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94.64% The Otome Game’s Extra / Chapter 102: Clear Sight

Capítulo 102: Clear Sight

'Deep Eyes Digest All Things' had Extra Skills.

They were 'Subspace Inventory', 'Consumable Bloodline Limit Slot', 'Ether Seer', and 'Spirit Linker'.

The last two of those abilities was created by giving up his 'Father Nature' Unique Skill for them.

It was a worthwhile investment.

The first allowed him to see the flow of energy circulating around Eva, which gave the ability to somewhat predict the movement of her internal energies. While the second had its own uses.

Allowing him to directly form a link with anything with a 'spirit'. This, so long as he could see them.

He wasn't capable enough to understand how to use it before, but he now felt a deeper insight.

It was about 'connection'.

And since the first person he tested this on was already 'connected' with him in a particular way, it was easier reach out his spirituality and create a bond that allowed the sharing of information.

Eva suddenly felt like they had become two seas that were being connected by a long, thick river.

Except there was one problem…

Adam's eyes allowed him to 'digest' anything within his sight. Thanks to their new bond, he was able to directly drain her mental energy at close range. All in an effort to make get pass out from fatigue.

But he underestimated her…

The lengths she would go to keep him here, and all to herself. He wasn't aware of how cruel she was.

Once she'd made up her mind, her toxic demonic energy mixed with her True Breath to corrupt it.

Even if he'd made her breath chaotic, that didn't change the fact she could breath this out easily.

True Breath…

A vitality source that was deeply intertwined with stamina and resilience… was turned into toxin.

Becoming an acid breath that hit his face.

"AAAARGH!" He let out a short screech before they both toppled over. The back of his head hit ground.

It caused significant injury to his back of his head.

Adam would have died if it wasn't for the fact he couldn't feel pain, and that this was merely an act.

He'd expected some sort of strong retaliation.

A moment afterwards would be his opportunity.

When she let her guard down after seeing him writhe around in agony. Seemingly powerless.

There was one thing he was planning to do with this 'Spirit Link', and it had more to do with Mana.

Both of them were at an equal level.

F Ranks…

Eva put her power in her womb, while he put his in his brain. A choice with two differences in utility.

Although it didn't seem like 'Geisha Hell Gamer Mentality' had anything to do with Dual Cultivation techniques, the reality was different. Thinking so was forgetting one vital thing about his past…

That he was not 'alone'.

Lumina and Solaris had learnt from Hyuk way before she did. They even learnt more thoroughly.

Understanding their bodies perfectly.

When fused into him, 'Eclipsus', both the two different understandings on the 'Star Marked Heaven Extremity' and 'Supreme Sky Black Body Combustion' techniques fused. This was the true nature of his seemingly limited 'Hell Mentality'.

Rather than focusing his F Rank Qi Centre to fight her, Adam sought to do something way deeper.

And to do so, he needed two conditions.

The first was the 'Spirit Link'. It's existence caused the contaminated sea of wickedness to taint him.

Trying to corrupt his soul.

This was when the second condition would kick in.

Adam had met two people with strong faith in themselves and beliefs on the nature of Holy Mana.

Simon Rainglow and Sebastian Pegasus.

Both of them seemed different, but there was one aspect that was shared between the two of them.


Not in other people, but in their own selves.

From what he understood, this was the true nature of 'Holy Mana'… and what it reacted to the most.

With 'indulgence' being Evil Mana's greatest trait.

This, he started to create a harmony within him.

Indulgence, Faith… Yin, Yang…

He had faith in himself, and his body was mired in indulgence. Which allowed him to coat his energy.

Eva suddenly felt a change.

She started to become weaker when it seemed like her 'draining' sexual technique had been reversed.

Adam's body started healing.

His muscles started to regain their thickness, and colour returned to his face. But his face remained.

The acidic burns could not be erased…

After all, True Breath didn't focus on regeneration.

Horrible scars were left all over his face, but he wasn't yet able to take a good look at himself.

He opening his eyes again.

But this time it was different from before.

Adam focused all his energy on reconnecting his left eye. It allowed him to regain full clarity in it.

Then, he used his Skill again after making her lethargic. The power of his 'digestion' sharpened.

"Haaaah…" Eva let out a long sign before falling onto his lap. Her mental energy passed onto him.

The wolf boy was able to siphon her mental energy into unconsciousness. It was a good start.

Now, all he needed do with was to get out.

The bindings on his arms were tight, and it didn't seem like Eva's pussy would let go of his manhood.

'Chewing' on it with regular convulsions.

Not that he wanted her to let go anyway.

Adam was addicted to her now. Unable to live without sex even if he wanted to change himself.

He stabilised his breathing and focused his Mana into his arms. Flames started to burn his restraints.

