smiling mysteriously she replied, " Even I don't know exactly. But I have a feeling that I will see him soon."

Suddenly they were disturbed by someone calling for Dany. It was Viserys who was searching for her. He noticed her and started to walk towards them his face red with anger. Dany felt that she has awoken the Dragon. It was when he reached near them that he noticed Ella. And like Dany had seen many men look at Ella Viserys's face gained a lovestruck look with a stupid grin and glazed eyes. Dany giggled at that at and Ella winked at her.

Ella spoke to Viserys, " It is an honour to meet you, Your Grace."

Viserys nodded dumbly. Ella then asked Viserys to look after his sister well which a lovestruck Viserys agreed to.

Finally addressing her Ella spoke, " Unfortunately I cannot take you to my home my dear. But I have arranged for your stay here. I know you are hiding from the Westerosi King. So stay as long as you feel. I have a feeling we will meet each other again in the future." Saying their final goodbye Lady Rogare gracefully walked away followed by her guards.

And Dany left with her lovestruck brother feeling very happy for the first time in many years.

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