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21.05% Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: The Cerberus Corporation

Capítulo 17: Chapter 17: The Cerberus Corporation

After I had finally gotten my 'gifts' that the Whills had left me, I had felt a weight lift of from my entire body.

I was immediately on guard and put my hand in the metallic compartment on my waist, ready to take out and use a device I had prepared for the worst case scenario.




Nothing happened...

Abeloth didn't reappear.

I had expected her or the Son or the Fqther to appear before me. If they had I would have used the device in my pocket.

At the time Abeloth had attacked me on Ord Mantell, I didn't have this device with me.

Why would I?

This thing is just as much a danger to myself as it was to any entity to ever exist.

Not even The Living Tribunal, Darkseid, Doomsday, The Son, The Father, The Daughter or Abeloth could escape the fate that would befall them if I used this device, that was the shape of a purple-stone-glowing-prisim.

I was still very hesitating if this device...I'll call it Prisim.

Anyway, Prisim was so powerful that I was extremely hesitant if I had made it correctly. Despite all my knowledge of all the various Universes I have, I did not trust myself enough that this Prisim would not have the slim chance of malfunctioning.

It was that dangerous.

I could easily make more, Hell. I cam make enough and give one to every living being in this Galaxy. That's how easy it was to make it.

By why the Hell would I do that?

I only need one. And it stays with me and belongs to me.

I had easily made this back when I was 7 years old. I had used my Creation Ability to obtain everything I needed and made this as soon as I could.

I tried making it at a younger age...but there were some Complications.

I had made this specifically to deal with any of the Force Gods if they ever learned if my reincarnation or tried to kill me.

I would have used it on Abeloth, if I had it with me but I didn't.

Why would I carry it on Ord Mantell?

I had only gone to do a simple Bounty job. Never did I expect to have Abeloth appear out of nowhere after more than a decade and a half of absolutely nothing since I was born into this universe.

But now I did, and was carrying it at all times. I guess my Batman Paranoia from the knowledge I have from him is starting to effect me a little.

It's not that bad. It will keep me alive and aware of my surroundings if she appears.

Then I'm using Prisim and dealing with that b.i.t.c.h.

Now that I think about it...maybe Prisim can work on The Whills. But I'm not too sure since they are Omnipresent so i can't use Prisim on them.

As for what Prisim does...that's for another time since I had teleported put of the Lothal Jedi Temple and back to my ship, when I was certain that none if the Firce Gods are comping for me when The Whills' Pritection had worn off of me.

Oh yeah!

I can teleport. It was easy and wasn't at the same time.

I had tried to replicate the Boom Tube technology to teleport from place to place without all the portal nonsense, but just my body instantly.

It worked...but not entirely.

I was still improving it, but it isn't a priority at the moment.

I can teleport carrying distances with carrying Cooldown rates.

It was alot of combinations and changes in variable to list. But the short if it is that I can't teleport to places I haven't set markers to, and must be within planetary range. I have a marker on my ship, a few marker chips with me if I want to plant them, one with Jinx, Anakin, Baby Soka, Shmi, on all my strongest Droid ayer inters I have spread out through the Galaxy at this very moment and on my Sparrow.

I had injected a tiny microscopic marker chip into their bodies at one point.

Thus will allow me to teleport near any of them when needed, so long as they are within range.

As for my Droid Terminators I mentioned.

I had made a few of them when I was still with Deathwatch on Mandalore and had Kara use her PhaseShift to use her near Omnipresence to control all of them as an extension of herself. Basically she had a Hive Mind between them all.

Kara could easily hack into the Banking Clans and drain them of all their assets if she wanted to. The only reason I didn't, was because nothing but utter chaos would happen if I did that.

And then Abeloth would be able to escape the Maw.

You see, whenever something of great importance or large events happen in the Galaxy, then Abeloth would be able to attempt to escape the Maw.

A few events are as like this.

Emperor Viciate/Valkorian

Darth Reven

Scourge of Malacore

Darth Bane and his Creation of the Rule of Two

Darth Palgueis attempts of manipulating Midichlorians to make Pure Evil Anakin but failed and had it backfire on him.

