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Capítulo 4: Chapter 4 -> Debut of J.U.D.G.M.E.N.T


<< Notice. Good job. >> -> [Wisdom King: Raphael]

<|< REDACTED >|> "Voice of the World".

<<< Hello master! How can I help you? >>> -> [Voice of Wisdom: Sophie]

' What?! ' -> used to symbolise thinking (used in convoluted sentences to help in understanding)

" Hello! " -> Speech.

* moments prior* -> Narrative use


*𝘮𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘳*

As I was getting pushed back by the beam, I noticed my surroundings which were pure black as I was now in space, now particularly paying attention to the twinkling stars in the background.

"Fascinating.", I mutter as I backhand the blast off me, which went into the distance most likely blowing up some planets in the middle of nowhere.

Landing on a red planet and closing my eyes, I start to ponder about my future goals now that I have ascertained the power dynamics in the world. Other individuals on the planet are irrelevant power-wise, as the strength is relatively even, with some being "atomically bit" more powerful, that in the grand scheme of things is negligible.

There's that bit where the selection of this world was influenced by something.. What is special about this world in particular? Hm… Veldanava, the Star Dragon… A god that died by his own creation... The reasoning behind him losing his power is apparently due to god being forbidden to love one person more than the other which he supposedly did, and the humans attacked him and killed him, as a form of retribution by the Voice Of The World… An interesting scenario.

The concept of god itself is convoluted.... One that may or may not exist, yet is ever present in the heart of mortals, just so the nagging feeling of death goes away, just so the nagging feeling of not being able to answer how one came to be goes away, just so to alleviate any and all uncertainties in one's own life. Life with god is simply that, a method to bring closure to ignorance, where you are free of most that is painful to you, or have a crutch to rely on when you need it. In the previous world's society, this regime is undoubtedly beneficial, but as an individual, now? Without omnipotence, the god here… will lose. So what brought me here?


Sophie, are there any conditions to use dimensional travel?


<<<Every reality you travel into must have its core problems solved that are recognized by the "Will of the ROOT", an omniscient system that manages all of existence. Any actions in between are ignored, as long as the main point is eventually addressed. The subskills of dimensional travel are free to use at your discretion.>>


Ah, yes, there's the catch. How amusing that "The God" was never the kind amicable creator but a robotic omniscient system, quite the plot twist. Based on the fact that you need someone to clean the garbage, it's not omnipotent… or there's some higher-level politics that I am unaware of and that I do not want to get into. So, you killed me to get me to bring balance into multiple realities without taking in consideration what I will say about that.. Yeah, sounds about right, since when do systems care about human willingness? Morality is our construct, after all. Assess who is fit for the job, and steal him. Efficiency will always prevail...

The tasks are perfectly matched to me and my personality after all which IS NOT a coincidence.

To leave one cobweb to enter another, how pathetic….

*𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘵*

However… before I was merely a fly stuck on the web, unable to get out but now… with this body…

*𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘶𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘵*

I will achieve it, as so is my absolute CONVICTION. One day. I̸̦͓̳͍̲̲̓͊̐͌͗͜ ̴̢̻͗̋͒̽̔͊̒͐w̸̛̗̺̠̑̈̃̉̎͝i̸̧̩̯͇̹̎̈́̅̊͆̈́̈͜l̸̹̫̗̓l̷̬̠̤̭̈́͒̅̿͂̀͘̚͜ ̶̡̨̘̗͙̼͖̈̅̓͒̓̈́ͅi̶̢͚̻̠͙͚̻̔̏̽̅͂n̴̘̼̩̔̓ͅç̴͇̇̾̍͂̚͝i̸̪̣͎͕̮͒̏̎̓̚͝ǹ̷͇̳̟͎̻͚̏͆̀̚ͅè̷̛̠̰̝͆̓̂r̶̡̫̘̝̩̬͎͉̀̄̐ȃ̶̻̼͖͛̿̍t̶͚͓͚̟͇̮͍̕ͅe̴̼͑̈́ ̸̮̲͉̤̯̗̙̌̌͘ţ̵̜̘̤̟̣͇̃͐͠͝h̶͔̳̤̪̞͋̒̀͊͝i̵͍̗͎̞̗̊͊̽̍͜s̴̱͈͈͎̜̟̄ ̴̺̳̪̗͚̯̯̇͗͐ć̴̡̙͙̹̊ơ̴̼̘̲̈̔̋͗͊̿̚͜b̸̨̘̼̺͋̈́̌̀̂͌̄̚͜w̷͍͎̲̜̟̻̄̔͘͠ͅe̴̪̙̿̓͒̎̏̈́͠͝b̵̺͖̝̦͔̽͑̈́̄...


