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Capítulo 12: Chapter 12 -> Cognitive Dissonance

<< Notice. Good job. >> -> [Wisdom King: Raphael] or "Voice of the World" if specified.

<<< Hello master! How can I help you? >>> -> [Voice of Wisdom: Sophie]

' What?! ' -> used to symbolise thinking (used in convoluted sentences to help in understanding)

" Hello! " -> Speech.

<< Notice. Good job. >> -> [Wisdom King: Raphael]

<|< REDACTED >|> "Voice of the World".

<<< Hello master! How can I help you? >>> -> [Voice of Wisdom: Sophie]

' What?! ' -> used to symbolise thinking (used in convoluted sentences to help in understanding)

" Hello! " -> Speech.

* moments prior* -> Narrative use

< Greetings > -> TELEPATHY


A massive bedroom, its style alluding to its location and structure, that was holy in nature and clearly somewhere in Lubelius. In the corner of it, was placed a queen bed that currently had a gorgeous woman lying on it. Her black hair and smooth features would be a sensation wherever she goes, but currently she was heavily perspiring.


Hinata POV

Hinata intensely gripped the bed sheet she was under, the silky fabric clearly not being of use in solving her scathing feeling of cold that certainly was not something of physical in nature as she possessed resistance to cold, but resided mostly in her current state of mind. Her mental state for lack of a better description right now was terrible. Without any control over her intensifying thoughts, the situation earlier was being repeated over and over again, like a real life horror movie with her as star of the show, the only victim. At every reminiscence of THAT monster, she started to shiver in pure cold sweat. His presence alone created a massive phantom in her heart, blocking any amount of positive influence from interfering. At this moment she was not the fearless monster exterminator of a Paladin but a scared little girl shivering because of a monster under the bed. The Unique Skill of "Mathematician" for the first time failed to operate due to Hinata's complete lack of control over her emotions.

If she just lost in physical prowess, it would have been bearable. After all, she is still inferior to Luminus and many other individuals. But…

She did not merely lose. She was absolutely destroyed. She was akin to a water molecule wanting to battle the sun, inconsequential and powerless. Her viewpoints that she based her life on were cut open like a sword through paper by his sharp words that highlighted her weaknesses without fail. Precisely calculated, and brutally honest words. Ones that hit her heart where it hurts the most.



"Do you think you understand the consequences of your actions?"

"Yes. I am absolutely sure."

"T H E N W H Y ' D Y O U K I L L C O U N T L E S S I N N O C E N T S E N T I E N T M O N S T E R S Y O U H Y P O C R I T I C A L M O N G R E L?"


I killed countless innocent monsters... Their expressions now frighteningly vivid in my mind, something I never paid attention to; sadness, determination, anger, despair and the most frequent… helplessness. Her reputation clearly preceded her, and any monster who was clearly aware of their own and her strength.. simply was helpless. They knew it was futile. As much as monsters differ from humans, they still form a social hierarchy. Their family.. permanently lost a father, or a mother, or a sister, or a brother, or a child. All because of me. Because I treated them like insects, ready to be crushed under the holy banner of justice. Because I viewed them as a plague ready to be cleansed from this world. Some were truly deserving, but… the others.. were just living beings that differ from humans, yet… I..

A dark memory that formed a knot in her heart continued to deepen as she recalled the time she murdered her father in cold blood. The one thing she never recovered from. The one thing that gave her doubt on her mission. And unbeknownst to her… the one thing that prevented her from becoming… something more.

The room she was in showcased her emotions which she felt for the world to see as everything started to shake from the anguish she felt at the moment, walls cracking, furniture flying at impossible speeds across the room crashing into each other. The bed she was on was the first thing that was incinerated with her aura alone, making her now crouch at the floor. Her 1 million EP bursting through the fragile environment filling the air with heavy holy pressure that would kill quite a number of lifeforms on this planet.

"T H E N W H Y ' D Y O U K I L L C O U N T L E S S I N N O C E N T S E N T I E N T M O N S T E R S ? "


"T H E N W H Y ' D Y O U K I L L C O U N T L E S S I N N O C E N T S E N T I E N T M O N S T E R S ?"