Order 66

Darth Sidious' death at the hands of the Chosen One

Death Star destroys its first planet Alderan

The Great Sith War

The Clown Wars - Death of The Ones (For some reason she couldn't escape then. Maybe the Whills had interfered at that time.)

There are many others, but these are events everyone is familiar with the most.

All these events eventually have a impact on the Galaxy or involve a large amount of death.

I didn't want to risk it, so I did everything legitimately...Well if me creating infinite credits is legitimate...then yeah.

I actually haven't been able to use my Creation Ability to create many credits for my Galactic Business, which is called Cerberus.

Shit name?


Chuunibyou Gamer name?

U bear ur Ass!

The leader of Cerberus is a Clone of myself that possess all my knowledge, except I had it modified and it was completely controlled by Kara.

At least I changed the Clone's appearance from my own. I can't imagine how my Perverted A.I. that spies on me in the bath while I'm naked would be if she was in a identical body to my own.



My Altered Clone, is actually called Mr.Hawke.

Remember him...or me...whatever.

After my Black Market deal with Pre Vizsla that day many years ago. I had created a the Altered Clone so that Kara can control it and maintain my relationships with the various connections I made on Mandalore under my Mr.Hawke persona.

Not many people actually know the real identity of Mr.Hawke since I had Kara use a fake Alias during the Black Market auctions to have connections in the Black Market too.

I had given her 1 Trillion Republic Credits which I made with my Creation Ability, which isn't even that much since the Hutt Cartell has 2 Trillion Credits and the Black Sun organisation is in the Trillionare category.

With that Trillion, Kara or more specifically, Mr.Hawke then took a bunch of stuff I gave him and went on his way with some Droids I also gave to assist in starting up my way to dominate the Galaxy through every means possible, be it Financially, Politically, Medically or in Military and so on.

He then went on to purchase a small planet called Xitis.

It was a uninhabited planet with only Flora and minimal Fauna on it.

The Fauna weren't hostile and the lands were perfect for farms and growing any kind of Flora.

With the perfect World purchased, since it was small and uninhabited that was located in the top right corner of S19 on the Galactic Map.

It was good since it was in the Outer Rim and near Naos was an astronomical object located in the regions known as the Outer Rim Territories and the Slice. It was situated in grid square S-18 on the Standard Galactic Grid.

It was also near the Corellian Run trade route which was obviously important and needs no explanation.

With those Droids I gave Mr.Hawke, he had then began planting the seeds I had given him which would grow all sorts of Flora, alchemical ingredients and crops.

He also used some special artificial fertiliser to grow all the Flora in less then one week!

Kara had used a multiple third part bodies to purchase many tarnsport ships and would travel to Xixis to deliver more supplies to Mr.Hawke.

Over time Mr.Hawke was able to create a small droid manufacturing facility, which only expanded over time within the first few months of his arrival on Xixis. He would go on to creating and using all the Flora from the fields to dominate the Clothing, Restaurants and Foods and other related sectors.

Clothing with the fine silk harvested from plants similar, but much greater, to the insides of Lotus Flowers of Earth.

Our time Cerberus would be established once the additional Droids were able to create more Bacta Clonning tanks and made more Clones of varying appearances. These other Clones would be the heads and leaders of various organisations so that no Firce User can use Mecha Daru on his droids to control and steal their knowledge and plans.

Fortunately, if Kara controls the Clones, like she is doing with Mr.Hawke, then Mexha Daru can't work as well and can be detected by her. She would then self distruct the Clone that was under the effects of Mecha Daru.

Overtime, Cerberus would become a famous name to many and the leader of the organisation, a mystery to all but a few.

I had Kara spread some rumours on the and thus, I was able to give Mr.Hawke the Alias which the Galaxy would then come to recognise the leader of Cerberus to be.

The Illusive Man.


I stole his name and the name of his corporation for my own.

Anyway, Cerberus would have Bioengineering, Biotechnology, Gambling, Engineering, Healthcare, Construction, Manufacturing, Entertainment, Mining, Agriculture, Medical, Technological, Clothing, Restaurants and Foods, Electronics, Cybernetics, Intergalactic Travel (Mass Relays), Vehicle Design and Manufacturing, Weapons and Personal Defense, Financial Services and Pharmaceuticals.