Flames formed by Yang…

This wasn't on the same level of 'Supreme Sky Black Body Combustion' of Solaris, and was just a basic Extreme Yang technique he managed to use with Pure Mana. The nature of his breath altered.

A new level was achieved in the Hell Mentality.

Four strings of meridians unlocked.

Evil Mana and Holy Mana extended to his left and right eyes. Yin Mana settled into his heart.

And lastly, Yang Mana settled into his private part.

These were like small lakes that needed to be filled with time. They would create a path for him to reach the point he can make another promise. One that would become a Geisha that would bind them.

He let out a foggy breath filled with cold air.

The moisture in the air froze up.

When he escaped his binds and was finally able to lord above her, he felt the urge to kill her right then.

The tables had turned.

He looked at the sleeping expression of the elven beauty. His eyes looked at her with immense hate.

So much so that it weighed him down above her.

He drooled while thinking of hiring her head off in one bite, then turning her lower half into a toy.

Adam wanted to refine it into an onahole. A new self-regenerating device that would 'squeeze' him.

Nothing more…

He looked at that veil on her face and ripped it off her body. Along with the rest of her 'erotic outfit'.

One strip at a time.

Even the jewellery was no exception.

He continued until she was completely naked, with the broken parts of her outfit left on the floor.

Looking at her up and down scarily.

The way the pink flesh of her lower body stretched every time he tried to move was quite maddening.

Making him want to risk waking her by ripping it off.

But then snapped back to reality when he saw the bulge caused by the thick pulp of semen on her stomach. He realised that there was an innocent child in there, even if it was tainted by her energy.

His hand reached out and stroked her stomach…

A once empty heart became filled with a sense of propose. He had something to do at this moment.

One day passed since he'd escaped the restraints.

He didn't seem anxious to find the exit anymore. It was as if he'd ironically made this 'hell' his home.

Eva started to wake up.

She shook her arms, and realised that her wrists to elbows were tied behind her. It was a familiar latex.

Wasn't this one of the restraints she kept laying around? Why was it that she couldn't break out?

"Don't bother. I've sealed all your meridians. It took some time finding ALL of them." Adam sighed.

It was at that point Eva noticed she couldn't reply to him. A gag caused her drool to make a mess.

This want made of cloth, but instead another possession of her own. Also known as a 'Ball Gag'.

It caused her to be able to close her mouth.

Her eyes turned to notice he was wearing a black smiling mask. It covered the scars on his face.

This was definitely Adamanthea.

He didn't make eye-contact with her, only going through some things ominously while talking to her freely. There wasn't a hint of hatred in his tone. In fact, it almost seemed like he was being caring.

This made her both feel relaxed and stressed.

Relaxed from getting what she wanted, and stress from knowing things shouldn't be in this way.

There was no way he didn't hate her for what she did, so why was he not hurting and injuring her?

This question made her feel more uncomfortable.

Especially so when she noticed her own body.

She was laying under the cover of a blanket on a bed, but she couldn't move her body whatsoever.

He seemed to have used a particular type of latex armbinder to cuff her arms behind her back, and put transparent white arm sleeves and stocking on her limbs. Up to this point, she found it 'normal'.

Except when she noticed she couldn't move her legs together. He'd cuffed her ankles onto what was called a 'Spreader Bar'. A long pipe of metal thar cuffed her ankle to each side. 'Opening' her.

Making it impossible to resist if he tried to rape her.

But would he do that?

The feeling of having nothing in her started to make her writhe. She knew he must feel the same.

Only that he had better control over his libido…

"Mmph? Mmmm?" She tried to call out to him, and he stopped what he was doing to walk up to her.

His smile was eerie.

Adam took off the ball gag on her mouth. It made her spit and cough a little after such a long while.

When she recovered herself, she decided to ask:

"Can you let me go? I won't try to hurt you anymore." There was innocence in her voice.

Maybe it was thanks to having some time to reflect on herself, but she had calmed down at this point.

No longer was there an insane lust in her eyes.

Adam seemed to 'glitch' a little after seeing such an innocent expression. He spasmed for a fraction of a second before recovering. His eyes had yet to change compared to before, and he finally spoke:

"I won't. Learn to get used to this situation." Adam brushed her while regaining the light in his eyes.


"Eva, I gave you chances." Since her ignorance was causing his control to wane, he talked to her.

The elf girl had a bad feeling at his monologues:

"Seriously, Eva… Eva… I said I'd forgive you if you let me go. Always forgiving. Always trying to understand where you were coming from. I tried my best. I did… but I can't stop feeling like this."

He took of his mask, which revealed a face of acidic scars. A hideous look formed through burns.

It was as if his face was falling off.

"My family would reject me if they saw this face. I know it's true. They'd be scared of me. Hate me."