"HINATA!!!", screamed a voice as Hinata snapped from her mental breakdown. Her eyes regained their lost focus as she gazed upon the person who was calling her name.

A girl with heterochromatic eyes and silver hair, with a concerned expression on her face.

The True Demon Lord Luminus Valentine.

Any other circumstance, or any other person in fact, and they might've gotten an urge to squish the concerned cheeks of the loli vampire, but the situation clearly did allow such an act to happen.

The mayhem that was happening in the background stopped as the massive chaotic aura came to a standstill. Luminus, seeing such a thing, heaved a sigh of relief, and uncharacteristically pulled Hinata in for a hug. The lone Paladin's head practically teleported towards the vampire's modest chest.

Hinata's eyes widened as she instinctively tried to get out.

"It's fine, Hinata, calm down", interjected Luminus as she rubbed Hinata's back softly with quite the finesse. Hinata simply had no energy to combat the warm feeling and sensations that she just started to receive, especially after going through what she did, so she just.. let it happen.

Luminus's gaze was impassive as ever, but her actions clearly were incongruent with her facial expressions. She may act like the biggest asshole on this planet, but she truly cared for her subjects, and particularly Hinata.

"I am sorry.", said Luminus, her voice devoid of her usual haughtiness and arrogance.

She truly was sorry. After all, it was her fault that all of this happened in the first place. She felt beyond stupid after she realized what she had done. Telling Hinata to meet that monstrosity? Even after she knew what would transpire with Hinata's behavior, she still decided it was a good idea telling her to fight him, all to receive some "education" on how this world works beyond the measly monsters? Well.. she received just that… all at once, at incomprehensible proportions…

*clenches teeth* That overgrown, inconsiderate, idiotic ALBINO BEAN POTATO BASTARD!!!


This position remained for over 30 minutes, both sides completely silent, accepting to do this act of affection that neither of them like to do.

Hinata's heartbeat calmed down, and her expression returned to her usual cold and calculating one. She revved her logical thinking to the maximum as she tried to analyze it from a detached perspective.

Initially, her ability failed to operate. But Hinata prided herself on being a unyielding woman. One that lived her life with resolute optimism, one akin to a naive child believing in the idealistic stories of peace, yet hardened by the harsh truth of reality. She refused to believe everything is as bleak as it seemed to be. You can take everything from her, but her reason will always remain. And she will reach the end of it all.

In a dark corner of her mind, particles of willpower started to appear out of seemingly nowhere. She required not hope to illuminate her despair, but willpower and determination. That's how she always operated, and how she always will.

' I refuse to lose myself to anything less than death!! '

Eyes sharper than the sharpest blade conceived, Unique Skill 'Mathematician' was activated.


Her thinking increased in speed thousandfold as she started to piece all factors together, like a sophisticated puzzle, like a prodigy mathematician solving an particularly interesting problem. Her focus went so deep, some blood vessels burst out in her head, but she cared not.

All that one could see in the room was Hinata being completely still and focused, her head gears almost being audible in their intensity. Luminus chose to patiently wait, knowing the situation Hinata was in, allowing the situation to unfold.



"You have potential, and have been given a chance. Comprehend and defeat your inner demons, and you will soar. Do not make me regret ignoring your transgressions, Hinata Sakaguchi."


"No. I should be thankful.", Hinata's eyes showed a faint luster of resolution and understanding, as she directly stated: "I see now."

A clicking sound was heard in her SOUL.


"I was foolish. And it was pointed out.", Hinata said bluntly as she stood up.


Luminus wanted to retort and state that it's obviously her and that jackasses fault for being so rude, but a mesmerizing sight and noise stopped her in her tracks.

Hinata laughed.

Yes. Hinata Sakaguchi, the cold Paladin, laughed. Her laugh sounded so pleasing to Luminus's ears that she immediately blushed, but hid the reaction as quickly as it came, merely donning a pleased smirk as if her favorite toy did what she asked it to do.