*sigh* I will play along. I will see to what these realities have to offer. Every object can be observed with different lenses, just as the slime can be viewed as good to his monster kingdom and to the watchers, he can also be viewed as an evil monster to humans that went into war against him. I presume he will never view himself as "evil", as what he did or will do is considered "good" to him, for his monster kingdom he would slaughter the entire world. In a particular setting, one could easily be persuaded if one has good moral attachment to them, when that someone is a watcher, when that someone sees all their moments, but picturing oneself in the shoe of someone human who was ordered by the king to attack the newly rising "monster kingdom" where one is potentially fed lies, and even if one doubts the drivel, one ultimately has no choice. Death is certain. The individual's family will be mourning. And in the slime's eyes, the individual is someone who attacked his kingdom, hence worthy of the execution penalty.

All of these protagonists particularly lack the bird-eye viewpoint when it comes to situations like this. I'm starting to picture ignorance as a positive trait that reduces the nonsense you have to see every day...


Nonetheless... Speaking of that slime.

Something is odd about him that goes beyond the Otherworlder part, it's as if… he's not the original.

It's very very subtle that would go unnoticed by the keenest of perceptions, but that karma… it's not all his, is it?

Sophie, any data that would confirm my conjecture?


<<<Checking… Affirmative. The individual Rimuru Tempest went through the dimensional crack in which his soul


<<<effectively creating a new individual and a new soul >>>


Hm, the Voice Of The World interfered… But it is as I had assumed. Rimuru's behavior has slowly changed, unnoticed by him, into something more "monster" like.

That would explain why a person who sacrificed himself for another, would eventually commit mass slaughter…

*𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩* Sophie, isn't the scenario the same for me?


<<<Correct. The individual Jiren Gray has completely fused with your own soul which may show signs in the Master exhibiting Jiren's behavior or unconscious mannerisms. Due to Master possessing Sophie, and Rimuru possessing Great Sage, the fusions were perfect, leading to the original soul not viewing the changes as someone else's, but your own. >>>


I see. This will never be a problem. A decision was once made, and I firmly stand by it. My conviction will stand, even if it sends me to damnation.

"For I shall say this once and once only…", I solemnly start in a double voice comprising both of my lives as I lightly bend over and JUMP.

The red planet, no, Mars was utterly decimated, leaving a massive hole the size of the entire planet, as Jiren arrived at the same location on Earth in less than a microsecond, controlling his output at the last moment, yet still blowing everything in a 100 meter radius to nothingness.


Milim Nava, Guy Crimson, Rimuru Tempest all jaws-agape with barriers activated suddenly heard a cold, but for some odd reason double voice, as a huge muscular alien ascended, hovering with his arms crossed and eyes closed, starting to chant:

"J is for justice, the one that shall be given.

U is for universal, for I am driven.

D is for destiny, sharing its everlasting glare.

G is for goal, now allow me to DECLARE.

M is for mercy, for all those weak suffering.

E is for emphasis, for all those wondering.

N is for the negative, vermin seeing HIM come through.

T is for terror, their backs full of sin, they hear the debut...

My name is Jiren the Gray, and you… *𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨* cannot win. "


Guy Crimson POV

I watch the interaction between Rimuru and Milim as I still continue metaphorically ramming my head against a wall how such a strong monster came to be…

Suddenly I activate my barriers as everything near me explodes as something hits the Earth at insane speeds. I observe the now ascending monster as he starts chanting some poem…? But, that's besides the point, WHAT IS THAT FEELING?!?!?! THIS IS JUST LIKE… Veldanava? No… He's way above… HOW IS HE ABOVE?!! WAS HE HOLDING BACK THIS MUCH AGAINST MILIM?!!

The monster descends and starts walking towards us with steady footsteps that started echoing like drums to my ears. 'Will I fail at the job you gave me, Velda?'