"This was the last straw."

"You shouldn't have hurt me. You should've admired you did wrong and changed your ways."

"Now… I can never forgive. You aren't worth it."

"Never…" Adam ended his words while looking into her eyes. Making sure she understood his feelings.

Those eyes caused her fright.

Some described hatred like a flame, but what Adam felt was no longer so volatile or chaotic.

His hatred seemed dense and solid.

Heavy… and as high as a mountain itself.

It weighed down on her with a pressure that almost made her pee herself. Scared of those creepy eyes.

How lacking they were in human conscience.

"A-Adam… I-I'm sorry. Forgive me." Eva's heart shivered when he smiled in response to her.

"Sleep. It's time to rest." He spoke while patting her head gently. His actions didn't match his words.

Eva then realised that seem to be injecting his energy into a bathtub that was filled with water.

No, it was much different.

There was no natural resources for him to get such a thing. The door leading outside was still hidden.

So what was this?

It was at that point Eva noticed that there was an opening to another dimension in this dungeon room. An abundant garden with a lake of clear water. It was something that his cultivation altered.

As a demon herself, the elf girl instinctively noticed that the bathtub was filled with peak 'Holy Water',

A rare resource not commonly found anywhere.

She started to have an even worse feeling.

Especially when his washed hands brought a bucket and towel towards her. As if to clean her.

Taking the sweat off of her body.

"S-stop…!" Eva tried to keep her distance from her natural antithesis. An exorcising tool of priests.

But how could she resist him like this?

"It's time to give you a light rinse. Don't resist. Even if you feel like you're dying." Even though Adam spoke this, he didn't move in and ignore her the resistance in her eyes. In fact, he looked right at them. Not afraid of seeing how she would react.

As expected, her instincts were strong too.

He'd expected to find the rebellious face of the woman he hated to death to be exciting somehow.

Only to end up as such a turn off.

Rather than being 'hard', he decided to use more softer methods to get her to do what he wanted.

Adam put up a natural smile on his face.

One that didn't seem the least artificial.

Then spoke while moving the hair on her face to the side, and then stroking her cheek like a lover.

These actions put the woman at ease.

She leaned onto his palm, as if scared he'd leave.

"If you don't do this for me, I'll leave you to writhe even if you're craving sex." Adam declared while throwing the thin sheet that covered her body. The result was seeing exactly what she looked like now.

Her breasts seemed to have become just a little more plump, but the redness of cherries still there.

Below that was a stomach that was a bit less inflated thanks to the 'seed' inside her eating a lot.

Seemingly taking on the traits of an elf.

The amount of sperms needed for fertilisation was no joke. Which was why he put some fabric in her.

Blocking her up with some panties from her drawer.

It was at that point she started to feel her cravings act up… but she knew she wasn't the only one.

"Would you be able to hold out on your own?" Eva asked as if victorious, and Adam nodded at her.

It was indeed the truth that he felt as strong cravings as she did. Only… he was in control.

Regardless, he didn't make this into a contest.

"Eva…" Adam lifted her chin up, then spoke: "I can think about forgiving you for what you did to me."

These words rippled her heart.

She started to feel hotter.

"Really?" Eva took his words at face value.

"Of course." He continued to act like a lover.

The only thing he didn't do was release the restraints keeping her down. A form of revenge.

She had done this to him too.

And since he was on that matter.

"Give birth to my child." Adam ordered, and it wasn't in any way a 'request' she could refuse.

Somehow, there was a sense of eroticism in this whole situation. Even if she was the one abused.

'He is… USING me.' This was a dream come true for her. Eva had always wanted him to make use of her.

Even if it was to become a seed bed for his children. Both a deep pleasure and incubation tool.

Her whole body started relaxing.

And this was the point Adam felt his heartbeat spike. Unable to control himself from 'teasing'.

Even if it was in a darker way than usual.

"Hey, are you alright in there?" He patted her inflated womb, and knew what the egg cell wanted.

But he couldn't give the spawn what it desired.

He could tell that though the embryo was small, it was eating the vitality inside her at an alarming rate. The speed was way too fast compared to its tiny size. Enough for him to notice with the 'link'.

Adam started to work on Eva subtly.

His freshly washed hands caused her some pain as he touched around. Noticing her every reaction.

It was time to start…

Adam dipped his hand into the Holy Water and slapped a handful onto her stomach emotionlessly.

"Eugh?!" She reacted in confusion. The instincts of a demon and her survival instincts had spiked high.

Eva writhed silently in agony after the sharp pain struck. It seemed like she was going into labour.

Though this was only outwardly.

But this was only the beginning of her 'cleansing ceremony'. One that he created for his child's sake.

A light rinse was the least she'd worry about.

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