"Thanks.", stated Hinata as her hair started to levitate in the air as if defying gravity.

The stagnant aura in the room exploded once more, its intensity now even stronger than before. Surrounding her visage was a dense golden / black aura. Her aura was split into two, one that seemed to be her usual holy aura, and the other one… something that reeked of gloom and despair.

Hinata scoffed at the feeling and sensation of the sinister aura, and gritted her teeth trying to overpower it with sheer will.

But the aura did not budge, in fact, it might've increased in size and potency. She started to receive some strain on her body from the sinister aura increasing, almost as if she was giving in to the depravity.


"Comprehend and defeat your inner demons, and you will soar."


Jiren's comment flashed in her mind.

The seemingly casual comment made her widen her eyes in understanding. So she calmed down, and closed her eyes. She delved deep into herself, and there she found…

Suddenly, the entire area started to tremble even harder than before as her entire aura changed completely. The gloomy part fizzled out just like a fire candle and was now turning into something more profound, ethereal and holy. The atmosphere became heavier as her existence points spiked by a million, essentially doubling her current reserves, and breaching the 2 million range. Not yet equal to Luminus herself, but could very well trample on both the now deceased Demon Lord substitute Roy and the Holy Emperor Louis without much effort.

Hinata with her sharp, cold glare; beautiful features; intense and pure holy aura; flying hair practically looked like a genuine Goddess coming down from heaven in order to greet her loyal subjects.

Both of them were surprised. This made no sense, as she did not evolve yet she practically doubled her combat power. Then the only explanation is…

Luminus arrived at the same conclusion as Hinata but she had far less belief in it.

Hinata on the other hand thought about the seemingly heartless monster with his back turned to her, his shadow infinitely magnifying, making him out to be incomprehensibly powerful with a cloak of mysteriousness surrounding his very frame.

Jiren the Gray.

For what she saw there deep in herself, could have been there only by his influence. She removed whatever was plaguing her, something that was clearly an external source, but it was only possible with his assistance.

Not only that, but she was still grateful to him for giving her another chance, which she considered upon thinking logically about it. She cared not how he arrived at such a conclusion, in the end, with such overwhelming might - his whims and decisions are impossible to understand.

But what she understands is that she will make right what she once did wrong.

'I derailed from my true goal with misguided sophistry. My goal was creating an equal, conflict-free society. A world where children would never be abandoned by their parents, where everyone lived in happiness. What I did only applied to humans, and not others. Unforgivable.'

"Uhhh… Am I interrupting something?", asked the surprised voice of Louis who arrived hearing the ruckus in the deepest layer of the church.



Both snorted at the same time.

One, however, had to change their underwear. Because… it went through a small crisis.


*Office, Capital of Ingrassia*

"Ha? A B-ranker that is presumed to be S ranked in strength instantly defeated an A ranked adventurer that went crazy with black eyes out of nowhere?", said a boy whose appearance remained obscured from view due to a big chair he rotated to watch the city sights.

The female assistant on the other end of the room confirmed the conjecture, and elaborated upon the situation.

"I see. If that is the case, send this person towards me so I may handle it.", responded the boy with clear professionalism.

The assistant curtly bowed, and left the room with these new instructions. The sliding door opened and closed in the process.

The silence was palpable for a few moments, before the chair rotated.

A devilishly handsome boy. A clean shirt with a few golden decorations here and there that perfectly accentuated his messy black hair and massive black eyes that you would find on a typical innocent boy of Japanese heritage.

The boy smiled.

"How interesting. More and more individuals are experiencing these sudden changes into mindless berserker idiots. It is unfortunate that innocent people suffer as a consequence, but I can utilize this situation for the greater good. It just happens that I needed some additional henchmen for my new plan.", amusedly stated the boy with a calm demeanor, unbefitting of his young appearance.

"Let's see whether you can fit into it, 'S ranked adventurer'", said the boy whose smile now almost reached his ears.


Roxorium78 Roxorium78

A shorter chapter than usual.

I wonder who the boy is?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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