There was also Finace included, but it was mainly in the purchasing of various Stocks from a multitude of Corporations, Businesses and Companies.

It was so that I can have influence in basically everything. What I mean by that is something like this example. I was planninf to give Shmi ownership of some of the various smaller businesses that I am the Shareholder of. Or more specifically, my Kara controlled Clones are the Shareholders.

You can never be too rich when you need to rule a Galaxy.

The Death Star with labour costs included, it's estimated that the Death Star costs around 1 Quintillion Credits to create.

Yep. You can never get too rich.

After the six years since Mr.Hawke, or whom I will now be calling, The Illusive Man, had made Cerberus quite rich.

Cerberus is now a Trillion Credit Corporation and can stand toe-to-toe with the Banking Clan, Commerce Guild, Trade Federation, The Techno Union, Pyke Syndicate, Hutt Cartell.

The Black Sun is one of the more rich organisations which is also a Trillion Credit Organisation. Although Cerberus is slightly richer since it has shares in many other industries and holds barious stocks in many businesses and industries.

It isn't as rich since it has only been 6 years. But still, it is impressive, and entirely to be expected by my lazy and genius idea to let Kara and my multiple Clones with my knowledge roam the Galaxy.

The Hutt Cartell is about 500 Billion to 2 Trillion Galactic Credits worth.

And soon I will absorb it into Cerberus when my plans are ready to overthrow the Hutts.

I made my way to Shmi who was in her room, now awake. She had been out of it since her emotional breakdown of having her and her Son's freedom after so long.

I entered the room after knocking and receiving the confirmation to enter.

I walked in the dimly lit room. She must have woken up recently since she only had the bedside light on and a plate of warm food that one of my protocol droids must have carried in a minute or so ago. I sat down on a chair as Shmi was still sitting in the bed.

Adrian: "You should eat before we begin."

She only nodded and didn't speak. She had only been able to take a few bites before she had began to cry again.

Probably because she had never been able to have good food in a long time. In fact, the food she is eating now is worth 1 million Credits.

It was one of the most expensive dishes that the Cerberus Food sector makes and sells.

I approached her as as she had spilled the food to sob into her hands.

I gently wrapped my arms around the woman who had endured such hardships all her life and still pushed past it all with love and affection for her Son.

After she had calmed down once again he spoke up.

Adrian: "Feeling better now?"

Shmi: "Yes. I'm sorry..."

Adrian: "I don't know what you are sorry about and I don't care to hear to hear what it's about. I freed you and your son for my own reasons which I have come to talk to you about."

Shmi, upon hearing my words had immediately straightened herself and her attitude changed to a serious one.

I had removed my armour so she wouldn't be intimidated by me. My young face had seemed to make her more at ease, but she was still a mother, and thus was willing to protect her child at all costs.

Shmi: "What were these 'reasons' that you said? Why the interest in my son and me?"

Adrian: "Word of advice. That attitude and back talking may have been common curtesy back on Tatooine, but not with me or the rest of the Galaxy. Fortunately for you I am not offended by your manor of speaking since you have every right to be given your history. I know who you are and your general life if how you became a slave and what you had to endure."

My words didn't faze her in the slightest when I had mentioned the danger of her talking in such a way. But the latter part about how I knew about her life, she was slightly surprised I knew but didn't press for it. Her concern was more on my reason and interest for her son Anakin.

Admirable. I respect that. Literally the best Mother in the Galaxy right here.

Adrian: "Well. If you are not going to say anything, I will continue. Your Son is a Force User. But the Galaxy commonly refers to any Force User as a Jedi since they are well known. There are two types of Jedi. One is the Jedi themselves. They are...I guess you can call them as good individuals who are pacifistic and spiritual in their philosophy of the Universe as a whole. They are seen by many, including myself, as Kidnappers. They would indoctrinate and baptise Force Sensitive Children from as early age as they can. Generally from around their birth up to the age of 4 or 5ish. They strip them of all emotions as they teach the brainwashed children into becoming Emotionless soilders who know no love and are mostly forbidden to have families. The Sith is the other group of Jedi and would have been Red Lightsaber to identify them most of the time. They are fir the most part evil conqourers, killers, tyrants and traitorous. The Jefi and Sith have been fighting one another for thousands of years. The Sith, or more specifically a very powerful Sith is the one who caused the accidental, indirect and slightly intentional birth of your son Anakin Skyw-"

I could barely finish when Shmi interrupted me. Most likely shocked about learning who Anakin's Father is. She isn't wrong exactly, but nor is she correct, since it was the Force itself taht created Anakin in order to counteract Palgueis' attempts of creating a pure Evil being.