I suddenly feel my soul getting inspected, which I could reject, but I have the faintest impression that his inspection could be forceful and that this is a mere greeting so we can talk eye to eye.

Color me impressed! You're actually not a bastard!


You are being judged by the Judgment Eye.

The higher your LV, the harsher the effect of Karmic Retribution by the skill user.


Alignment: Neutral Evil

LV (Level of Violence): 10/20


Huh, evil. Hahahahaha, sure, sure. I have no idea what this "Level of Violence" is though , it's in the middle… Guess I'm not violent enough? Should I go blow up a city or two to get the stat maxed out…? As soon as I thought about doing that, I felt as if the air got colder, wait don't I have cold resistance?

'Ooooh', I realize as I move my eyes to the roided up monstrosity and I swear I could see his left eye flashing yellow for a brief moment, ehhh, probably my imagination.

"Well, hello to you too, name's Guy.. Guy Crimson.", I finally said as I grin, certainly planning on how to get this brickhouse to meet Rudra to have a meaningful "chat".

"You should cease your thoughts on moving me as a pawn, Guy Crimson.", replies the brickhouse coldly back with his again now singular voice, reminding me of my good friend Leon, both boring as that rock over there.

"Sure, sure. You're pretty good at reading emotions, aren't ya?", I continue, now curious, seeing he is not particularly aggressive.

*awkward silence*

Suddenly, Milim chimes in.

"For you to be unscathed after being hit by Drago Nova… With Satanael too! You are very strong!", cheerfully shouted a surprised Milim, even after seemingly getting beat up for minutes, definitely not because she's naive or a fool, and while yes, Milim is indeed an idiot, she can be pretty sharp in these moments. That last leap… she couldn't follow at all. And considering the speed he used before in the fight to deal painful blows… it certainly wouldn't end up well for her. And besides, the guy isn't hostile, so maybe she jumped the gun on this one.

"Noteworthy abilities. You simply lack the strength needed to beat me", replies Jiren with a flat tone as even I notice Milim experiencing an imaginary arrow piercing her heart. This was the first time she ever got called weak… and the claim being true.

"Hey, hey, that's not true! You are just too strong! Anyway! Who are you? I have never heard of your race before, and never seen you either!", replied Milim who started pouting then switching into twinkling eyes, feeling endless curiosity.

"Your world has dimensional cracks that allow travel for strong enough individuals, much like the slime over there whose soul was durable enough to withstand the whole process.", answers Jiren suddenly switching the focus towards the invisible Rimuru who was trying to listen to the conversation, but remain unnoticed, but alas, that clearly did not work.

"Wow, Rimuru, you went through a dimensional crack?! You didn't tell me!!! ", snaps Milim at Rimuru who was starting to sweat at the attention of the three beings who can end him in an instant.

Turning into humanoid form, Rimuru replies:

"Etoo.. I kinda forgot… My memory is kinda fuzzy about that…"

Before Milim can continue her hyper tangent, Guy intervenes and states:

"I will assume you are stranded in this world, so I wholeheartedly suggest you joining the Demon Lords as long as you remain true to your principles and not suddenly want to eradicate humanity, cuz y'know it's kinda my job to prevent that."

"Yes, yes, you should totally join! We were just in a Walpurgis, so we can immediately have it done!", Milim now back on track, agreeing with Guy's suggestion, instantly chirps.

"What are these Demon Lords you speak of?", replies Jiren.

"Essentially, it is a group of currently 8 members of highest-ranking individuals with sufficient strength, usually with their own territories. We sometimes hold meetings to discuss any notable issues, like with Rimuru and his fiasco with Clayman, other than that there's not much to it. The territory is respected, and usually there's no scuffles between the demon lords, but even those can be solved so it's not a problem. What do you say?", answers Guy after a very brief delay.

"Without seeing the 8 members, no answer can be given.", bluntly states Jiren after listening to the official story of Guy.

"Sure, we can manage that, everyone's probably still waiting at the meeting table. So let's go." he replies as he goes up in the air where suddenly a portal appears.


Roxorium78 Roxorium78

Certainly did not pull a TFS Cell reference over here. Our Jiren finally knows what killed him, and he's not happy even with the compensation! After all, who would want to be forcefully kidnapped, hired - even with a well paying job (on a much grander scale with life on the line).

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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