Shmi: "What?! Anakin's Father?!"

I had gone on to explain about Palgueis and Sidious. I also explained the specifics of Anakin's birth.

She had every right to know. Not like anyone is every going to find out since I am going to have Kara watch over them 24/7 and Jinx will be there to protect them. I can't risk either the Sith or Jedi using Anakin.

The oblivious boy, who was playing with some toys I had made, was one day capable of making The Son and The Daughter submit and kneel before him, QT THE SAME TIME!

This will never leave my head die to how impressive this Star Wars faet was.

It better that he either lives his life in peace, or he decides to join my New Jedi Order.

Speaking of which, I will need to make a Code for it. I should use the Code and teachings of the Je'daii and Grey Jedi as the foundation, and the Sith and Jedi teachings to flesh it out and correct some parts.

I also told Shmi that there is a chance of Anakin becoming a Sith. I don't tell her that he would become Darth Vader. I don't think she would be able to handle such a thing about learning the terrible acts that Darth Vader commits.

I did tell her about the power that Anakin possesses.

I told her about my plans for a New Jedi Order and what it would be like. Also about how I will have Jinx teach him how to control his emotions and abilities somewhat.

Furthermore, how to control his emotions as to avoid any accidentel Force abilities being unconsciously used, similar to Ezra when he almost saw Zeb be killed by Callius.

After that I would give Anakin the choice to join or to reject joining my Order when he is of 14 years of age.

After a long session if her interrogation of me, she had accepted my offer to her. This way I can keep Anakin out of the hands of the Sith or Jedi, even if he refuses to join my Order.


The ship had now been set to travel to a certain place I had been wanting to go to for a while now. I initially was planning to come her at a later year before the Clone Wars, but my encounter with Abeloth had sped up some of my plans.

I will also need to acquire some sticks and become the Shareholder of the Banking Clans soon.

I was sitting in the Cockpit of my ship, sitting in the most comfortable chair to ever exist in all of Marel and DC!


I head the sound of the door sliding open.

I looked and saw it was Shmi.

Adrian: "Ms.Skywalker?"

Shmi: "Please call me Shmi. I am in your debt afterall, my son as well."

Adrian: "Okay then. What are doing here Shmi? You should rest since you should let everything that had transpired settle in."

Shmi: "I thank you for your concern. But I am fine. May I ask where are we going. I would prefer to have Anakin grow up somewhere he could be happy and have friends his age."

Adrian: "I fully understand what you mean. For 2 years he can't be in a public place. He has to learn to conceal his Aura first. His 'Aura' is like a beacon to all Force Users of his existence, which they will detect and pursue. Only Palgueis and Sidious knew of Anakin on Tatooine, but everyone else doesn't since he was born in the Outer Rim and was beyond their range of detection. In 2 years when he learns control of his Aura I will have you two go somewhere more populated like Alderan, Naboo or Corrusaunt."

Well...I'm lying about Naboo for now. Only after the Federation blockade will I send them there since it will be peaceful after that on Naboo.

As for Corrusaunt...only until i can locate Palgueis. The Fucker is really good at hiding. Even when I tried looking for his public name Hego Damask II, I couldn't find shit. Even with Kara hacking everything everywhere.

I'll kill the bastard for somehow hiding from me for so long. He's probably a pussy using the Dark Side to hide since he knows that the Force itself cockblocked his plans of creating evil Ankain and had it Backfire on him.

Shmi: "Thank you."

Adrian: "Shmi...what are your dreams that you want to pursue bow that your free?"

Shmi seemed to be caught if guard by my question as she didn't expect it.

Shmi: "I had always wanted to own my own Mechanics shop when I was younger...but now that I'm free. Maybe I could be an engineer for a time and follow my dream."

Adrian: "It's decided then!"

Shmi: "What is?"

Adrian: "I will give you enough Credits to start up your Business, but equipment, materials, suppliers, tools, parts, and some Deeds and Contracts of Stocks and Shares of various Mechanics, Engineering and Vehicle Design and Manufacturing Industries and Business that I have to spare! Good luck! Remember! It's all for your Son's happiness if you are happy!"

I deliberately took advantage of her love for Anakin to trick her into accepting and taking my offer.

She just sagged at failing to refuse my offer and just collapsed in one of the Cockpit's extra seats as she has to now deal with the headache I had given her. But she did have a small smile on her face.

I had gone to meet with Anakin and asked to take some of his blood. The boy was not the least bit afraid and allowed me to take it.

Brave little shit!

I have Trypanophobia, which is the Fear of Needles.

I don't have it anymore, but I did have it for more than 20 years before I got over it unlinked this brat before me.

I ruffled his hair about and left to experiment on the blood. I had samples from Jinx, Mace Windu and now Anakin Skywalker.

I spent a few minutes there and was able to remove a single Midichlorian Cell from Mace Windu.

He had the lowest Midichlorian Count out of the three samples I have. What I was going yo do was better if I began with the weakest one for my first attempt.

I believe that I will fail in what I'm going to do, but still...who knows? It might work.

I placed the Midichlorian Cell on a Pietre Dish and equipped the Tools of Kagranac.

Wraithguard is a pair if gauntlets that has the ability to remove any and all Lethal effects upon the user. Basically I can use the Infinity Stones if I have these equipped. Or I can stand inside a Nukelear Reactor and be completely fine.

Sunder is a Hammer that can disperse the energy of anything it strikes into an essence like form.

Keening is a glass looking dagger/short sword sized balded weapon that, when used to flay the essence produced by Sunder, will absorb the essence into the user.

If used all together, the Tools of Kagranac could allow me to absorb the power of a Lovecraftian God like Azathoth or even the power of the Infinity Stones themselves and grant me all their powers without any negative effects thanks to Wraithguard.

This was how Vivec, Almalexia, Sotha Sil and Dagoth Ur all became Chim (Gods) from them using the Tools of Kagranac on the Heart of Lorkhan.

And I was going to use it on a Midichlorian Cell to bypass my 7499 Midichlorian Count and absorb this one to achieve 7500 and be fully capable of using the Force like any Force User.

I raised Sunder high, and slammed it down in the Midichlorian Cell.


An ethereal sound emitted from when I struck the Midichlorian Cell. A silver like glow had spread in an outward arc from where I struck with Sunder. A gold-orange like energy substance floated upwards from where I struck.

I immediately used Keening and slashed at the energy strand.

The strand of energy vannished and I felt an unbearable pain permeate throughout my entire body. I knelt on the ground as I dropped Sunder and Keening and clutched my heart and head with my hands.

I was only able to hold in my screams if pain thanks to all the Augmentations and the Omega Syrum I had taken to strengthen myself.

I felt like I was going to die, even though i knew I wouldn't thanks to the effects of Wraithguard.

I had remained sprawled on the floor for a minute until Kara sent some droids to carry me to the a healing chamber to assess me.

When I had finally been allowed to leave, I felt alive. I immediately checked my Midichlorian Count but was disappointed.

7499 Midichlorian Count.

I had a few theories on why it didn't work, but I knew for sure that I would be able to use the Force using my second method thanks to this experiment confirming a variable I now had to change for Plan B on becoming a Force User.

As I was pondering this, I felt us exit Hyperspace.

Kara: "We have arrived at Dathomir."

Adrian: "Perfect. Time to make a deal with Mother Talzin."

Knight_Riku Knight_Riku

i know that i skipped the economics and stuff like that here, but dont worry since he is going to deal with The Techno Union, Banking Clans and Trade Federation personally. this was more to explain what he was doing in the last 6 years while at Deathwatch and about his business that some of you were beginning to ask about.

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